

The Envoy noticing that Irina was hyperventilating could only hope that she didn't die.

Dear! You definitely must stay alive!

He sighed restlessly, filled with worry, and finally chose to continue speaking.

After all, at one time or another she would definitely find out about that and the sooner the impact on the news was the better... Or less worse?!

Well, she would have time to digest everything, that was for sure.

ZDF987 *This appeared in my logs… Last Mission: Take Care of the Heroine's Child.*

Irina leaned against the wall, she desperately needed somewhere to sit or to remain still.

Where were the chairs when you needed them?!

God... Bella was pregnant... Pregnant... Pregnant... Pregnant... Pregnant... Shit!

"Is this serious?"

Irina was mostly irritated by the pitiful way she found herself at that moment.

A grown, wealthy woman who could barely stand on her feet for fear of being kissed.

And that curiously now she would have a child to take care of ... Your nephew ?!

The Envoy nodded and confirmed as he watched Irina's vital signs and confirmed that she wasn't about to die.

That would definitely be a huge tragedy.

ZDF987 *Looks like it.*


She kept silent, her mind was clouded and she was still mulling over all that information.

Bella was pregnant!


The Envoy looked once... twice... three. Well, she was quiet, but she was breathing.

Maybe she was fine... Right?!

ZDF987:*Are you okay?*

Irina denied it, she wasn't well, she could hardly breathe and could barely walk she was so dizzy.

Even she thought she might faint.

"She… Is she really pregnant? Who is the father?"

The Envoy felt astonished, is his concern that she is pregnant? Sincerely...

Are you in the midst of a panic attack because of this?

Honey, are you sure you really don't have feelings for her?

ZDF987:*I thought you might be surprised that you had to participate in another System Plot...*

Irina ignored her Envoy, she needed to see the data immediately.

"I... I don't know what to think... Show me this..."

Well, she needed a lot of things and the main one was oxygen, but data was also needed.

While ZDF987 advanced all the information, Irina staggered towards any place that served as refuge.

She couldn't even explain how she managed to get anywhere without tripping over her own legs.

When she finally realized that she was standing in front of a sign for the women's restroom, she didn't think twice and entered immediately.

She even locked the bathroom door.

Fortunately there were no people, just one, but it was exactly who she needed to see at that moment: Amany.

Irina didn't think too much and hugged the woman who was busy touching up her makeup.

Amany was taken aback by the sudden touch.

A pair of arms wrapped around her, hugging her from behind.

She could only see who she was by having a mirror right in front of them.

Well, it was a little scary to see Irina hugging her like that, besides it was hard not to notice how red her face was.

She was sick? With fever?

Amany tried to free herself from the grip, but didn't insist when she noticed that Irina seemed to be panting. "Irina?"

Irina didn't want to let go of her.

Let me hug you, I'm in a really bad place.

But Amany could only think: Hell, what happened to you?

"What there was? Your face is red..."

Irina smiled a little awkwardly, looks like I'm making things difficult for you.

I'm sorry for that.

"Let me stay a little longer like this... Your presence calms me down."

Amany didn't know exactly what to feel with those words, she didn't want to see Irina not vulnerable like that.

But she felt somehow satisfied that he managed to bring her some well-being.

Some days will be hard, let me ease your burden.

Amany was the kind of person who was patient and kind.

Love slowly and live a happy life, there is no rush and in a way she liked a peaceful and calm life.

Maybe this is a reflection of so much agitation in her social life, she doesn't have many days at home and will have even less in the future.

But she really hoped for the opportunity to have a peaceful life and when she got home after a tiring day at work she could have the relief of stress by a strong hug.

A hug that brings relief and recharge your energies.

Well, maybe it's silly or a distant dream, but she wanted this in so many ways in her heart.

Amany sighed a little worriedly and simply nodded.

Take your time. "All good."

She lightly touched your hands around her waist and caressed the soft, warm skin.

Irina felt the cold touch, Amany had cold hands.

She had already noticed it when you petted her before the awards, you seem to get cold easily. It makes me want to warm you up.

Maybe you have an easy time catching a cold.

I want to protect her.

Her smile is so beautiful, let me be the reason he's on her face.

Irina didn't feel hopelessly in love, but she wanted to get involved with Amany.

She liked the tranquility and lightness that seemed to envelop her.

The girl was sweet as honey and I seem to be hooked.

Well, Irina didn't even get to taste the sweetness, but she wanted it so badly.

Amany was like happiness that filled her with peace.

ZDF987 watched all that quietly, he didn't want to interrupt the moment.

He smiled slightly and even made himself more comfortable in her seat.

Irina seemed to like Amany and the feeling was mutual.

But Bella was the big question of that problem, you have a mission to take care of that child, but how are you going to do that without dealing with the mother?!

The Envoy whispered in an attempt not to spoil the moment. ZDF987*Irina... You definitely need to visit a doctor... You have panic attacks again.*

Irina heard what the Envoy had said and just sighed, she would go.

ZDF987 closely followed Irina's troubled mind, along with 'Unbreakable' she manifested a severe condition of Panic Syndrome.

In the 12 hours she stayed away from the System Weave, she lived in daily treatment with therapists and psychologists.

When she was detained by police and her part of the story was finally over, she felt at peace and just kept watching.

Treatment had not actually stopped, but the pace of consultations had slowed down.

Now with the constant thought and presence of Bella around Irina, she seemed to be facing her nightmares again.

Well, it seems to have been an illusion to think that it was all over with the 'Unbreakable' and now she was the one who was in a thousand pieces.

She recognized that there was a problem, but it was really hard to face it.

Irina at that moment wasn't thinking about the mission or Bella, she had just accepted that she couldn't continue the way she was.

Living in fear around corners or running away miserably was deplorable, she would no longer accept that kind of life.

She wanted something better.

Time passed, she couldn't say how long she stayed clinging to Amany's waist, but she knew it was enough time to finally warm those cold hands.

Her face wasn't so hot anymore and her breathing was even.

Amany's perfume was impregnated in her nose, it was sweet... It seemed to suit her perfectly.

She pulled her face away from Amany's back and laid her chin gently on her shoulder.

The previously defensive and fragile posture quickly became intimate and affectionate.

Amany watched Irina's movements and her heart was beating like crazy, they were so close. Heavens… "Are you better?"

Amany asked hoarsely.

Irina smiled slightly and nodded.

The slight movement of her head made Amany completely bristle.

She felt very attracted to Irina, her face got hot just by looking at her, but having her close and still holding her was something that went far beyond her ambitions for that day.

Irina smiled and felt amused.

It seems that when you're around I'm the one who turns into a wolf.

It seems that when you're around I'm the one who turns into a wolf.

She took advantage of the proximity and whispered in Amany's ear. "Do you… do you want to go out with me for dinner now?"

Amany barely managed to hide her surprise, she was very surprised by that invitation, she was unexpectedly happy.

She wanted a lot. "Now?"

Next chapter