
Don't eat so quickly

Bella heard that and her heart stopped for a few moments... Would Irina kick them off the table? Would that be possible?

The waiter replied full of fear, he feared some kind of discussion.

It was very obvious that that table with those four people were in a huge conflict.

The poor guy just wanted some peace and a satisfying end to his workday. "Yes..."

Irina nodded and looked at Lily.

Let's clear some things up and make sure we don't have any more misunderstandings.

"Miss Opsahl, let's talk just the two of us for a moment, please..."

Lily, who also thought she would be expelled, felt a huge relief when she understood Irina's intentions.

Well, of course she wanted to be able to talk.

The woman immediately got up and quickly pointed at her daughter.

She makes sure she is accompanied and goes to solve that problem.

"Of course! Bella, stay here with the beautiful girl, we'll be back in a bit."

Irina did the same, got up and approached Amany.

Well, she had said on the spur of the moment that they were dating.

But now she would really treat her like her girlfriend.

Let's date and live well.

Feel safe and trust me, I want you by my side.

Levante reached down and kissed the guy on Amany's head, a clean and simple gesture.

Full of tenderness.

"Honey, I'll be back in a bit, start eating without me."


Amany and Bella watched the two women walk away and silently huddled together.

They knew what the presence of each other meant.

They were rivals in love.

Both wanted to be with Irina.

Bella moistened her lips and broke the immaculate silence.

"How did you find out about my pregnancy?"

Amany looked towards Bella and smiled.

The truth was, she didn't know, she just lied that she knew something and luckily her assumption was right.

The pregnancy was really a big secret, but she needed something to scare Lily.

"I just lied, nobody created that kind of rumor about you... I just didn't want to see your mother talk to Irina like that..."

Bella smiled, Amany was smarter than imagined.

She really had made it all up and she was just lucky to be right.

God really had her favorites.

"Dating is also a lie? Are you trying to scare me?"

Amany sipped some more of her tea and suddenly felt curious about what Bella was drinking.

It smelled really good.

"How's your tea?"

Bella arched her brows, confused she could only think how strange that woman was.

"See for yourself, try it."

Amany looked at Bella and it didn't seem like a bluff, she actually was offering her own drink.

What kind of situation was that?

A little intrigued, Amany took the cup for herself and drank the liquid.

It was sweet, but the flavor was lemony.

Really tasty.

But the feeling of kissing Bella was strange.. Even if it was a mere indirect kiss.

They were acting very casually without any reason.

After drinking some tea, she handed the cup back to Bella and a little shyly she offered hers.

"Try mine, you might like it..."

Bella didn't see much trouble sharing a simple drink, she didn't have the same confused thoughts as Amany.

Without much ceremony she took the cup and without thinking much she drank it.

She feared that if she smelled it she would be sick, but the effect was actually the opposite.

It was tasty.

It tasted of strawberries and something else she couldn't recognize.

Cinnamon maybe?!

"It's tasty, what flavor is that?!"

Amany smiled gently and took her cup for herself again. "Apple with cinnamon and strawberry..."

Bella nodded, that flavor was really unique, she liked it.

"... As for what you asked... It's not a lie, after all she's with me isn't she?!"

Bella smiled, yes...she was.

"You really must be really easy, did she say we kissed the day of the awards?!"

Amany wasn't shaken, she expected something like this to have happened.

Irina looked so scared, well... That was why.

Now she knew.

She noticed the faint lipstick mark on her cup and ignored it.

"Maybe it doesn't matter, I was the one who spent the night with her."

Bella heard that and didn't have time to react.

Her heart squeezed.

She wanted to leave the table, she wanted to confront Irina.

She really wanted to understand what Amany has that is so unique that makes her better than her.

She was irritated, completely ignoring the Envoy in her mind urging her to calm down.

"I'm really curious to know if you're that good..."

Amany who could hear Bella's irritation just smiled and grinned even wider when she saw her request arrive.

A really nice and appetizing sandwich.

"I don't believe you'll ever have the opportunity to experience what I am or am not... Take and eat... My order arrived earlier, but it's the same as yours..."

Bella's stomach rumbled, she was so hungry... Why would you want to be gentle even when we're fighting?!

So irritating.

Avoiding looking at Amany, Bella bit into her sandwich.

It was still delicious even though it was from Amany.

Amany who didn't care much for Bella called the waiter over and whispered something to him which he quickly nodded in response.

Bella felt curious but ignored it.

She could only think that she should have ignored her mother's invitation and actually stayed home.

Rest and sleep.

It's better than being humiliated in such a way.

Trapped in her thoughts, she didn't notice the waiter's approach, this time he was carrying a teapot full of tea... The fragrant smell of cinnamon emerged.

Amany had ordered enough tea for both of them.

Bella didn't know if she should feel grateful or sour for such an attitude.

The tea was delicious, but that woman... Despicable.

Bella took another bite of her sandwich, but she could see the brief moment when Amany picked up a small piece of strawberry and bit into it.

The smile that came across her face was sweet and beautiful.

Bella felt her face heat up… Yes, that was definitely the effect of the steam from the tea.

She felt irritated. Even more irritated.

She was thinking nonsense instead of worrying about eating and leaving.

Finally when Bella's sandwich arrived, Amany took it for herself.

She was starving.

She quickly realized that she was being watched and pretended not to notice.

Bella looked like a child acting so sullenly.

She delicately took a knife and cut the sandwich in half.

"Don't eat so quickly... It will make your nausea worse... Also, that lemon is supposed to increase the acidity should ensure you don't get nauseous while drinking this tea."

Gently Amany took one of the slices of lemon that she had ordered with her tea and squeezed it lightly into the teapot.

The ground flavor didn't change much, but the acidity was better accepted on Bella's palate.

The more caring she acted the more Bella felt like she was about to explode.

At some point, irritated by the siemta in her mind and Amany in front of her, she snapped.

"Why are you acting like this? You should see me as a threat!"

Amany was completely taken aback and even choked on her tea.

She coughed a few times to collect herself.

That girl was really very impulsive, she really looks like her mother.

"Cough... Cough... What's my fault if you're pregnant or if you're in love with Irina? What's your fault if I'm in love and dating Irina? Should I be angry simply because I'm dissatisfied with fate?"

Bella didn't understand, she really thought Amany should be pissed off.


Amany smiled, that was very childish.

She wouldn't get angry over things beyond her control.

No matter how hard I try, I can't change certain things, why should I get upset?

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like being around you, but we're drinking tea and that's it... Let's leave it to fight or argue when we really have reason to..."

Bella didn't understand, but she didn't want to understand. She was tired of Amany.

"It doesn't matter... I still like Irina..."

Amany nodded and agreed. "Me too."

Next chapter