
Why love is so difficult?

Hinako, a beautiful college student with high grades struggled to find love.

It was final year of college, Hinako was glad school is almost over. However, she felt empty.

Looking around the college campus, she sees love everywhere.

In the park, in the cafe, in the class, and around the school... she was envious. She wants love like them.

Why is it so hard?

Wasn't she pretty enough?

Hinako thought about it for a long time but came to the conclusion that she wasn't good enough.

Her friends, Yuki and Mina, all got their boyfriends. Why doesn't she have one?

Hinako sighed as she walked around the campus and sat down on one of the staircase. She pulled out her diary.

Entry 1:

My wish is to find love before graduation. A person who truly treasures me. A person I can share my problems to. A person who truly loves me from inside out.

As Hinako closed her diary, someone tapped on her shoulder. It was her friend, Yuki.

"Hinako, there you are! What are you doing? We have a class to catch." Yuki took Hinako's hand as they both ran to their classes.

Everyone was whispering and chattering about something. Hinako and Yuki found a seat in the front row.

"I heard a new professor is coming!" Yelled one student.

"I saw her this morning, she is gorgeous. Her husband is really handsome too." One girl said.

"A new teacher?" Hinako was curious who she was.

Finally, the school director came and explained. "Good Morning, everyone. I would like to introduce Miss. Ami. She graduated from University of Tokyo with a degree in Finance. Everyone say hello to Miss. Ami Takai." Hinako and the others clapped.

They were right, Miss. Ami is gorgeous. Her slender body made her look so elegant. She wore a business outfit with a tight long skirt. The way she talks was very soothing.

"Miss. Ami, are you single?" One guy asked.

"Yes. I am not married." She replied.

"Can I date you?" One guy asked jokingly.

"I'm sorry but class is starting. Everyone, please flip to page 300. We'll start from here." Miss. Ami began to teach the course.

Hinako listened very attentively. She asked questions and participates in class too. One thing she cannot forget, Miss. Ami's smile was very alluring.

Hinako shook off the fact and continued to pay attention in class but she became distracted.

Hinako doesn't understand why her heart beat so fast when Miss. Ami is around. Could it be she has a crush on Miss. Ami? No, she can't. Hinako tried her best to forget about it but her head was already thinking about Miss. Ami.

Once class was over, bunch of students went to Miss. Ami. Hinako watched her explaining questions to her students. She was very patient and attractive to the guys.

Several minutes after, Yuki and Hinako left the class. Yuki stretched her arms up high and exclaimed, "Class is finally over. We got three more to go still."

"Hey, Hinako. What did you think of Miss. Ami?" Yuki asked.

"She's great. She's very beautiful too." Hinako said as she smiled.

"I know right? If I didn't have a boyfriend. I will totally date her. She is my ultimate girl crush. I cannot believe she is not married yet." Yuki sounded very excited.

Few weeks later, Hinako went to class and saw Miss. Ami with another guy hugging. She immediately felt jealous. Who was this guy? When she sat on her original chair waiting for Yuki, Miss. Ami came over.

"Are you Hinako? This is my brother from Kyoto. He's been doing business over there for a few years already. I thought it would be good to let him share his experiences." Miss. Ami looked at her smiling.

"Hi, my name is Hinako. Nice to meet you." Hinako shook his hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you too." Replied Miss. Ami's brother.

Hinako was surprised Miss. Ami knew what she was thinking, she must be a mind-reader, Hinako thought.

"Nah, she's just great at reading people." Her friend said.

Hinako tried her best to forget about Miss. Ami but it was too late.

Few days later, Hinako never knew Miss. Ami will change her life.