
chapter 7:An unexpected encounter and ally

The streets were a little agitated and insecure watching as a group of young people of different ages walked all together like a small army that went to a battlefield radiating a dangerous sensation with whoever crossed their path.

The streets full of people opened the way to those young people wherever they went without bothering to block their way, since if one saw the face of those young people, they could be seen all serious and excited for some unknown reason.

Some heroes who saw that tried to stop them since they were scaring civilians, but when some hero approached them and blocked their path, they suddenly disappeared from the place where they stood without a trace.

The same thing happened about two or three times, when a hero stopped blocking his path, they disappeared. And that is why people when they saw what happened to the heroes by blocking their path they moved away giving them the step and without saying anything.


"tch ... we are drawing a lot of attention from these useless." ~ Ryuuji said loudly referring to the heroes who had crossed his path.

"Hey, Murayama! Use your quirk on us to float and get there faster." ~ Ryuuji yelled at a friend who was behind him following him.

"Ok, okay, it's better that way." ~ Young Murayama said and made some movements with his hands and white spheres appeared around him, then with his fingers he pointed towards everyone and the spheres enlarged by locking the people inside, then with his hands, he handled the spheres and climbed high from the sky.

When they started flying across the sky, they quickly covered a great distance in a few seconds. Some were a little nervous as it was the first time they flew like this, but they quickly got used to it and waited patiently for them to arrive at the place they were going while watching the beautiful sunset in the distance.


The sun was slowly setting on the horizon behind the mountains and ending a new day.

Up in the sky you could see many young people flying surrounded by a white sphere passing through the tall buildings of the city.

Ryuuji was leading everyone when suddenly something down the street catches his eye, turns to where Murayama is and tells him.

Ryuuji: "Hey Murayama, release me and let me fall when I'm on top of that big guy who is there!" ~ He said pointing to a place where a very large man stood as tall as a building that was cornering two girls.


"Where are the offices of the Springer heroes?" ~ A big man asked in a deep and frightening voice, the man was covered with a blanket that covered his entire huge body and had a radio that hung from his neck. He was asking some girls a question and had them cornered on the wall of a building

The girls were afraid of looking at the huge man who had suddenly approached him asking them some questions. At first, they were going to respond without any problem since they had seen all kinds of people who have different types of quirk that change their appearance, but from one moment to another the man for some strange reason was beginning to get impatient and get more aggressive with his tone of voice, and that scared them a lot.

The surrounding people were all standing and still like a statue without knowing what to do in this situation, some were watching, others were moving away from the place so as not to be involved, and more than one was running out of that place.

Across the street was a young man who was sweating looking left and right in a nervous way looking for something or someone and seemed to want to help the girls, but if one could see well he could see that the boy's legs were shaking.

"So they won't tell me.!" ~ The man said in a calm and deep voice with his eyes shining dangerously. He raised his hand and rested it on the wall of the building and with enormous force he crushed the wall in the form of a spider net with his fingers scaring more the girls who were now sobbing scared and protecting his head with the hands of the small rocks that fell on them without being able to react to anything more than that.

"¿Why don't you tell me?" ~ Repeated the enormous man with more severity applying more pressure on the concrete with his hand cracking the building more.


¡Ahhhhhh !!!

¡Kyaaaa !!!

Suddenly something collided with the body of the huge man who made him fall to the ground raising dust and forcing the people who were close to cover their eyes and protect themselves from the wind caused by the strong impact.

When the dust in the air cleared, passersby could see a young man sitting on top of the giant that was lying on the floor.

Then they saw that from the sky about 50 young people descended to the ground watching the giant and helping the two women who long ago were afraid in front of the big man.

"Who are you, why do you interrupt me?" Asked the giant while lying on the floor while Ryuuji was sitting on top of him.

Ryuuji seeing the giant who was not angry with him and was just asking calmly as if he didn't care if he had been thrown to the ground, he thought that maybe the giant was a bit idiot and slow, that he had great strength and endurance, but low intelligence.

When he saw this, he came up with an idea and said:

Ryuuji: "Oh, sorry, a while ago I heard you were asking for some directions and I, as a good citizen I am, came to tell you where you can find the offices of the hero you are looking for. ~ Ryuuji told the giant with a smile on his face.

"Oh, it's serious, thanks." The giant responded with a voice without emotion.

Ryuuji: "Follow us, come with us, my friends and I will also see the hero you are looking for."

"Oh, you also go by order of the Lord.!"

'Sir!, Who will you mean by that? But now that I look it right in the face, this man seems familiar to me ... Hmmm, where will I have seen him ... ahhhhhh ... I remember who he is he, if I convince him to come with us, this guy will be very helpful, he doesn't seem to be very smart, so let's try. '

Ryuuji: "Yes, yes, we also go by the Lord's order, so if you want you can come with us so that we all go together, ¿what do you think?"

"Okay, let's go together, you're a good little boy." ~ Said the giant and Ryuuji rose from his sitting position on top of him so he could stop.

Ryuuji approached the girls who were previously being intimidated by the giant.

Ryuuji: "Hey, they're fine."

Sob sob ...

Girls x2: "Yes, thank you, we were very afraid."

Ryuuji: "Oh, okay, no problem."

Girl 2: "Thank you very much for saving my friends. ~ Said a girl leaning towards Ryuuji. The girl had pink skin, black eyes and antennas on her head."

Ryuuji recognized her as Mina Ashido, the girl who could produce acid from her body, and then looked across the street and there she saw a boy standing looking at everything that was happening with a lost look on his face. The boy was Kirishima Eijiro.

Ryuuji: "Well, it's time to go, if you'll excuse us, we'll take the big guy with us so he doesn't bother people."

Ryuuji: "Come on guys, and you too big man, follow us closely so you don't get lost.!"


Ryūji and the others were walking through the dark streets, now accompanied by one more person who was a man as tall as a building. As they walked, Ryuuji started talking to the big man and trying to trick him into helping them with what they were going to do now.

Ryuuji: "Then big man, as I can call you, you have a name."

"The Lord gave me the name of Gigantomachia."

Ryuuji: "Gigantomachia, uh ..."

"My name is Yamamoto Ryuuji, you can only tell me Ryuu, my friends call me that."

Gigantomachia: "¿Ryuu? ¿Friends? ¿Am I your friend?

Ryuuji: "Of course it is! We are already introducing each other and now we are going to end the person the Lord told us, so we are friends." ~ Ryuuji said with a smile on his face as if it were obvious since both were under the Lord's orders. Ryuuji told him that he had been ordered to come with him to help him in his mission and since Gigantomachia had a simple mind, he believed everything he said.

Gigantomachia: "Friends, of course, now you are my friend, since we both follow the Lord, we are friends."

Ryuuji: "Of course if hahahaha .... hey, you can take me on your shoulders."

Gigantomachia: "sure, get on"

Ryuuji: "Oh, thanks"


Akeno: "Hey, ¿who is this guy? Some of you know him." Akeno asked whispering to others since she had never seen him, but Ryuuji seemed to know him.

Mamoru: "No, I don't know him, but maybe he is an acquaintance of Ryuu-san, you know that very rare people come around him, including us."

Aoki: "I haven't seen him either, but apparently they get along. ~ He said as he watched as Ryuuji climbed on the shoulders of the big man and started talking to each other.

"That guy is really big."

"It's going to make a lot of help for him to join us."

"I have never seen it."

"I thought Mamomu was already big, but this guy is as tall as a building."

Akeno: "Well, I don't care who it is, now he's coming with us."

Aoki: "I don't know if Ryuu-san already knew him before, but you didn't see the smile on his face." ~ When Aoki mentioned that, the others looked at Ryuuji's face well and saw that he was with a cunning smile like that of a fox fooling others.

Mamoru: "Now that you say it, it's true."

Akeno: * Sigh * "And whenever he does that, it's because he's up to something.

Aoki: "Well, you just have to wait for us to arrive, and we're close to the place."


After being walking for a few more minutes, they arrived at the place where several criminals met that that was the fate of Ryuuji and the others. The place was a large warehouse located in a remote part of the city, inside you could hear many people talking to each other, shouting and playing background music.

In the abandoned warehouse where they arrived, there were all kinds of illegal bets, the most common were fights where one could win fast money, there were also minor villains selling drugs to students who gathered there.

Ryuuji got off Gigantomachia's shoulders and started walking towards the huge warehouse door.

At the warehouse door, there were 5 men who were outside watching when they saw many people walking to them.

Hey who are you!

Because they are here!

Ryuuji did not bother to talk to them when he appeared among the five people and with quick movements he hit them all in the neck leaving them unconscious.

The reason why he ended up with them like this, was to not make a fuss and to catch all those who are unprepared and do not escape since he does not want to let anyone escape and to do that first he had to close the whole place forming a barrier

Ryuuji: "Make a barrier for anyone to escape and paralyze these idiots." ~ Ryuuji said and then walked to Akeno.

Ryuuji: "Akeno, you have my metal bats."

Akeno: "Oh, yes, here have ryuu-san." ~ Akeno said and opened a small black hole in the air from which he took out two metal bats and handed them to Ryuuji.

The two metal bats were the ones Ryuuji used to fight, with a bat or two in his hands he won all the fights. After receiving the bats from Akeno, he told Gignatomachia.

Ryuuji: "Well friend, the hero we are looking for is hiding here, but he is going to use his subordinates to escape, so when we enter you have to hit everyone who crosses your path, you understand."

Gigantomachia: "I understand, kill everyone, right."

Ryuuji: "Exactly"

Ryuuji said as he raised his thumb in confirmation.

Ryuuji: "Well, then Gigantomachia, knock down the door for the killing to begin."