
chapter 25: tests are boring...

(Author's note: well this may seem confusing since in this chapter I will only follow the yuuei and all that, but I did not know how to start writing a conversation between Ryuuji and Yuujiro, I was thinking about it a lot but I just did not find how, so I'll write it for chapters later when something occurs to me and I'll just keep going, or otherwise if I don't write something, then the motivation will go away and I won't write anything)


The day had finally come when they would have their first day of school and meet their classmates with whom they would spend together for the next three years.

In recent days Ryuuji does not know why his body has been tired and he has been sleeping a lot, sometimes he was seen yawning every so often.

Clearly that caught the attention of others and they worried, but Ryuuji always told them that he was fine and that he was nothing.

Sometimes he would fall asleep while standing or in the middle of a conversation and then wake up with a jump and continue talking as if nothing had happened.

Ryuuji clearly also found what was happening to him very strange since the others told him that he fell asleep and then he woke up like nothing and continued with what he was doing before falling asleep.

Then he just did not take much importance on that and thought that later it would go away with the days. He thought that he was only very tired with all the shit that has happened to him in the last months, he believed that just by sleeping a little bit, that strange condition that he had acquired overnight would pass.

As Ryuuji had always gotten up early to do his two-hour training that he did every day, after he finished preparing to go to school he wanted to arrive early so he hurried to be ready.

The acceptance in the Yuuei is one of 300 each year, in addition to the 4 admitted by recommendation 36 are admitted by the exam, those 36 are divided into 2 classes of 18 each.

But this year the exam was different because the people who managed to enter were more than the previous years. So now the hero courses are three classes and in each class there are 22 people in them.

The classes that this year were 1-A, 2-B, and the newly added class-S.

Class-S was where Ryuuji, Mamoru, Akeno, and Aoki entered, while the others were divided between Class 1-A and 2-B.


After walking for a while they arrived at the school and proceeded to enter to go to their classroom.

Opening the huge doors and looking inside they realized that they were the first to arrive, so they simply chose their seats that were the latest and waited for everyone to arrive.

After waiting patiently for a while, Ryuuji got bored and leaned back on his desk to sleep as he was bored.


Ryuuji suddenly woke up from a jump because he felt someone talking to him, looking from left to right he realized that the classroom that was empty a moment ago was now with people who were looking at him.

"cof-cof as I was saying a moment ago, put your suits on and go to the patio." ~ Aizawa spoke lazily looking at Ryuuji and then left the room.

Then the students who were inside gradually began to go out to go to the locker room and put on their gym clothes.

Ryuuji seeing that turned to see Akeno who was on his side and asked him. "Then what is to be done now?" ~ Saying that, Ryuuji covered his mouth with his hand and yawned as he was still sleepy and disoriented without knowing what was happening now.

"Well, we have to change our clothes, you just follow the others, Aizawa told us to go to the patio afterwards where they would give us a test." ~ Akeno answered what Ryuuji asked and pointed to the other men so that Ryuuji would follow them.

Ryuuji only nodded still a little sleepy and followed the others slowly walking.

Already in the schoolyard where they were all gathered, Aizawa explained that they would have a quirk comprehension test

Aizawa: "Ehh well, I will only repeat it once so you better pay attention, as I said a moment ago, today we will do an exam where it will be divided into different stages where they will have to use their quirk to do the tests. "

"Among the tests will be softball throwing, long jumps, 50-meter runs, endurance races, mastery of your strength, exercises to strengthen your upper body and touch your feet while sitting."

"All those activities that you know since high school, there are also psychic exams where the use of your quirk is prohibited."

"The country has not yet standardized these types of records or followed the average of powers by means of levels, but well that is somewhat negligent on the part of Mext."

"Ryuuji, how far could you pitch playing softball in high school?" ~ Aizawa asked Ryuuji that he was in his own world as he watched the clouds in the sky. He woke up when Aizawa called him and while looking at him he replied: "I don't know, I've never done that, so I wouldn't know how to answer that question."

"O well, it doesn't matter, take this ball and try to throw it with your quirk, as far as you can." ~ Aizawa threw a ball to Ryuuji who caught it with his hand and looked at it for a few seconds until he looked up and said to Aizawa.

"Do you want me to throw it with my quirk? ... But if I do that the ball will be traveling for 3 days and 3 nights until who knows where ..... now, for me there is no problem, but if you want me to do it I will do it." Ryuuji said.

Aizawa meanwhile looked at him with a bored face and then just said, "It doesn't matter, just throw the ball."

"Well" Ryuuji took off a glove and lightly touched the ball, when the ball suddenly disappeared from his hand as if Ryuuji had teleported it. The other students seeing that began to make noise talking about how Ryuuji had done that, but Ryuuji himself paid no attention and turned to look at Aizawa.

"Well, if what you say is true and the ball will travel for three days in a row and since it already exceeded the range that our radar could follow, the result it gave was infinite." ~ Aizawa said and showed the small device showing the infinity sign of Ryuuji's launch.

The students seeing that, they simply exclaimed more about the result that Ryuuji had obtained when throwing the ball.

"Woaa! That's great, as expected from Ryuuji-san!"

"Infinity, that's amazing."

"This sounds great, throwing the ball with the quirk is something I've never done before.

"It seems fun!"

Aizawa: "Ja, this will be fun, they say, you will spend three years in this school where it is just your first day and you are already talking about having fun, you really want to become heroes thinking about it."

"If you think about having fun then now I will make a new rule, the student who ranks last in the total score of the tests I will do will be judged without compassion and will be instantly expelled." ~ Aizawa spoke in a dark voice as she looked at everyone with those eyes that scared everyone.

"Our freedom means being able to control students as we please if they are welcome to the new S-class hero department."

"But what is he saying, the contestant who qualifies last will be expelled, it is our first day here and we will still be expelled ... that's so illogical!"

Aizawa: "You guys don't seem to know what it is to be a hero yet, everywhere there are natural disasters, massive accidents, villains and psychopaths just like that demon guy who appeared a few months ago and also the other redhead who attacked many policemen and heroes. "

"All kinds of calamities can happen at any time when we least expect it, on the streets of Japan he is steeped in the illogical and our job as a hero is to reserve everything and maintain logic."

"For example, if you were in a food hall and suddenly is attacked without warning and you were not prepared to face that danger, that would be very bad and disastrous for you and the people around you."

"That is why from now on and for the next three years, all they can hope for in life in Yuuei are difficulties after difficulties as we teach them how to act in such a moment."

"This is plus ultra, I hope they pass the rehearsals and reach the top ... it's time to get in position."

After a while the tests began and since the author is lazy to write he will not tell the details because everything happened just like the anime, but with a slight change and that was that Ryuuji devastated all the tests passing them with the highest score leaving everyone surprised.

In the 50-meter race he with his inhuman speed just when Aizawa started the race, he was already on the other side stopped. And in the place where he had been standing before there were imprints of his feet imprinted on the ground showing that he had pushed himself with great force ...

In the tests of pressure forces, with his monstrous force he broke the small machine with his grip and that was to be expected of him since Ryuuji has the grip force that can turn coal into a diamond.

Well, I'll explain, maybe it's useless information or maybe something you didn't know, but I'll tell you anyway.

The mouse and the blue whale are both mammals, the beetle and the hercules beetle are both insects, things with completely different appearances that are the same.

Coal has the 'C' symbol and the diamond is also the 'C' symbol.

Coal and diamond from here both give the impression of being totally different materials, but the truth is that chemically they are the same, they are similar materials

The coal that a forgonero throws to a steam train machine and the small diamonds that some wedding rings wear are similar.

But no, that cannot be true.

The importance is the force you apply, how much pressure. The number of atmospheres necessary to convert the diamond and coal into it is, in fact, one hundred thousand.

The space we live in is at atmospheric pressure. It is a hundred thousand times that, converted into physical weight, that is one hundred thousand tons.

If you apply that kind of pressure to the coal you will transform it into diamond, apparently.

Anyway, try to grab a piece of coal and then try to squeeze it with a hundred tons, well that's impossible and it sounds very ridiculous, right.

Humans cannot do that, tck tck tck but this is where you are wrong now, since we now live in a world where people can breathe fire. Become giant and has súper strength among many other things.

Today's humans have evolved in a crazy way to say. So nowadays it would not be anything strange to be able to find a person who was capable of doing that. heck, even All Might can do something like that with his enormous strength he could become a millionaire overnight just having small pieces of coal and then make them diamonds and sell them.

Some villains are very idiots who have a quirk that gives them super strength and they use it to steal instead of training a little more and doing something like that.

Ryuuji after training a lot for these months one day he realized that, his enormous grip strength, that strength he had in his hands capable of turning coal into a diamond.

After realizing that, he started making diamonds and selling them, thus making a lot of money.

Okay, now let's get back to testing.

The next test was the throwing of the ball that, as previously happened, Ryuuji had an infinite distance, although he was not the only one who obtained that result since there was a cheerful girl with a round face who also threw the ball and obtained the infinite result.

Then there was the test where you had to move from left to right as fast as you can, Ryuuji did it his way and always went with everything he had with his highest speed. When Ryuuji did it, everyone thought it was some kind of cloning because there were two Ryuuji standing there doing nothing.

But then they noticed on his feet that he was moving slightly and finally Aizawa said that he was moving at a super speed that made it seem like two of him, but that it was actually an image of himself that he left when he moved to a Incredible speed, and needless to say, everyone was surprised again.

After a while the tests were finished and as an obvious result Ryuuji and the others were the ones who occupied the first positions.

1-Yamamoto Ryuuji

2-Minami Akeno

3-Minami Aoki

4-Take Mamoru

5-Yaoyorozu Momo

6-Todoroki Shouto



[Information taken from the Baki Dou manga]