
chapter 23:RIP Ruuji

Pov Ryuuji

I was really enjoying this day. This day was supposed to be a break from everything we've been through recently. Either of the difficult training we have undergone every day to be stronger and prepare for the yuuei tests

Or also of the villains and the problems that we have faced in the passage of these months. but good, that it will be done to him if the destiny wants to fuck to me then I will also do the same with him.

When I saw that Mamoru and Akeno suddenly appeared wounded in front of my eyes I knew that this day of rest and celebration was over.

Quickly I approached them to see their condition, I saw that Mamoru had a large wound in his chest, that wound could only have been with a knife, something that can cut the hard flesh that Mamoru has.

Then I saw Akeno and she was also a little hurt but they were only small bruises on her body, after seeing how they were and making sure that their lives were not at risk, I asked her what had happened and that is where Akeno starts to tell about what happened.

"You can move and take me to that place." ~ I asked him to see if he had the strength to move and be able to take me to the place where Aoki and Murayama had stayed before that guy hurt them both or worse than that. I kill them.

Akeno: "Yes, I can still move, the damage was not much, it was only the shock wave that hit me, you're going to go true, then take your bat to beat you up. Akeno took Ryuuji's special bat and He handed it over.

Then everyone got together and Akeno took them to the place where they were until recently.


In the place where Aoki and Murayama had stayed, it was now a disaster, the streets were full of very large cuts caused by a sharp weapon. The nearby buildings were also in the same conditions as the streets.

More than one car was cut in half and from time to time you could hear the sound of people screaming in horror or asking for help.

In the distance you could hear the sound of small explosions accompanied by a laugh that echoed in the buildings. That laugh sounded pretty crazy and cheerful that it seemed that the owner of that laugh seemed to be having a good time with whatever he is doing.






The sound of dark blue cutting energies collided against a kind of barrier trying to destroy it and trying to cut off the people behind it, but all that blue energy did was bounce and deviate to the buildings and streets leaving A huge cut.

"Hahahaha come on, come on, until when you think that little barrier will last you, three minutes, two minutes, I don't think that little barrier protects you forever.!"

There was a red-haired man with strange eyes who was waving his katana from where power cuts came out continuously trying to cut that barrier with his attacks. The man swung the katana lazily with one hand and the other in his pocket.

The people who were inside that barrier were Aoki and Murayama. Murayama had made that barrier after seeing all the heroes being defeated by that dangerous person.

In the surroundings you could see several bodies of police and heroes lying on the ground and all of them at least had a huge wound made by the katana of that person who was now attacking them intensely trying to do the same with them.

Murayama Raito quirk: He has the ability to create barriers and move them to his liking with his mind, the barriers he makes can be used to attack or protect against powerful attacks since his barriers are very resistant.

The young Murayama is tall and thin, has brown and spiky hair. He usually always carries a sly and sly smile on his face, also the young Murayama is extremely manipulative with people, he can read them and predict which are going to make his next movements as well as seeing the future of that person.


Murayama was trying his best to keep his barrier stable by making it harder and harder, but the attacks were very strong that every time he was beaten he won a small mark indicating that he was not going to endure for long.

Gradually the Murayama barrier was beginning to break, Aoki seeing that he was preparing to fight again but when he saw Murayama he realized that he had a smile on his face, he immediately understood that and they also curved the lips.

The attacks continued to hit the barrier violently, but suddenly when an attack was about to hit the barrier it disintegrated before it touched it. Murayama and Aoki saw that suddenly several people appeared at his side recognizing them immediately.

"Sorry for the delay, remember that heroes are always late." Ryuuji said when he appeared in front of the two when he deflected the incoming attack of energy that was about to hit them.

Ryuuji was standing in front of everyone with his bat in his hand looking at the person who had hurt Mamoru. Then he began to see around him looking at all the disaster, the streets, the buildings and some cars cut in half.

He realized that the man in front of him was strong. Then, looking at how his friends were doing the damage he had on his body, he began to get more and more angry.

Ryuuji grabbed his bat very tightly with his hand, the veins of his face and hand were bulging making them visible to everyone's sight making them understand that he was angry.

Ryuuji walked slowly towards that person dragging his bat on the ground causing a sparking sound coming out of the tip of his bat when coming into contact with the asphalt.

Ryuuji walked slowly until he was face to face with the person who had hurt his friends, raised his bat and leaned it against his shoulder

Ryuuji looked directly into the eyes of that person without showing signs of fear when he saw the terrifying eyes of that person and asked in a somber and irritated voice. "Was you"

He saw that person staring at him without answering his question, so he decided to ask again.

"It was you who did this to them."

"Well yes." ~ The man replied in a lazy voice looking at ryuuji who was in front of him looking at him with a murderous look on his face.

Ryuuji upon hearing that with a quick movement swung his bat to the man's head with the intention of hitting him. The man seeing Ryuuji's attack held his katana to protect himself.


The tremendous sound of metal crashing into each other was heard when the red-haired man flew out dragging his body down the street due to the heavy blow he received.

"Quickly take these people to a safe place." ~ Ryuuji said to the others who had come with him, but as soon as he finished speaking he felt something perch behind him and felt a bouncing sound.

He looked back, immediately understanding his situation. The red-haired man had sneaked up behind him and tried to cut him, but Murayama locked him inside his barrier and the katana hit the barrier he was in.

Ryuuji swung his bat to hit it while young Murayama undid the barrier in time when Ryuuji hit the man's stomach hard. Then at the same time he took off a glove and put his hand a short distance from the enemy's body.

[Pad ho]

Ryuuji repelled the air into a small leg-shaped sphere, piercing the body of the man in the middle of the air.

* Boom *

That guy crashed into a building through the wall losing himself in the dust and under the rubble

Ryūji looked at where the man fell and then looked at Murayama with a grateful face for saving him from being cut.


Elsewhere, in a dark and lonely place where some hours ago it was all parties and laughter more fun, was the figure of someone who was shaking uncontrollably clenching his fists tightly while cursing a person.

She was a woman who was dressed in her hero costume and you could see she was furious and ready to kill someone at any moment, suddenly she calmed down and lowered both arms and then roared furiously towards the sky.

¡¡Ryuuji, damn bastard, because you didn't wait for me, I told you that I was going to change my clothes and then you left me behind.!!

That furious woman was the hero Mirko who had been left alone forgetting her completely.

A few minutes ago, she was going with Ryuuji to fight the enemy and told Ryuuji to wait for her while she was looking for her suit that was on the top floor of the house. But when she returned with her suit on with a smile on her face and ready to fight, she noticed that there was no one left and everyone had left her alone behind.

She was now agitated with the scream that had roared with fury at the sky. "Damn, you left and left me to have all the fun on your own .... hahahaha just wait for me to find you."

Having said that, she moved at an incredible speed and disappeared from that place to surface and search for Ryuuji.


Ryuuji was now running through the buildings with the type of red hair following behind him when he suddenly felt a chill run through his body and turned to see if the man had got bored of chasing him and attacked.

'Hmm, how weird that was right now ... now that I think about it, I feel like I'm forgetting something important.' He sent it to the ground falling directly into an abandoned warehouse.

* Bamm *

Ryuuji crashed into the ceiling falling into that warehouse. While the man slowly descended to the ground entering the hole Ryuuji had made.

"How did you get that power, and why do you carry that name on your jackets." ~ The man asked while he was at a distance from Ryuuji who was lying on the floor.

Ryuuji got up slowly, looked at him and said: "Who knows, the same thing could ask you, where did you get those eyes and what is your power. Besides that appearance you have reminds me of someone I saw once."

"Hmm well, it doesn't matter, I'll know the answer when you're under my foot." ~ The man said and little by little his smile grew on his face. "Now that there are no people around we can fight with everything we have, right."

Ryuuji: "Yes, in fact, now I can beat you up, you don't count on people and you don't care where you are, I saw that you simply attacked everything without caring about anything around you."

"Hahaha Well, less talk and more action, by the way, what's your name."

"Yamamoto Ryuuji.

"Mine is Yuujiro."

Ryuuji who had now decided to go with everything and fight with all his strength, moved his bat very quickly and when he did that the bat changed shape to a katana. The man when he saw that raised an eyebrow interested in what he just witnessed.

Then they were both watching for what appeared minutes when suddenly they both moved with incredible speed that it was as if both disappeared from their place seeing only a blur when they both moved.


The two reappeared colliding their katanas with green and black rays, dancing all over the place and destroying everything in their path. The thunder crashed into each other causing a loud sound that could be heard several meters away

Those thunderclaps from the two colliding attacks were almost inaudible to some people, but that was not the case for a certain woman with large bunny ears who was standing in a building with her eyes closed concentrated looking for something.

And when she heard the sound of thunder a short distance from where she was, she made a cheerful smile and opened her eyes as she muttered

"I already found you an idiot, I hope you are ready." ~ And with a huge leap he headed towards the place where he had heard that thunderclap.