
chapter 10:Hero or villain

Pov all might.

I was jumping through the buildings until I reached the place where the smoke was coming out, when I was in the air I saw that there was a destroyed building and around it there were several bodies of people lying on the ground, so I waved my two arms creating a gust of air pushing my body down to get as fast as possible to help trapped people.


I am here hahahaha!

When I landed on the ground I made my entrance as usual, I started laughing but then when the dust cleared and I could see what was happening my smile froze from what I was seeing.

Bodies, bodies of dismembered people everywhere (most Gigantomachia did), that's what I saw, there was blood everywhere either on the floor or on the walls, but what surprised me most was that when I looked in front There were some people from me, there were four young people.

Then I saw that there was something lying on the floor to see bodies that were without their limbs, arms and feet had been cut. But notice something strange, the section where they were cut is supposed to have some blood, but they were not bleeding at all.

I could see that the bodies were still alive because they were moving, it must be by a quirk since no person can be alive after their arms and legs were cut off. When I saw the faces of the people who were on the ground with their limbs cut off, they were crying with a happy face seemingly seeing me here.

All might.!

All might save us!

"These lunatics killed everyone here!"

You have to catch them!

"All might cut our legs and arms."

The young people started asking me to save them while they cried, I'm glad they are still alive. But what a horrible thing they have done, why would they do something like that ?!

That young man sitting in the chair has been looking at me all this time with a smile on his face, and seeing how the three young people stay behind him I can assume that he is their leader, whatever this will be problematic.


All Might: "Everything is fine, because I'm here."

"Calm young people, I will save you right now, but for now remain calm."

'Well, now that I'm going to do, I guess I'll talk to them first to know what happened here.'

"Hello young guys, you were the ones who did all this.!" ~ After All Might thought about what he was going to do, he then asked Ruuji and his group the million-dollar question, asking if they had been guilty of doing all this mess he was seeing with his righteous eyes.

Ryuuji: "Well, yes."

All Might: "And can I know the reason for this?

Ryuuji: "Hmmm, let's say it was a kind of revenge or something."

All Might: "Revenge you say? What did these young people do to suffer this kind of treatment you have given them?"

"Hey come on, this question is for you, so tell them what they did." ~ Ryuuji said kicking and looking at Genji to answer the question asked by All Might.

We did nothing, we were calm and then you came with your friends and they did all this!

Akeno: "Damn liar! Talk to the truth, tell them what you did to those innocent women, tell them how they beat our classmate until she was on the verge of death after having desecrated her.!"

Akeno said in a state of anger and kicked Genji in the head causing a new wound to open.

"Wait, young lady, calm down, don't hit him anymore, he can't move anymore!" ~ All Might said taking a step toward them and raising their hands to try to reassure Akeno who looked angry while watching and hitting the men lying on the ground

Cof, cof, cof, genji was coughing blood violently, then looked up to see Akeno and said.

"Damn crazy bitch! We didn't do any of that, she wanted to do it, we didn't force her to do anything.!"

"Yes, if she wanted to, we don't force her, and we don't desecrate her as you accuse us, we haven't done what you say



The men who were on the ground grabbed confidence because All Might was present and with an arrogant and repulsive smile began talking about stupidity and insulting them.

Akeno: But what ...

Ryuuji: "It's true, you have not desecrated it, there is nothing in this world like a desecrated body." ~ Ryuuji said, leaning his body forward, sitting on the chair, resting his elbows on his thigh and holding the fingers of his hands, tilting his head to face the ground.

All Might: Hey, what happened to this young man right now, I felt a change around him, it will be my imagination.

Hahahahaha you saw them ... you said it yourself!

"Did you hear that, All migth, he has said it himself, we haven't done anything.!"

"Idiot now you're in trouble."



Ryuuji: "It's true .... you have not desecrated anyone."

Ryuuji: "Although you have done such a thing to Miss Sakura and many other women, such cruel and inhuman things ... but ... humans are not supposed to be categorized as dirty or not."

As soon as a person has a will and vision, that person is a great being in this world. Although what you have done is a sin! The sin of desecrating someone! You have desecrated your own souls!

Although I have said that in this world there is not a single desecrated body, you have dirty and ugly souls!

Ryūji ended up talking in a loud and loud voice.

All migth was watching how the young man was angry and was leaking a small killing intent from his body. For All Might that murderous intention was nothing for him, because he had seen all kinds of villains in his heroic years and that little murderous intention did not affect him at all, but that is different for the young people who were clearly scared about it. And that is why he did so by raising his guard and keeping him vigilant without taking his eyes off him.

Ryuuji: "Then all might now that you know why we did what you are going to do, you will attack us to arrest us, or you will capture them."

All Might: "But young man, do you have any evidence of what you are saying, since without any conclusive evidence I cannot do anything.?"

Ryuuji: * Sigh * and there is that shit again, what more evidence do you need, are the testimonies of the women themselves who have been victims of these types.

"You know All Might, I really admire you for everything you've done these years, making you a symbol of peace, saving thousands of people and reducing crime in the streets."

"But you… no, some heroes only concentrate on the biggest villains leaving the little ones to walk ahead of their noses doing whatever they want, as well as this guy you see lying here. Some heroes only act when there are people looking to show their greatness to others. Sure, I am not saying that everyone is like that, but I have seen several like that. "

"The boy here has a quirk that can make people sleep with just touching him with his hand, and he has taken advantage of his power using it to do acts that a villain does."

"He has kidnapped many innocent women, beaten them by leaving her on the verge of death. Or who knows! Perhaps he has already killed more than one person and no one has yet heard."

"You may wonder why we have not reported these facts to the police, but the truth is that if they have done so, I have learned that some people have done that, but the police are so incompetent that they have not done anything yet, and then when you ask him what happened, they answer that they are doing the investigation but without any result in all the months that they have supposedly worked on."

"And now these guys that you see lying here, have the bad luck of having dared to touch an acquaintance ... Take! Look with your own eyes as they left her." ~ Ryuuji said and threw a cell phone where he had a picture of Sakura in the hospital.

All might have grabbed the phone and began to see the photos in it. And it goes without saying that he was surprised by what he was seeing. After a while of reviewing the photos, he returned to Ryuuji's cell phone and said.

All Might: "But young man, that is not your job to do. Besides what you did now is a very serious crime, you have hurt innocent people and I see some who are quite seriously injured, I'm sorry, but you and your friends are coming with me or I will have to use force.

All Might said with a serious expression on his face.

Ryuuji: * Sigh * You really want to do this by force .... ahh and if you think everyone here is innocent, then you're wrong because everyone on the ground is minor villains and criminals, we still haven't killed anyone, we still have our humanity. But they cannot move, they are paralyzed, that is an appropriate punishment for them. We have done you a favor by getting rid of 100 villains

"We will see that later, for now, you will accompany me as well as the people who are lying on the floor to take them to a hospital." ~ All Might said looking at Genji and his group that they couldn't move.

Non non, Ryuuji said, moving his finger and looking at All Might: "They are going to stay with me because I still have to give them the punishment they deserve, Akeno! Take them from here."

Akeno: "YES".

All Might: "Wait young ..."

Akeno did not wait and did what Ryuuji told him to do and teleported the men who were on the ground to an unknown place.

All Might, seeing what the girl had done, shouted loudly: "Where have you taken them, bring them back.!"

"Fufufu, that's something I can't do without Ryuu-Kun telling me hero-san." ~ Akeno said and walked towards Ryuuji and stood behind him looking at All Might who was now a little angry.

All Might: 'Damn, that young woman has a problematic quirk.'

"Young men you can bring them back, I will make sure that they investigate what you have told me and shown, and if they are guilty they will receive appropriate punishment, but if you do justice by your own hands you will be considered a villain."

Ryuuji: "And what about the people who have been victims of all this! There are some women who can take their lives for this you know. No one has asked me to avenge them and do this, I did it myself , maybe some people have forgiven him. But to forgive is not to forget, it's just to let the pain go. "

"If everything were fixed with forgiveness, the suicide ritual like the seppuku would not have been invented."

All Might: "I see, then you are telling me that you will not let them go, and you will apply the punishment they deserve under the concept of your definition of justice."

Ryuuji: "Every person has their own definition of what justice is, clearly my justice is different from yours. Not everyone can have the same kind of justice you have, All Might."

All Might: "I see, then young, I hope you are prepared for the consequences that will come later for the acts you are doing."

"Okay, I really don't care, even if they labeled me as a villain. I won't care what people think of me, since they don't do it very often. I mean they don't use their brains very often. " ~ Ryuuji said pointing his finger at his head.

Ryuuji: "Akeno, could you pass me the bat."

Akeno: "Okay, but this you have to hold it, remember that this bat is made with lead and other heavy materials made by a person's quirk and is very heavy, it is a bat specially made for you because nobody else can lift something that weighs 80 kilos with one hand. "

"Hahaha yes, it's true."

All Might: 'What? An 80-kilogram bat, but that young man doesn't look very strong! He has a very thin body to do that, hmmm if the girl tells the truth and the bat weighs 80 kilos then the young man must have a quirk of some kind that gives him super strength. '

'And that is that hole in the air, the young woman has two Quirk. Wow ... this is weird, seeing that he is pulling the bat from inside the black hole, I must assume that allows him to store things in there. '

While All Might was in his thoughts, Ryuuji took the bat and pointed it at the direction of All Might and said.

Ryuuji: "Well, All Might, generally no person would dare to fight face to face with you, since you're known to everyone as the strongest. But I'm not like everyone else, I don't care who you are or where you are from, or what family background you have. If you get in my way, I'm just going to have to get away from it. "

"If a guy hurts people close to me, obviously I will not sit idly by, if I can help people, I will help. Those guys from just now who were here, hurt someone I know and that is why I did this."

"The truth is that I am a little excited right now, I am excited to exchange blows with you. Although I know that you will not go with all your strength against a child like me. And I know that I will not be able to beat you either, but let's see how much I can endure against the number one hero. "

"Hey, you better go and keep a safe distance. ~ Ryuuji said to his companions and without taking his eyes off All Might.

Mamoru: "But ..."

Aoki: "Okay, if we stay, we'll just be getting in the way of Ryuu-san's fight."

"Look him in the face, he wants to fight All Might, we better do what he told us and leave this place and watch from afar."

Akeno: "Ryuu-Kun doesn't want us to get hurt and he also remembers that he also has another Quirk that hasn't shown us yet, I want to see what his Quirk is."

Aoki: "And if something bad happens, Akeno can help you at any time, since Ryuu-san is marked by your brand and can teleport you at any time to a safe place."

Mamoru: "Oh, okay, be careful Ryuu-san, if you need help I will come to help you."

Hahaha neglect ...


Ryuuji could not finish speaking because All migth appeared behind him throwing him to the ground.

All Might took advantage of the moment he was distracted and with his speed, it was easy to get behind Ruuji and throw him to the ground.

"Shonen is better if you stay still, you may be very strong with your Quirk but you will not be able to beat me." ~ All Might said that he was holding Ryuuji on the floor, he had a hand on his head pressing him against the ground and with his other hand he had Ryuuji's arm folded on his back.

Well Ryuu-kun good luck, we're leaving. ~ Akeno said waving Ryuuji's hand and disappeared from the place along with Mamoru and Aoki.

All Might: "Well, I'll look for your friends later, for now, don't put up resistance, it's your defeat."

"Hahahaha, well, All Might, let me tell you you're wrong about one thing."

"Hmm ..... what do you mean by that."

"Maybe you thought my Quirk gave me super strength just like you, but that's not the case."


From one moment to the next, All Might, who was on top of Ryuuji, was now lying on the floor lying face down kissing the earth, and Ryuuji was now in the position that All Might was before, but he was standing on his back