
[Overwatch] Plan

Seeing the three ran I chuckled, I sigh before turning and jumping. Yup I said jumping I've been jumping a lot lately since it's faster and I can't fully fly yet. But jumping to the homeless area Mitchell and Davis were at I looked for them, finding all three I asked if they are ready and prepared for the plan.

The plan for using the homeless ears and eyes around the city went well, the three went to the restaurant and talked it out and they pretty much agreed with the operation i plan on making with them. Though they said they wouldn't get involved in anything dangerous, or anything that would be harmful to society which i told them not to worry about. Other than that they had different roles to this operation in the works.

Now Davis here will be in charge of a group of homeless that has small time jobs like janitors or garbage cleaners keeping their ears open, while Mitchell Grey on the other hand took charge of the homeless spread and stationed around the city who had both ears and eyes open for anything worth mentioning and it worked well with Mitchell knowing a lot of them when he moved around time to time, now Karen on the other hand has a group on her own that takes position in all types of shelter around the city keeping their ears open for anything worth hearing.

The homeless intelligence network group will only grow from a weed to a tree, and I plan to form it into one of the highest intelligence networks around that uses no technology. I named the organization [OverWatch], the logo symbol of the group is just a simple eye, but it holds a meaning; 'The eye is everywhere and is watching'.

I made a few plastic cards representing the roles and using it to access information from the [Overwatch] community members around the city. Purple, Red, Blue ,and Green, but each color of the cards determines the level of info you can get. The color red, blue , and green will be roman numerically numbered from one to five; I, II, III, IV, V and they represent the status with I being the highest and V lowest.

Purple which only I have that represent the big boss and has access to all levels of information, the highest info you can get or access to is one where 'THE HAND' and S.H.I.E.L.D. are involved. Red for inner circle friends and subordinates like my students, and has red level information which is Gangs, Companies, and underworld bigshots. The Blue card is for 'customers' that buys it from me, and have low access to info lower than the red card, info about important people and small secrets in society. And finally Green for the executives of this organization like Davis, Mitchell, and Karen and with the green cards they are the second highest of status in the [Overwatch] organization, which also gives them full access to all information.

There are many holes in this operation of mine but in due time it'll be one of the most useful and highest of intelligence networks.

In return for all of this I will protect, feed, pay, and/or help anyone get back to the life away from homelessness. We made a system where it keeps points to anyone in the works and if they had high enough points then I will help setting back up their life with roof over their heads, enough money to stay on their feet for a while, food over their table and a job. I made it tempting for the few who wanna escape the homeless life but they would work to get it and be my eyes and ears. It might seem like I'm just using them but that's because I am, I'm no hero but nor am I a fucked up person they will use me the way I use them. They help me be my eyes and ears and in return I gave them housing and enough stuff for them to last a month, and that should help motivate them.

The thing though was I plan to make Mitchell, Davis, and Karen stay in the homeless life for a bit and I might have a way to coerce them to stay and not move.

As they were all here I told the three to follow me into the warehouse and they did and we sat on some broken table commencing our meeting. After talking more about my plan and ideas we moved on from subject to subject.

"Alright, I have something I wanna say." I said looking at them

"And what might that be?" Asked Karen, Karen and Mitchell were the talkers Davis on the other hand was a quiet guy, he would either fight someone or help but never talk unless its just short sentences or words.

"I want you three to stay in the group and lead it for a while." I said with my usual carefree smile

"Huh are you going back on your word boy?! We organize the group and get the word out and get recruits and guide it for a bit then leave the rest to you. And then you keep your end of the deal and give us what you promised, you don't see these old bones we don't wanna die living like this." Mitchell went on about it.

"I know and I intent to but I'm offering another path and yes I know your old and you wanna die in a life where you enjoyed but you won't go far the way you are and will die with your old bones not going far into your goals of feeling the sun and lying on a chair on the beach before dying." I said making them frown and feeling a bit anger.

"Oh and what the hell do you want us to do instead stay in this miserable life and die instead?! That is exactly the opposite of what we wanna do, we would rather pass in a house in nice warm bed and such?!" Karen yelled out

"Arthritis, Heart Disease, Respiratory Disease, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, pneumonia, Health Problems and/or Mental problems. Whatever it is, I can make them disappear and if all goes well you can even go to the beach daily or even in 60 years still going to the beach." I said without any problems

The three were silent being old sucks and it's no secret and growing old comes with a package of old people problems and hearing that I could make it all disappear made them pause to make sure they heard right.

"Don't dabble with our feeling brat, it's impossible to clear any of those easily let alone going to the beach in 60 years time." Mitchell denied but he also made it sound like he is asking if what I'm saying is true.

"And if it were possible? Would you take it? Even live as long as possible and complete your goals before passing?" I said tempting them.

"Experimentation?" Davis asked

"No" I shook my head, I pit my hand out and cut my palm out using a sharp metal iron showing it to them. They were shocked and what shocked them more was that it was healing, they stared at my hand for a long minute. I snapped my fingers bringing them back

"It takes away any negative things you have on your body be it cancer or disease even poison, taking my blood will allow you to live immortally, and no I'm not joking about that." I said as I brought back my hand

"The blood will make you look younger, with tough but soft and firm skin.." I said looking at Karen who was really tempted.

"It will bring you back to the prime you once had, and allow you to be potentially get stronger on and on." I said this time turning to Davis tempting him.

"And you can certainly go around the world and experience every beach there is over and over again without stop." And lastly tempting Mitchell

"I'll take the deal." I was about to tempt more but someone already tapped out and that was Karen, I guess women really can't ignore the chance for their soft skim and young look.

"Damn it Karen you can't be tempted this easily we don't know if there are even side effects or hidden tricks with the boy." Mitchell yelled out at Karen like the husband yelling at the wife for doing something stupid.

"No side effects nor are there hidden ill intents with me, you have my word on that." I said with my hands up

"We don't know you, we don't know your words or if we should take your words seriously." Mitchell said still not convinced it would be this easy to obtain the impossible immortality for nothing but a few years of labor.

I sighted not knowing what to say with this old mans stubbornness. Then I looked at Davis, he had a robotics leg but it's not working well as when he first got it and that gives me the advantage.

"It can regrow your limbs." I said with a smile and Davis who had his head down for a while in thought heard this and his eyes went wide, he looked up at Mitchell and smile in apology. Mitchell sigh knowing Davis and Karen were already roped in had his head down hanging before looking up.

"Alright boy but if we find anything not in the right then we will-" Mitchell said and tried to threaten

"No need to threaten me Mr.Grey I know very well you won't leave it alone if one word were off about the deal, and I also trust you will keep the end of our new deal." I said and had a hand stretched as they each shook it.

"Now before we start I will tell you that even you will have this regenerative ability it will still hurt whatever you feel, you get stabbed? It will hurt before it heals and getting a limb cut will also regenerate a new one but the limb cut out of your body will turn to ash before withering away. And as long as you have one drop of blood you will regrow through that drop of blood if your body were to be smashed. Now Davis you could regrow your leg but you will have to cut it off first for it to return to its normal human state. Giving you this power you will have more responsibilities on your shoulders and will open the door to the supernatural and more dangers, and with that I will ask again, Do you want to take this power of immortality?" I asked looking at them seriously

"My old friends are willing to accept this gift or curse so I will join them in this new life." Mitchell said

I nodded and pulled out a small cup in my clothes, don't ask where I got it or why I would have it. Slashing a slit on my forearm I drained a bit of blood before it regenerated, the white blue decorated small tea cup was full of my blood and I handed it to Mitchell first.

"You just gotta take a sip old man." I said with my smile

He looked at it and stare then look at Karen and Davis before taking a sip as he closed his eyes, he opened his eyes feeling nothing happening. Suddenly he had the feeling of throwing up badly. He looked at me and was shaking almost dropping the blood before I grabbed it, the other two were shocked and angry looking at me in caution, Davis stepping up to attack but I put up my hand stopping him.

"He'll be alright just watch." I said with the smile not going away.

They both looked at Mitchell and were shocked, Mitchell was puking black, green, and yellow substance, it took a moment before he stopped. He looked at me and asked

"What the hell was th-" before he could finish he felt his body warm and itching, and his body slowly changed his hair grew and he didn't have the middle bald hair spot of an old man anymore, his wrinkles didn't disappear but lessened and he grew a little taller not hunching anymore. And finally done he looked like a black captain america soldier. He stood there shocked and scanning and checking his body, tears started falling as he looked at me.

"T- th- *coughs* thank you Mr.Green, I cant thank you enough for giving me the chance to live a new life." He said

Karen and Davis were looking at Mitchell shocked, then stared at the bowl.

"So, hahaha who's next." I held the cup out they both stepped up but Davis was quicker and grabbed the cup he was looking at it before remembering something and looked at Karen, he looked back at it before giving it to her.

"Ladies first." He said expressionlessly but you can see the excitement in his eyes.

What happens to Mitchell happened the same with the two, Karen who had white hair kept the hair but it looked more shiny, her skin became more firm and soft lessening on the wrinkles, Davis on the other hand got back in his prime and his military bodybuilding body came back to him mostly. He still had the prosthetic leg on so I looked at him.

"Ready for the cut?" He looked at me and nodded they took a while to thank me repeatedly and I patiently waited

"Aright lie down on the table, Mitchell Karen go to each side and hold his shoulder down." I said and they complied.

I took the prosthetic off and made a KI blade on my hand, they were shocked and awed.

"Hold him down." I held on to the prosthetic connected to his cut leg and cut down on the skin part.

"CHHEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH." He held it in at first but just let out an ear piercing scream. After around 5 minutes the scream stopped and his legs came back, the hairy muscular leg of his.

He got up walked jumped run knelt and kicked with his new leg, he played with it for a bit.

"Alrighty then, You three will be the top of [Overwatch] and will do your best to improve on it and keep it thriving. These are cards that represent your status and role, the eye is the group symbol and the color..." I went on about the cards and rest of the arrangements.

I gave them 3 green cards with the I on it and the eye symbol on the background. I also gave them 3 II's, 6 III's 10 IV's 20 V's green cards to choose and give to [Overwatch] members.

I told them I'll make a list of groups, individuals, and items that I'll give them to keep an eye on and watch them and so on.

Right now it's in the afternoon at 3:50 and I roof jumped home but when I landed a few pigeons fluttered around me surprising me, I looked around and a man with a full on beard was looking at me shocked. He must've seen me roof jump here, but when I paid attention more I saw him holding a pigeon and a cage filled with pigeons and I immediately smiled at my luck, thinking he would be perfect if he used these pigeons to send messages in the [Overwatch] group. I walked up to him still shocked with an open mouth.

"Hi, Kali, Kali Green." I put out my hand for a shake.

Oooohh can’t wait till time skip to 2009 and up. I plan to make a few groups and factions before time skipping making them into a powerhouse of their own.

Karstagcreators' thoughts
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