
[Dropped off] At another world

Synopsis is being written.....

Potatobag · Fantasy
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10 Chs


In her memory, yesterday evening,

She was sitting in a corner besides window in her Bakery, eating pastry that she made, looking outside.

It was winter so there were few passerby and a couple wearing thick clothes to prevent cold,seeing that couple walking side by side and talking happily, she turned away,her eyes dimmed, and emitting loneliness and sadness, she had no family, the only person (her maternal grandfather) she was close to was dead now...

Two months ago her last family member died,her maternal grandfather raised her,he told her that his paternal grandpa and himself were friends in childhood,but after few years their paths changed,he was a good baker so he opened a bakery and his paternal grandpa joined army and died on a mission when her father was 21,her mother and father were in love at that time,after two years,her parents got married,during those 2 years her father completed his training and joined Army too.

They lived happily and then her mother was pregnant with her,but her father had to go on a mission when she was six months in her mother's womb,and her father died when he was coming back after he completed his mission,he was ambushed by country M's army. when she was two years old her mother died too.

She grew up with his grandpa,she started training when she was six years old,she wanted to become like her father and grandfather,But living with his grandpa she learned cooking,baking and often she mad chocolates too.She loved making sweets.

When she was 19,she received invitation to join army due to her special family background and her special physical condition. After one year she became a member of secret army of country S.She was famous for her ruthlessness and efficiency in completing missions.She received a new mission about country M few days ago,and she was going to complete this mission tonight.

I know 1st chapter was short coz I didn't know anything about length of the chapter because it was my first time posting.

This chapter is longer than previous chapter, I hope you will like it dear readers,and don't forget to tell me your opinions about my novel via review or comments...

(I will post 3 or 4chapters per week.)

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