
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 7

"Wonder what you'll turn into..."

Dr. Green was starting at a screen showing the cindari chained above the well of shadows. On another screen showed the cinders, they floated all around the ash lands acting like mini campfires.

"I think it's time to add in a new feature...give the cinders something specials would you!"

On the screen the cinders retreated into the campfire to rest. The next day they would surprise the ahi with a new ability.

• • •

As the cinders awoke the next day their flames did more then just spread the effects of the campfire. As they roamed the ash lands small little sparks fell, leaving a trail of fire sparks. Where the sparks landed trees made of ash grew, their bark giving the surrounding area more light and warmth.

Not only did the sparks form trees, grass, flowers, all sorts of plants made of ash. The baren ash lands slowly became a beautiful scenery made of ash. But the real surprise was what happened on the edge of the ash lands, as life grew the land of ash grew along with it.

The small piece of land transformed into a beautiful landscape of ash. The small piece of land now became a safe haven for all ahi in this world of darkness. The ash walkers explored their new home with joy, a cool little thing about the cinders we're that the more ahi we're in one area the more they'd expand the land.

What went unnoticed to most was the fact that their flames changed, not just the ahi but the xyin as well. Their cores wheather flame or smoke change slightly, became more defined, more like a soul.

• • •

The egg floating through the darkness was almost completely hatched. The cracks running along the shell big enough to see more of the beast that resides inside. Sharp claws that shone with a cold light, pitch black scales that covered the beast, eyes like a black hole swallowing all with a glance.

The pieces of shell that broke off from the egg transformed within the darkness, becoming shadowing figures similar to the beast inside the egg but not at the same time.

When formed they observed the ash lands, keeping the darkness in check with all the events.

The xyin were currently shaping the darkness around them, adding on to the temple that housed the well of shadows. Inspired by the lands the ahi reside in they shaped their world into a world of tall leaf less trees. Formed shadow creatures to bring life to their lifeless world using the shadows from the eel of shadows.

Their queen looked over their budding world in excitement, they may have been made by their lord the darkness but that didn't mean they were his slaves. Looking over to the cindari it's screams had long sence stopped.

Its burn lines took on a black color, wisps of shadow drifting off from the burn lines. The chains already returned to shadows, it just floated their like a statue, helf in place by the shadows of the well of shadows. A cacoon of shadow slowly formed around the cindari before completely encasing it, soon a new type of their race would be born.