
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 5

"Hahaha, this is great!"

Dr. Green was observing the King of Ash, went he saw him binding the piece of land to himself it was he who made it so it became to home to any and all "Ahi" a name given to their race by one of his subordinate who named most things.

It was partly because of him that the King of Ash evolved from a normal ash walker into an ember, once again named by his subordinate. As far as we know only the King of Ash had this route for evolution because of the wisp of the golden flame resting in his flame.

"What are we gonna do with you, already the King of Ash and the Queen of Xyin have changed..."

In the shadow realm where the xyin reside a small temple floated floated in the shadow realm. It had the shape of a crescent and in the center of what would have been a complete circle was a well of condensed shadow.

Like the camp fire for the Ahi the well of shadows had the same function, allowing horrors to grow in strength just by being around it long enough. Wisps of shadow continually entered the well becoming purified shadows.

Their Queen hadn't evolved yet but she was halfway, her height was slowly growing and her shadows slowly condensed. It was hard to tell what would happen when all of her shadows condense but it would be spectacular!

"Sir...I have an idea on how to fix the darkness..."

• • • • •

It was in danger, it could feel it. The darkness look at the King of Ash and saw how he had evolved. Then he look at his creation and how she was slowly becoming independent.

It had to grow stronger. Evolve!

But it couldn't do so in the state it was in, it had to do something first.

Within it's depths the darkness started to condense into a solid shape. It didn't stop until the shape resembled that of an egg.

It was taking a risk by doing this but if it didn't it had no chance of fighting back. Slowly it pulled its conscience into the egg while keeping its hold on the darkness.

When it finished the egg started to crack, a dark light radiating from the inside of the egg. From one of the bigger cracks an eye could be seen, a color of pitch black with a verticle slit for a pupil.

• • •

The King of Ash tested his new power, he could control his flame slightly to allow him to summon a dark red flame as a form of attack. He tested with it until he was able to get it so it would surround his sword in a dark red flame.

It wasn't only him who could now wield their flames slightly. Even though they couldn't control it like the King of Ash his generals could summon some flames. One could use it to enhance her eyes to allow her a better grasp of the battle field. Another could use his flames to guide the cindari like the King of Ash, but they wouldn't do something against their will.

Lastly a few cindari could use their flames by coating some of their tentacles in bright red flame. The smaller, younger cindari couldn't control their flames yet even slightly.

But it wasn't only the Ahi that got magic.

The xyin who were already born being able to shape shadows now had a better grasp with shadows because of their connection to the well of shadows. Them being connected to the well of shadows didn't construct their freedom like the Ahi but it did make it so their Queen couldn't leave for long like the King of Ash.

The first xyin born by their Queen got the ability to use shadows to create copies of himself for a short period of time. He used it to pull in multiple ash walkers for the other xyin in the shadow realm to kill.