
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 36

And it finally happened, the chaotic energies from the dead realm wurms started to form their own respective realms, the roots of the realm tree glowed with colors of red, white, blue, yellow, and brown. There were many more odd pockets of color but those five were the largest if you exclude the clear color.

More than a few partially formed realms ended up a bit too close to the Lori-el, named after the first-named planet, and were slowly drawn in by the pull that was greater than their own. Some realms were even smashed together in the process before reaching the edge.

It didn't take long to realize after the realms came close enough their energies were absorbed by the Lori-el and the world tree of the realm. It guided the energy to complete the solar system around Lori-el and using the excess to start forming separate solar systems pretty far away from the one Lori-el resides in.

During the process of absorbing the other realms, its size more than tripled which was pretty insane. The other realms seemed to be pretty separated besides a few here and there.

"Time, it's time for you to do your thing..."

Time recorded the life forms of all living and extinct races for this exact moment. With a bit of energy from all of them, he would be able to bring back those races and spread them throughout the realms.

And there were many races that just one small piece of land gave birth to, pretty special.

The great dragon race didn't actually go completely extinct but it did end up losing almost all its subraces. Only earth dragons survived by keeping to themselves deep within the earth, well...except for the female that chose the city of titan as its home and place of her children.

After some discussions, we decided to allow the races to regain their diversity and subraces on their own only bringing back those races who truly became extinct. The good news was that gold secured a dragon family with a drop of his bloodline and other earth dragons had a mix of bloodlines from other types of dragons.

We also chose to make sure the ɖɨʋɨռɛ races of the elemental realms couldn't descend onto the mortal realms, didn't need their blood to cause a new age of evolution... yet.

After a bit of work, we were able to bring back every type of race that went extinct by bringing them to our time, well those that wouldn't affect history so much anyways.

For the races on the mortal realm...that took a bit more discussion to settle on something.

We would transfer around a thousand of each race and bring them to their own realms, and for those rare realms that had two suitable planets would likewise contain two races.

• • •

It was a normal day just like any other day, or at least it started off that way. While Samuel was working on the family farm he started to fall...into the sky. Terrified he just froze before screaming his head off, but he was already high into the sky by then.

Off in the distance, he could just barely make out other people experiencing the same thing. So many people from all kinds of races, some he couldn't even recognize were currently falling upwards towards space.

After breaking through the atmosphere they were perfectly fine, well at least he was. Someone who was pretty close to him ended up falling into a cloud of some pretty weird stuff, she kept on falling but all that was left was her pearly white skeleton.

What the hell!

It was hard to admire the scene around him, the sun that could be seen far off into the distance as well as some small dots. Bright stars lit up the surrounding space but currently, all he could focus on was if he would survive whatever this was.

And then like it never even happened he was back on the ground, but not on the farm but in a forest clearing surround by a bunch of other people. Not far from him was the skeleton of the girl who fell into the cloud of energy,

A cold shiver ran down his back as he fell to the ground powerless.