
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 33

A couple more years went by as the goblins prepared for their assault on the surface world. Their shamans, wise goblins able to commune with the elements made sure that their connection to magic was sound. Their strongest of brawlers and fastest of warriors formed ranks and started to charge their way through their caverns towards the surface followed closely by their shamans.

It was quite amazing how deep below the surface far away from all elements that the goblins were able to even contact them. Their magic system was unlike anything else on the surface world and that was because it was far more animalistic and primal than any surface world magic.

The goblins used their knowledge of surface magic to develop their own, surface magic used elemental mana to cast magic, but their shamanistic system allowed them to speak with the elementals, to commune and form long-lasting pacts.

Once formed the shaman's gains the ability to summons their elementals into the mortal realms to fight. Their symbiotic relationship not only allows the goblins to temper their souls but also strengths the power of elements.

Even their warriors forged pacts with elementals, doing so allowed them to use said element when fighting. To be able to cause fire just with a punch, to break the earth with a stomp, to use the winds to move unseen, and to freeze your foes with just the slightest touch.

Though they may be hideous their strength more than made up for it. Their magic system was one of the very few all-rounded systems, this is shown by the fact that even other professions can benefit from it.

But what really made their way of magic so fascinating was the effect it had on the elemental realms. With every battle won elementals would return to their realms and reap benefits, bringing mana from the mortal realms to fuel their growth.

Legends speak of the first shaman to even walk their caverns, able to commune with the six legendary elementals, closely tied to the Divine's of their realms.

So to the Divine's that closely watched the realm out of boredom was surprised to find such a race easily take over the continent the Titans left uninhabited.

With their close connection to the elementals, they easily wiped out any monster fighting for supremacy over the land. After which performing a sacred ritual only thought to be a theory.

Forming a connection point between the elemental realms and their mortal realm to allow elementals easy access, A nexus they called it. It was hard to admit for most races but the beauty of the goblin's nexus affects their systems greatly.

They performed the ritual during the night of the gray moons when the connection between the elemental worlds and their mortal world was thinnest.

They summoned a great number of elementals, asking for their assistance in forming a portal between their realms. The nexus itself took the shape of a great forest full of untamed wilds, later named the elemental wilds.

Other heavily magically attuned races quickly followed their path in forming nexus' of their own, although for whatever reason they could only forming singular or duel nexus' never a complete one like the goblin shamans.

The elemental nexus, a door way between our world and the elementals realms. Using this door the elementals are able to come into our world spreading their magic into the world.

It is said that during the night of the ritual the six legendary elementals, fire, water, air, earth, light, and darkness crossed into the world and blessed the nexus. This blessing is said to allow elementals to truly live in our world without worry of dying because of our world's polluted mana...

The Elemental Nexus

_Nitro_creators' thoughts