
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 25

After a couple years of planning the mortals of the elemental realms finally set their plan in motion. They rioted and refused to work for their races, refusing to even stay in the same room as a cultivator.

Their civilizations had slowly changed over the years, after mortals started appearing within their ranks they started to form a hierarchy. Those who could cultivate the energy of their world were labeled as cultivators and treated as nobility, while those who couldn't seem to grasp even the slightest bit of the worlds energy were labeled as mortals.

Some even started calling them selves a ɖɨʋɨռɛ ʀǟƈɛ, spouting nonsense about how their connection to their ɖɨʋɨռɛ qualifies them as a ɖɨʋɨռɛ ʀǟƈɛ.

When that thought started to take root 'mortals' started to be treated even worse, forced to work all jobs while they just played around.

After the leaders started to see where this was going they stepped in, forcing cultivators to form sects and those sects decided the rules for themselves. It helps slightly but it didn't matter anymore, they were fed up with the treatment.

So tonight they all gathered in a valley, all the mortals of each race, even a some young dragons who were treated like crap joined them. When the worlds energy shifted like it does every night they activated an array that would allow them safe passage to the 'mortal realms', a name chosen by the very cultivators that forced them to take this drastic measure.

There was no going back, the worlds energy wouldn't allow them to return to the elemental realms, and they were perfectly fine with it.

As they found themselves within the mortal realm they were able to admire its landscape. Towering mountains off in the distance, ancient forests as tall as most terran spread out across the land, great beats inhabited this world...their new home.

• • •

"Hmm...I guess it was only a matter of time before they split..." (Gaia)

"Yes, we've long predicted this, but we couldn't have know that they would become so blinded as too treat their kind as slaves..."(Wisp)

"Well, nothing we could do about it now, so enought they'll change, the mortal realms definitely can't keep them alive for long, their bodies requires too much energy that the realm doesn't have."(Time)

"Then so be it, they've choosen this for themselves, if anything it'll end up saving us some time as we won't be needing to create new types of races to suit these mortal realms..."

Given enough time their desendents will change, adapt to better suit their new realm, and in the process of doing so they will help the realm grow in ways that even us ɖɨʋɨռɛ could not.

They would become the inhabitants of this realm, and as the realm grows, so too will they themselves.