
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 22

All of us were standing before the resting place of Eros, the Koja were joyful that their Divine would be reborn soon. This was it, the last of the Divine we were waiting for, everyone else reformed and now stood beside me.

As we waiting the worlds energy started to twist and turn, strong gales swept through the space with unnatural force and a great clear flame burst to life before our group.

The Koja were the first to feel the reformation of Eros, and also his mental state of mind. His conscience was in a very precious state so when Yalin shattered him his mind twisted, all he could do now was destroy.

He looked around the group before he started to attack with blind anger, his gales pushing the Koja back while barely nudging us Divine.

"So my assumption was correct, when Yalin shattered him, his mind couldn't handle to pressure..." (Gaia)

"Even so, his mind will recover but it will take some time, for now we'll just need to capture enough of his energy to form the realm tree..." (wisp)

"Then so be, let's try not to hurt him..."

Five against one was too much for Eros so we were able to capture enough of his energy and send him to a realm that would suit his needs.

"Now that we got all over the energy it's time to form the realm tree."

Fire, water, air, earth, light, and gold energy condensed to form one dazzling seed, but it was still not ready. Space and time would need to be formed before the realm tree seed could be functional.

"Alright, step one is complete, now comes the hard part..."

We all knew what would come next, and not one of us would enjoy the pain.

Using all of our strength we gathered our energy before us, then purged it of all influence, making pure world energy. After words we each split them up into equal amounts before think of the type of energy they would turn into.

The feeling of being empty was almost unbearable but we continued. After days of creating space and time energy we finally had enough to form the Divine's for both types.

With words of good luck the others passed their energies onto me so I could form their bodies. After months of hard work and excruciating pain from holding to much energy that did not belong to me I was finished forming their bodies.

As if summoned by my final thoughts both Divine opened their eyes for the first time and stared out into the world, and for the first time I felt pressure like none other. What we created were no Divine's...

Looking around their gazed settled on me.

"It was you who took the liberty to form these bodies for us, and for that we shall give our thanks..."

As one they gathered their power and pushed it into me, I could feel my exhaustion wash away as a content feeling arose.

"As newborns we can't really do much..." (Space)

"...But with this you shall be able to control space and time slightly..." (Time)

I had created bodies for two Demigods!

Everyone knows what the divine are, beings formed from the worlds energy, the older ones are said to have the strength of demigods. Now and days their are too many divine to count but even so their are seven divines that stand above them all, the first 7.

Aqua, the giant octopus and also the divine for water.

Wisp, the first will-o'-wisp and also the divine of light.

Gaia, the mother of Titans and divine of earth.

Eros, the everlasting storm, divine of air.

Gold, the king of dragons and also the divine of gold.

Yalin, not much is none about her but we know she is the divine of shadow.

Ember, the golden flame that lights up the day and night, better know as the divine of fire...

Passage from the Book of Divines

_Nitro_creators' thoughts