
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 12

All around her cindari were held in place by chains of shadows, their number to great to count. All this was possible because of Kain, without him she would never be able to capture so many cindari.

Their transformations wouldn't be as long as it took kain, but just to be sure I had xyin capable if guiding shadows into the cindari.

This was are routine, every day was guiding the shadows into the cindari, if we didn't finish in time there was no guaranty that we would survive this war.

• • •

As the cindari slowly turned a couple of them ended up dying, they were to young to withstand the shadows. Other did ended up quickly turning into shadow demons, some turned into centipede shaped demons, others spiders.

While cindari turned into shadow demons all around the group of elder cindari that was captured they took that chance to escape. Braking free from their chains they quickly escaped off in the distance.

The Queen of Shadows saw no need to give chase, she already got more then enough, all she needed now was to allow them to grow.

Those that escaped were already at the half way point, one wrong step and they could end up turning into a shadow demon any ways.

What she didn't expect was her releasing them would come to bite her in the but.

• • •

Dr. Green was glued to his screen, the eder cindari that escaped ended up did turning but into something else. They kept their shape, but instead of turning into a being of shadow or staying made out of ash they changed into something else.

Their soul fires took on a change, with an equal level of two types of flames it took on a white color. Their skin actually started to turn into normal skin, or at least looked like it, and they ended up turning into normal looking jellyfish. They glowed with a white light that pushed away the shadows of the shadow realm.

"Fascinating, maybe, just maybe a new element has been introduced..."

For reasons unknown their soul fire change, neither fire or shadow, now their white flames represented a new element, light!

"But how could fire and shadow form light?"

When both elements were on equal level they wiped each other out, leaving space for a new element to enter, light, it was always their because of the fire, so it was able to take over when both elements destroyed each other.

On the screen the cindari? They'll need a new name now, kept on pushing away at the shadows until a portal opened up. On the other side was a world of light, it was small most likely because only a few elder cindari changed, but it was enough to shelter this new race.