
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 10

As she stared at both worlds she felt an emotion surge within her. When the golden flame had intruded on her domain it was shy, and kept to itself, but these two worlds have spread, and would keep spreading if she didn't step in.

The shadowy dragons roaming around her were yawning in boredom, after she hatched they were excited to fight but were let down when she had decided to wait. Her body was small, if you put her beside the ahi or xyin she would look fine, but to her she was tiny.

She wrapped the darkness around her to hide her presence to all, she may have created the xyin but in her eyes they became independent, distant to her cause, and she didn't want that.

But she had to wait, with each passing moment she grew in size, with each inhail and exhale of unneeded 'air' her scales sparkled with power.

Soon she would be ready to show herself to the world, to cause those who dare speak her name shutter in fear. She would be Yalin, embodiment of darkness and destruction.

• • •

Slowly the ahi changed, no longer needing to slaughter each other for just a bit of strength, their numbers grew, and along with it their old reached levels of power hard to describe in mortal ways.

Their camp now resembled a sprawling city, a great place of ash rested in the center on the city. Within sat the King of Ash on his throne of golden flame, he had gained complete control over his flame, and along with it the wisp of the golden flame, their creator.

Outside his palace gates burned a great golden flame in the center of a bustling market, their ways have slowly changed. From a militaristic society to one that was full of different professions. Blacksmith forged weapons made out of the flames from the creatures of the ash wilds. Ash molders worked loose ash into the buildings that sprawled before his very eyes. Trainers to teach the young how to harness their flames.

Deep within his flame thrummed with power, he felt something from the wisp of golden flame within him. He had no clue what it meant but on some level he felt, he felt that the truths it held within could completely change their world...forever.

• • •

The Queen of Shadows felt troubled, scared even. Not to long ago she felt her connection to her lord sever, she had no clue what it meant but that didn't stop her from imagining what it could mean.

Some where along the road she took a wrong turn, she angered her creator and now she has given up on her and her race. She couldn't possibly tell the others, if they knew their creator gave up on them they would feel resentment, they have given their all to rid the ahi from her plane but she went and left them.

No there was one she could confide in, the first of her shadow demons, Kain. He treated her like his mother, and she treated him like her child, she treated all her race like her children. Each day he grew in size by growing his flame with fuel from the beings of the shadow world.

The shadows themselves bended to his will quite like her, but to him it was natural. If she could create more shadow demons she would be able to secure her race in the coming war, but that required planing.

After the changes to the ash lands the ahi kept their cindari behind their wall, after our last face to face encounter they realized they couldn't let more cindari join our ranks.

If I wanted to survive this madness I would need more, theirs no way i'm going down without a fight. Maybe, just maybe by doing this I can regain the approval of her creator.