
[Dropped] (Going to be rework)

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. As a dead person he plays the game like its his life. One day when logging in, he find himself inside a gigantic castle "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby? Bug?" (Ray) "I can't I log out!??" (Ray) "Huh?! who are you? and how can you talk in my head" "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) "What!! Are you Rey?" (Leila) To think that im reborn in the game and of all people im reborn with the #2 rank player. "F*ck! Isn't this your typical cliche stories?" (Ray) Author note: This is my first novel, im sorry if my grammar is bad as this is not my first language. This is a novel I wrote for my own entertainment im not expecting any reader, but if people start to read this novel I'll fix the quality. Note: I'll probably fix these chapters later in the future. (To be exact chapter 1~17 needed to be fix, and 18~23 needed a little adjustment as for chapter 24~33 I'm not not experienced enough to fix cause I didn't see any thing I did wrong. This probably would change the more experience I get as a writer so please bare with my bad grammar) Art is not mine... If the drawer some how saw this and want to take the picture down msg me.

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38 Chs

One Month

On the outside 3 days has passed, but for us a month has already passed. This dimension seems to be 10 times faster then the outside. Anna has left earlier to inform our location to our parents leaving me and Rayford behind.

Right now sitting on a bench near the training area I gaze at the giant tree.

After staying in this dimension for sometime, we found out that the tree Infront of me is some sort of training artifact. The tree's leaf is made purely from mana making it insanely durable.

I have tried to cut it before, but my rapier broke instead. The same thing keep repeating over and over until I finally succeeded in cutting a leaf at my 17 attempts. Now I could cut 6 in one slash consistently with 7 being my record.


The sound of metal colliding reverberate but instead of metal, a sword and leaf collided. Even an idiot could tell that the tree isn't normal.



Right now Rayford is training in the middle of the field, trying to cut 10 leaves in one swing.

To cut one you need to adjust your mana or aura according to the brightness and color of the leaf on top of that your cut it perfectly in half with speed at least faster than sound.

For example a leaf with blue color needed mana, the red one needed aura, and the purple one needed both. To detect the color, you need to constantly use your mana sense since without it you would only see it's pink color.

The brightness of the leaf also could only be sense with special method

And to cut more then one leaf you need to instantly adjust your mana/aura in the middle of swinging.

The precision needed is extremely high.


An explosion occurred


Appearing beside me was Rayford making a frustrated face

"I died again...." (Rayford)

In this dimension we are unable to die, Ray found this feature when trying to cut the mana leaf. When the leaf exploded a health bar appeared and turned to zero, then he suddenly respawn out side the training area.

Though you could still feel the pain of dying.

"You swung to fast on that one, anyway it's my turn right?" (Laila)

"Yeah good luck" (Rayford)

His gaze contained worry as he said that.

"Thanks" (Laila)

I smiled and thanked him, since that day I feel like he got emotionally attached to me which is probably a good thing. With his face I was a little worried that someone will take him away but....

Glancing at him briefly, my cheek redden a bit. Sensing my mood he also got flustered and turn his head away.

When he broke down, his mental state was in a all time weakest. Because of our bond his state of mind also effect my behavior, which caused that incident.

I don't know why it happened, but when I was comforting him we did that 'deed' that only married couple do, on top of that we did it for 2 whole days. In that two days all I could think was about how good it was.

Thinking about it again my face turned even redder.


As I saw Laila fidgeting her way towards the training ground, I remembered that night when we did that 'deed'.

She was very soft.....

'No f*ck, stop thinking about that!!' (Rayford)

Shaking my head, I started to reflect back on my training.

'I need to improve my sense, I need to stop relying on [God's Eyes]' (Rayford)

From the training, I saw that I had a lot of room to improve.

The first time I try this, I succeeded in cutting every mana leaf that fell from the tree that was also the first time I activated my authority.

Remembering the movement of my body, I marvel at it's precision and efficiency. This was also the reason my progress is faster then Laila. They said experiencing it directly is far better then hearing or just seeing.

Opening the system I looked at my stat


Name: Rayford Aquinox

Race: Human?

Authority: Void (Partially Unlocked)

Level: 81 (A-)

Title: Thousand Slash (Obtain by swinging your sword 1000 time in 1 minutes) Increase attack when using any type of sword by 20%


[Synchronize] (Unique) LVL 12 (Enhanced)

Passive skill that allows the user to synchronize your mind, sight, smell, skill, and emotions. Using this will allow the user to speak telepathically with your soulmate. Because of the skill proficiency the user and their partner will be able to share their unique trait with each other.

<One Mind> (Unique) LVL 6

The users can't be too far away from their soulmate

Will share the user sense with their soulmate. Maintaining this state will consume a high degree of mental energy. Consumption will decrease as the skill proficiency increases.

<Switch> (Unique) LVL 1 (MAX)

When using this skill the user could switch bodies with their partner after getting consent. When switching bodies, the body's special trait will be switching with each other. Will get stronger as Synchronize becomes stronger.

As this skill level increases, more active skills will be unlocked.

[Realization] (EX) LVL 2

Will allow the user to increase your level and power temporarily by using the user data of Arcana Online. The user will retain all skill and appearance data from Arcana Online for 5 minutes upon activation. After using this skill, the user will be in an exhausted state for 10 hours.

Cooldown: 48 Hours

[God's Eyes] (Unique) Lvl 4

Able to see more information when looking at something, when channeling mana to the eyes one could pierce illusion and see the truth.

(First Function) The user will be able to see everything in slow motion depending on the mana used.

More function will be added the more proficient the user become

[Combat Stat] <800>

Str: 50

Mana: 163 (+60)

Void/Ice Aura: 139 (+60)

Agi: 45

Vit: 54

Perception: 229

Soul Weapon <Void Divider> LVL 1

Able to cut through 'anything' as long as the user have enough Mana/Aura and control

Function one: The user will be able to teleport instantly in a radius of 10 meters

Cooldown: 10 Second

Function 2: Locked

Seeing my level didn't went up a sigh escape my mouth, as I continue reading my stat a surprised look emerge on my face.

My stat went up by quite a lot instead of leveling up, especially so for my perception stat the reason for this is probably the training I did at the tree.

What confuse me is the mana stat increase. Instead of my personal stat increasing, the increase came from our bond.

'Did doing that deed actually increase our mana?' (Rayford)

I can't remembered much what happened on that two days, but I know I was weirdly drunk when her mana circulate in my body. Her mana for some reason act as aphrodisiac for me the same for her when expose with my mana.

This phenomena actually left me quite confuse, I didn't remembered learning any seductions technique to cause such reaction the same also goes with Laila.

'I should test it when we get out later today' (Rayford)


With that sudden explosion, Laila respawned beside me.

"Sigh.... I still can't do more then 7 leaves..." (Laila)

As she complained she suddenly leaned on my shoulder, her mana made me flinched a little.

"I forgot to ask but did your mana also increased?" (Laila)

"Yeah it did" (Rayford)

"..." (Laila)

"..." (Rayford)

Breaking the awkward silence, she opened her mouth

"S-Should w-we do t-that more o-often?" (Laila)

At her word my face turned red, objectively speaking we should do that every day because of the mana increase but...

'Is that even allowed?' (Rayford)

"W-We are technically allowed right?" (Laila)

"D-Don't read my mind!" (Rayford)

Sighing awkwardly, we both agreed to change out topic of discussion.

The topic started with our method of disguise when attending school to how to deal with the demon that unsealed Elizabeth.

"According to what she said, an archdemon under the demon king's command went into her sealed dimension and made a deal, they said to eliminate every human in the area she is teleported.

Listening to Elizabeth explanation, we speculated that the demon objective is to weaken humanity. The target of the attack was of course us two and Lady Rosaline, the first daughter of duke Ignis, but the demon seems to be unaware of our abnormality and only aim to do as much damage as possible.

As we are talking about other stuff, Laila suddenly experience a sever stomach ache.

"Ackkk!!!" (Laila)

Holding her stomach with both of her hand, she screamed in pain.

Panicked at the sudden situation, I quickly examine her using all of my focus.

Suddenly the system voice echoed in our mind.

[Familiar Incubation progress 10%]

[Suggesting trait change by using skill <Switch>]

Gathering my focus, I instantly did what the system suggested.

At that moment a severe pain spread through my body.

"Ugh..." (Rayford)

Clenching my fist, I desperately withstood the pain.

After two excruciating long minutes the pain finally subsided.

"Ha... ha... ha...." (Rayford)

Recovering from the pain, I open the familiar panel system

[Familiar Panel]

Name: _

Level: 0

Race: ?

Incubation Rate: 10,021%

'Why did it increase this much in one month?' (Rayford)

After pondering for a moment, I speculated that the pure mana in this dimension caused the incubation to speed up. The other reason is probably our 'deed', during that time we are exposed with each other mana causing the incubation to sped up.

Sighing, I turned my head towards Laila.

"Ray?" (Laila)

Instead of Laila, I saw my adult self but with silver hair and blue eyes. Surprised by her sudden change I quickly examine my self.

It was then, I found two lump of flesh hanging on my chest. Realizing the situation I open my System.


Name: Laila Callestio (Rayford Aquinox)

Race: Human?

Authority: Void

Level: 81 (A-)

Title: Eternal Winter (Obtain by reaching -500 Celsius degrees with only aura) Increase Ice based damage by 20%


[Synchronize] (Unique) LVL 12 (Enhanced)

Passive skill that allows the user to synchronize your mind, sight, smell, skill, and emotions. Using this will allow the user to speak telepathically with your soulmate. Because of the skill proficiency the user and their partner will be able to share their unique trait with each other.

<One Mind> (Unique) LVL 6

The users can't be too far away from their soulmate

Will share the user sense with their soulmate. Maintaining this state will consume a high degree of mental energy. Consumption will decrease as the skill proficiency increases.

<Switch> (Unique) LVL 1 (MAX)

When using this skill the user could switch bodies with their partner after getting consent. When switching bodies, the body's special trait will be switching with each other. Will get stronger as Synchronize becomes stronger.

As this skill level increases, more active skills will be unlocked.

[Realization] (EX) LVL 2

Will allow the user to increase your level and power temporarily by using the user data of Arcana Online. The user will retain all skill and appearance data from Arcana Online for 5 minutes upon activation. After using this skill, the user will be in an exhausted state for 10 hours.

Cooldown: 48 Hours

[God's Eyes] (Unique) Lvl 4

Able to see more information when looking at something, when channeling mana to the eyes one could pierce illusion and see the truth.

(First Function) The user will be able to see everything in slow motion depending on the mana used.

More function will be added the more proficient the user become

[Combat Stat] <778>

Str: 37

Mana: 210 (+40)

Ice Aura/Void Aura: 112 (+80)

Agi: 54

Vit: 38

Perception: 207

Soul Weapon <Void Divider> LVL 1

Able to cut through 'anything' as long as the user have enough Mana/Aura and control

Function one: The user will be able to teleport instantly in a radius of 10 meters

Cooldown: 10 Second

Function 2: Locked

<Void Divider> [Alternate form]

Amplify Elemental magic 2 time by default

>Function one [Alternate Form]: The user will merge with the power of Ice increasing the user ability to control mana with far more efficiency and preciseness. In this state the user's sense and ability to 'freeze' will dramatically increase. Will consume mental energy depending on the degree of use. This state can only be maintain for 100 second.

Closing the system I quickly brought a mirror from my inventory, seeing my reflection I sighed

"Ha...." (Rayford)

Right now I'm In Laila's body, but instead of her usual appearance I had black hair and purple eyes which was my special trait.

As I was recovering from my shock, the system once again spoke

['Egg' has been stabilized, suggesting constant mana exposure with partner's trait]

"Haa.... this is giving me headache" (Laila)

She spoke using my usual way of speech.

"On the bright side we don't need to disguise ourselves" (Rayford)

I spoke using her usual feminine way of speech.

While thinking about ways to explain their situation, they both suddenly realize something weird

"Did we just swap our habit as well?" (Rayford)

"Probably" (Laila)

"Should we stay like this during school?" (Rayford)

"I think that would be more convenient" (Laila)

Sighing, they both started to prepare before leaving their private dimension


A/N: I wish I could just write every day... Wish me luck on tomorrow collage exam.