
[Dropped] (Going to be rework)

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. As a dead person he plays the game like its his life. One day when logging in, he find himself inside a gigantic castle "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby? Bug?" (Ray) "I can't I log out!??" (Ray) "Huh?! who are you? and how can you talk in my head" "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) "What!! Are you Rey?" (Leila) To think that im reborn in the game and of all people im reborn with the #2 rank player. "F*ck! Isn't this your typical cliche stories?" (Ray) Author note: This is my first novel, im sorry if my grammar is bad as this is not my first language. This is a novel I wrote for my own entertainment im not expecting any reader, but if people start to read this novel I'll fix the quality. Note: I'll probably fix these chapters later in the future. (To be exact chapter 1~17 needed to be fix, and 18~23 needed a little adjustment as for chapter 24~33 I'm not not experienced enough to fix cause I didn't see any thing I did wrong. This probably would change the more experience I get as a writer so please bare with my bad grammar) Art is not mine... If the drawer some how saw this and want to take the picture down msg me.

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38 Chs

Meeting (1)

5 Years have passed since we awoken and 7 years since we reincarnated.

At the training hall


"Kughhh!" (Ray)

"Come on Your Highness is this all you got??" (Anna)

"This is not fair!! I'm still <B> rank and you are an <SS> rank combatant!!" (Ray)

"You need to bear with it, what are you going to do if you face an opponent stronger than you?" (Anna)

Said Anna while shooting hundreds of aura swords towards me

'Shit!!' (Ray)

[Custom Technique: Domain << Absorption>>]

Spreading my Aura around me, I calculate every aura blade trajectory while picturing the best route to avoid all the attacks. Unsheathing my katana, I swung my sword following my calculation while dodging the aura blade.

All of this happened in seconds, from other's point of view it looks like a blur of purple moving incredibly fast while deflecting and dodging the attacks.

One would think this is a fight between highly skilled experts if not for Ray's 7 years old appearance.

Rushing towards Anna, I condense every mana and aura inside my domain towards my blade as I made my attack

[Drawing Technique: Penetration Form <<Domain Blade>>]

Transferring every part of my domain, I draw my katana creating a dense energy containing every energy particle that was trapped in my domain.


'I can't dodge with my handicap' (Anna)

[Aura Domain <<Chronostasis>>]

The world lost their color as time began to slow down, Her eyes shone brightly emitting a golden glow. lightly waving her hand my attack disappeared as time began to flow again.

'What!? How did she erased my attack' (Ray)

While hiding my frustration, Anna appear behind me and touch my head

"Okay, that's enough for now" (Anna)

Hearing her word I slump on the ground with rough breathing exhausted all my energy

"What did you do ha... how.... Did you erase my attack!?" (Ray)

"Hmm... I release my handicap and use <S> rank strength" (Anna)

"But still I don't think an S rank can easily erased my attack like that" (Ray)

"You are right, If your opponent is an A rank combatant they definitely will die by your attack, and an S rank will be heavily injured" (Anna)

"But you forgot one thing I'm an aura master if you didn't coat your aura with a domain I could easily erase your attack with <A> rank strength" (Anna)

"Haa... That's very broken" (Ray)

"Say the monster who could use domain like that" (Anna)

In the fight she realize a lot of thing, first she realize that the prince Infront of her is abnormally skilled.

Second, she is unable to beat the prince without using her special time domain. the reason for this is because of his natural attribute that perfectly countered mine.

Third, is that you could coat a weapon with domain. this is also the reason she is unable to beat the prince without time magic.

"Coating my sword with Domain took a lot of mental strength to pull off, it is very hard to do okay? And you broke my domain like that..." (Ray)

"That Domain was designed to absorb energy that comes to it. But you ERASED it, how???" (Ray)

"I'll tell you later when you are stronger, Right now you need to get ready" (Anna)

"Huh? For What?" (Ray)

Replied Ray as he stood up

"Your fiancé, Miss Laila Callestio will be visiting you for the first time" (Anna)

"Eh.....? Seriously?" (Ray)

With an excited face Anna spoke

"Yes, because of that you need to dress up neatly and make a good impression" (Anna)

Hearing this my face turn solemn, I then review my plan to escape Laila's wrath inwardly while checking my status


Name: Rayford Aquinox

Race: Human

Class: Dark Swordsman (degraded)

Level: 62 (B-)

Title: Thousand Slash (Obtain by swinging your sword 1000 time in 1 minutes) Increase attack when using any type of sword by 20%


[Synchronize] (Unique) LVL 6

Passive skill that allows the user to synchronize your mind, sight, smell, skill, and emotions. Using this will allow the user to speak telepathically with your soulmate. Because of the skill's low level the user can only telepathically talk to each other and slightly feel their partner's intent.

<One Mind> (Unique) LVL 1

The users can't be too far away from their soulmate

Will share the user sense with their soulmate. Maintaining this state will consume a high degree of mental energy. Consumption will decrease as the skill proficiency increase.

As this skill level increases, more active skills will be unlocked.

[Realization] (EX) LVL 1

Will allow the user to increase your level and power temporarily by using the user data of Arcana Online. The user will retain all skill and appearance data from Arcana Online for 5 second upon activation. After using this skill, the user will be in an exhausted state for 10 hours.

Cooldown: 48 Hours

'Open combat stat' (Ray)

[Combat Stat]

Str: 26

Mana: 52

Aura: 51

Agi: 28

Vit: 31

Perception: 50

'hmmm.... my strength is still lacking, I don't think it will increase until I grow older' (Ray)

Satisfied, I walk out from the training hall and took a bath before going to my room


Meanwhile at the Callestio household.....

Mina, Laila's personal maid is busy picking a suitable dress for her angelic master

"Miss, which one do you prefer this..? hmmm... maybe this? But this one is more cute" (Mina)

"Can't you just pick one already? You've been doing this for 2 hours" (Laila)

"Of course not, you need to look your best before meeting" (Mina)

"Ehh.... okay let's choose again" (Laila)

"That's the spirit, now let us look at more dress" (Mina)

This happen for another hour before finally choosing a dress

"Come here Miss look at the mirror" (Mina)

Walking towards the mirror she looked at herself, the reflection showed a 7 years old girl with sky blue eyes, snow white skin, and silver hair wearing an elegant white dress with blue accessories. She wore a snowflake hair clip with a blue gem in the center of it.

'Cute...' (Laila)

She mutter inwardly while looking at her reflection. Seeing this Mina laugh cheerfully then put a blue brimmed hat on her head

"How is it? Do you think the Prince will like your appearance?" (Mina)

"I don't know, he isn't the type to judge a person from their appearance" (Laila)

"Hmm..? Aren't you meeting him for the first time?" (Mina)

"Eh..? Ahh, right forget about what I said" (Laila)

"Hmm... come to think of it, you some time seems to be talking to someone when there was noone in your room, and you even laugh or get angry suddenly" (Mina)

"That's....." (Laila)

"Miss.... What are you hiding?" (Mina)

Sweating profoundly at Mina's question, I then said

"I'll tell you when we meet the Prince" (Laila)

"Okay~~ I'll be waiting" (Mina)

Replied Mina while smiling playfully before she left. After some time, Mina and I entered a flying limousine and made my way towards the capital. While on their way Laila open her status board to see her current status


Name: Laila Callestio

Race: Human

Class: Swordsman of Snow (degraded)

Level: 59 (C+)

Title: Eternal Winter (Obtain by reaching -500 Celsius degrees with only aura) Increase Ice based damage by 20%


[Synchronize] (Unique) LVL 6

Passive skill that allows the user to synchronize your mind, sight, smell, skill, and emotions. Using this will allow the user to speak telepathically with your soulmate. Because of the skill's low level the user can only telepathically talk to each other and slightly feel their partner's intent.

<One Mind> (Unique) LVL 1

The users can't be too far away from their soulmate

Will share the user sense with their soulmate. Maintaining this state will consume a high degree of mental energy. Consumption will decrease as the skill proficiency increase.

As this skill level increases, more active skills will be unlocked.

[Realization] (EX) LVL 1

Will allow the user to increase your level and power temporarily by using the user data of Arcana Online. The user will retain all skill and appearance data from Arcana Online for 5 second upon activation. After using this skill, the user will be in an exhausted state for 10 hours.

Cooldown: 48 Hours

'Open combat stat' (Laila)

[Combat Stat]

Str: 19

Mana: 67

Ice Aura: 41

Agi: 32

Vit: 18

Perception: 48

'Ray's stat is still better than mine....' (Laila)

"Sigh.... I'll definitely catch up" (Laila)

Not realizing that she is being watched by Mina, while muttering in a low voice

'Catching up? I doubt anyone is stronger in her age group. So why did she say that? Maybe it's related to her little secret?' (Mina)

On the way Mina is still unable to figure out why Laila said that.