
[Dropped] (Going to be rework)

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. As a dead person he plays the game like its his life. One day when logging in, he find himself inside a gigantic castle "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby? Bug?" (Ray) "I can't I log out!??" (Ray) "Huh?! who are you? and how can you talk in my head" "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) "What!! Are you Rey?" (Leila) To think that im reborn in the game and of all people im reborn with the #2 rank player. "F*ck! Isn't this your typical cliche stories?" (Ray) Author note: This is my first novel, im sorry if my grammar is bad as this is not my first language. This is a novel I wrote for my own entertainment im not expecting any reader, but if people start to read this novel I'll fix the quality. Note: I'll probably fix these chapters later in the future. (To be exact chapter 1~17 needed to be fix, and 18~23 needed a little adjustment as for chapter 24~33 I'm not not experienced enough to fix cause I didn't see any thing I did wrong. This probably would change the more experience I get as a writer so please bare with my bad grammar) Art is not mine... If the drawer some how saw this and want to take the picture down msg me.

BuyJestercap · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Alternate Form

7 Days before school start....

"Huam...." (Rayford)

Stretching my arm while yawning, I looked at my phone while sitting on the balcony.

Not finding anything interesting, I closed my phone and sipped the tea that Mina prepared.

"THATS NOT IT!!!" (Laila)

Interrupting my peace was Laila's voice...

Right now she is being teased by Mina, for what happened yesterday.

Gazing back at them, I saw Laila's face burning red while Mina is giggling.

"Do you know how surprised I was when I saw both of you?" (Mina)

Imitating a cat smile, she added

"I was like 'Whoa... will there be another younger one?' You see~" (Mina)

She said holding her lips while smiling mischievously.

"We didn't do that yet!! Beside we aren't even physically capable of doing that" (Laila)

"Yet??" (Mina)

"Agghhh... STOP IT!!" (Laila)

looking at her reactions, she couldn't help but tease her more. Squirming her pocket, she took out a piece of paper and showed it to her young miss.

"Miss! Miss! Look at this." (Mina)

Turning her gaze to the paper, she saw a picture of her and Ray sleeping peacefully in each other embrace.

After a couple second of processing, she grabbed the picture with her newly increased speed.

Looking at the picture again she quickly put it in her inventory as her face turned more red, after confirming the picture disappearance, she suddenly screamed.

"Mina!! Delete the photo this instant!!" (Laila)

"Don't worry young miss, that was the only picture left" (Mina)

Letting out a sigh, she turned her gaze towards me.

She saw that I'm staring at piece of paper with a blank expression.

"Aaaahhh!!!!" (Laila)

Instantly appearing beside me she froze the paper on my hand. Throwing it to the sky, she then summoned her soul weapon <White Swan> and obliterated it entirely.

"How did you have that!?" (Laila)

"Our inventory is linked" (Rayford)


Saying so, we stared at each other blankly for three minutes in complete silent.

"Sooo... What happened yesterday? How did you both ended up in each other bed?" (Mina)

Breaking the silent, Mina with a confuse look on her face asked

"I don't know, when I woke up Laila is already with me" (Rayford)

"W-W.. Wh-at!!? (Laila)

"I'm serious! In fact I tried to wake up yesterday but you pulled me back" (Rayford)

Sensing my seriousness, she covered her face unable to contain her embarrassment.

"But are you both aware?" (Mina)

"Aware about what?" (Rayford)

"You two did a mana vow..." (Mina)

"..." (Rayford)

"...on top of that you did a prefect mana synchronization making both of you a unique case even among elemental spirits" (Mina)

At her word, my mind went completely blank and my jaw dropped. As one of the best player in AO, he of course obviously had heard of it.

While traveling in the spirit realm, he came across a book explaining how a pure spirit could merge their mana gaining each others attribute.

But doing so would basically mean that you and your partner have already tie the knot.

Normally human is able to influence their partner mana with enough physical contact and exposure. The furthest possible percentage possible is 10% without special technique, the highest amount recorded is 25% reach by two high elves titled the sun and moon, and to even reach such number the couple needed to perform special mana technique and have high compatibility with each other. Beyond 25% is not possible, the only race that could synchronize beyond 25% is the spirit race which is able to synchronize up to 98%.

Looking at my situation now, objectively I see this as a good thing.

But when I think about it from a moral stand point, what we did was quite unacceptable since we are not even 10 yet.

Turning my gaze to Laila, I could see her fainting with her soul leaving her mouth.

"So do you understand why did I asked what you did yesterday?" (Mina)

"Yes..." (Rayford)

"So you both have to take responsibility" (Mina)

"Huh...?" (Rayford)

"What you two did was basically tying the knot with each other" (Mina)

Hearing her reason, I nodded my head silently as I think about the future.


As Rayford and Mina were discussing about our future, I recalled the the scripture Ray found on the spirit realm.

'We could use each other attributes....' (Laila)

Thinking about it objectively, she agreed with Rayford's thought about it. The merits are simply too good. Just the thought of using Rayford's technique got her excited. With almost no drawback, we just got insanely stronger.

'Open combat stat'

[Combat Stat] <625>

Str: 37

Mana: 210

Ice Aura/Void Aura: 112 (+20)

Agi: 54

Vit: 38

Perception: 154


'It's confirmed' (Laila)

Closing her combat stat she summoned her soul weapon using Rayford's attribute.

Instead of the usual elegant pure white rapier, what summoned was a black rapier with a little tinge of purple on the tip of its blade. The black rapier while maintaining its beautiful and elegant form it gained the sharpness of Rayford's katana.

<Black Swan> [Alternate form]

Will amplify mana/aura by default and is able to cut through 'anything' as long as the user have enough Mana/Aura and control

>Function one [Alternate Form]: The user will merge with the power of void increasing the user ability to control mana with far more efficiency and preciseness. In this state the user's sense ability to 'cut' will dramatically increase. Will consume mental energy depending the degree of use. This state can only be maintain for 100 second.

Cooldown: 500 seconds

"..." (Laila)

Staring blankly at her rapier, she though of one thing.

"Ray!!! let's spar right now!!" (Laila)

At my scream, Rayford's gaze turned at me. Seeing my rapier, he was stunned for moment before a wide smile appeared on his face.

Summoning his Katana with now pure white blade and blue crystal scabbard, He spoke

"Let's go" (Rayford)

Right now, all they could think is how to push their soul weapon to the limit.

As both of them are rotten water, they couldn't help but to get excited to test something that's not possible in the game.

Looking at the two leaving figures, she sighed while smiling wryly.

"They are both perfect match for each other" (Mina)

She said as, she followed them to the training ground...….


A/N: Sorry for the slow update...