

An infamous assassin was killed with no regrets, and smiled to the end. His soul aimlessly travelled to a unknown void and unexpectedly met the One-Above-All. Even the One was surprised by the anomaly. He wanted to rest at peace however it was rejected because of his "Zero" Karma. Even in hell rejected his soul as well the afterlife. Because of the anomaly, the One-Above-All decided to propose an offer to transport his soul to an experimental being so that he could have karmic values in his new life. He couldn't do anything, just accept it. Only he didn't know that he was reincarnated in the world of MCU. THIS NOT YOUR TYPICAL REINCARNATION WHO'S THE MC HAD MEMORIES ABOUT HIS PAST OR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE MARVEL WORLD. BASICALLY, A SELF-INSERT ONE WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE TO MARVEL. ALSO, THIS STORY IS ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE OF MINE. ______________________________________________ Hello I'm a new writer of this fanfic MCU novel. I really liked the MCU movies but I'm not totally a die hard fan of it. If someone has knowledge about it better than I do, I'll gladly know it. Also, the stories will only FOCUSED ON MC AND THE MCU MOVIES. I don't have enough knowledge about the Marvel universe and I only knew the movies of it. Another thing is that as I said the stories will focus on MC story mix with marvel. Also if you want an Instantly Overpowered MC, this is not for you, but I must say he was balanced and (spoiler) he will be.  Lastly, I will stick to the plot of Marvel but hehe I'd probably change it even though it was small because I have my own bias in Marvel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh I forgot, I ACCEPT CRITICISM, CORRECTIONS, IDEAS AND OPINIONS because I totally believe I'm a new writer wanting to improve my skills ESPECIALLY my grammar. And, ENGLISH IS NOT MY MAIN LANGUAGE. IF SOMEONE HAS KNOWLEDGE ABOUT IT PLEASE TELL ME I WANT TO LEARN. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN EVERYTHING EVEN THE COVER, IT WAS CREDITED AND OWNED BY WHO MADE THE COVER PHOTO AND THE MARVEL STUDIOS OR STAN LEE, ONLY EXCEPTIONS WERE MY CHARACTERS.

NekoGod · Movies
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40 Chs

Chapter 18: Duel of Los Angeles Part 1

Haaaaa, I'm tired these days and couldn't have time to write my story because of my hectic schedules of my class and trying to find a job. Also, my brain doesn't want to cooperate and is tired of imagining scenarios and events in the future. Especially, when you're not a native speaker of english language.

I noticed the rates of the story drop, I understand and didn't care about it as long as I continue to make progress with this fanfic story. Reason is they don't like the concept of my SI reincarnation and lasly my English grammar. Well, I couldn't blame them because english is not my native language and people tend to like Overpowered MC, just wanted to have fun, or might be they were not compatible with this new concept. I couldn't blame them at all and I admit that I'm noob in this field.

However, I'm TRULY thankful to the people who still continued to read this trash novel. From my sincere feeling, I wish you all goodluck.


"Haaa, well can't complain as I finally learned my Magic. If she won't teach me then I will teach myself." Kai sighed as he walked to the front door of their restaurant.

He was greeted by their workers and he noticed his packs had smiles on their faces.

"So, I'm going solo now eh?" He muttered.

He has no problems with it as long as his family is happy. Perhaps, being a solo is much better but it was also a big loss. The fact that good coordination of a team could destroy enemies. They were trained as a group but because of the growing prowess of Kai, sometimes he couldn't wait and took an action before them while his group could backup him.

Kai doesn't want to control them and he doesn't want to force the other people.

Dream, is also the factor that his group wanted to stop. They have their own dreams and goals, more likely the dreams that they wanted before.

But for Kai, his dreams and goals are simple. It was to fight strong people and meet her someday. A simple stupid dream of Kai but it was a dream that couldn't be changed.

Later on, Kai went to his room. Thinking about how he could improve his magic. As he observed from Kamar-Taj, the sorcerers have a signature style of casting magic, and most importantly to improve their Eldritch Magic. For Kai, he will create his own version of Magic.

Since it was his personal energy, meaning he could also create his own magic.

"They rotated their hands to cast magic, or even did hand signs to conjure what they wanted. Hmm, let me see if I could also do it." Kai thought.

Later on, he went to the gym with his katana. He removed his shirts and just wore shorts pants to have a comfortable feeling.

"Alright, let's see. Magic was a mysterious form of energy. Ancient One didn't tell me the background phenomenon of it. Only, Chaos is my magic. Then, what are the branches of Chaos? For me, Chaos was a broad aspect of non-existent energy in the world. Well anyways, the better way to familiarize my magic is to experience it. If the students of Kamar-Taj needed to do hand signs to cast magic, then how about I copy their styles?" Kai muttered.

Kai focused his magical energy and channeled it whole to his physical form. Black wavy energy cast out and materialized as his own aura.

"By releasing my magic, it takes a lot of my energy. But-"

Then, he transferred his energy into his right arm. At the same time, his right arm was fully coated by his chaos magic.

"By moving it into specific parts of my body, it would reduce and save a lot of my energy," Kai concluded.

"If magic is true then maybe I could cast my own fireball? Hehe," Kai giggled.

"Fireball!" He cried out.

But nothing happened. The Chaos Magic is still intact from his right arm.

"Yep. It seems I couldn't cast any spells like magicians. But, it enhanced my strengths if I used it as my own weapon."

Kai picked up his Katana and then he transferred his magic to it. The Katana was surrounded by a black miasma, it released its intent.

"However, If I used my magic and channeled it from a weapon. I can release a powerful attack."

Kai held his katana by his two hands and slashed it to the air. A black crescent-shaped flew into the wall.


"The only problem is if I cast powerful skills. It used a large amount of Mana. That is why I should train my magic and manipulate it to effective skills but only cost a small amount of my mana. Lastly, I should improve my magic reserves but the thing is, I have no ideas how to improve them. Well, make my own ways." Kai said.

"I should call Tony and ask for AWOL."

Kai dialed Tony's number, however, there's no answer. He called him again but JARVIS was the one who picked up the call.

"How may I help you, Sir Kai?" JARVIS asked.

"Oh JARVIS, can you ask Mister Stark if I could have a month of vacation?" Kai said.

"Right away."

Kai waited for a moment.

"Sure you can, Kid. I'm also pretty busy these days. Just tell Pepper or Logan if you want to go back." Tony told him.

Kai agreed and closed the call. He will use the free time to train.

"Tony is busy? Well, that's new." He shrugged.

"Alright, let's go."

Kai spent his time training on that day. He failed many times but he didn't give up. He tried to change his style and researched how he would improve his magic and skills.


<November 2009>


Kai was in the center, sitting while crossing his legs doing meditation. His hand was holding the handle of the Katana while it was in a stand position piercing the ground to balance.

After months of training, he achieved what seek by his own efforts. Before his Chaos Magic was a wavy black flame but now, his body was glowing a dark color because he was surrounded by it. The wavy black energy was dormant and steady because he could control it.

He gained more mana because of repeatedly casting his skills like conjuring many things like a throwing dagger and many more. When he cast skills, he could manipulate his chaotic energy to avoid mana exhaustion.

However, he is still not strong like Ancient One because he only learned how to gain mana. Perhaps, it was still a good thing though that he passed from a novice into an experienced person but he's still far to reach the level of a powerhouse like Ancient One.

"Woohhhhhh, even though I could gain Magic Energy but it still not enough. Mana was fundamental energy that could cultivate it, however, why had I only attracted a small amount of energy?" He opened his eyes and sighed.

"Damn many months had passed. Tony didn't call me these days, I wonder how is he? Maybe I should return tomorrow."

Kai went outside of the room and returned to his room to call Tony.

However, no one answered. Then he called Pepper.

"Hi, I miss you, Sister Potts. I want to return tomorrow to make money. How's Tony?" Kai asked cheerfully.

"Ohhh, It's been a while, Kai. Are you sure you want to return here?" Pepper told him.

"Are you okay? Your voice was like afraid? How's Tony?" Kai slowly said. He felt something wrong.

"I don't know but I think this time is not the right time to get back. The position of Tony is in danger and we noticed.... We also noticed that Stane was the perpetrator of the abduction because Tony found out that he sold weapons to the terrorist." Potts told him.

'See, even though I didn't say it to Tony, he was also suspecting and noticed Stane's business.'

"Don't worry, I will be back tomorrow evening. Please, can you give me a free ride?" Kai asked and imitated the voice of a pitiful boy.

"You're lucky that Tony didn't deduct your salary. Alright, don't worry, and see you tomorrow." Potts said and ended the call.

Kai sighed and lied on his bed.

"Damn, I want to cast teleportation like they did but it's so hard. But someday, I will learn to do it." He grumpily said.

Since he is still new and learning, he needs to be patient and make an effort. Later on, he closed his eyes and slept.


Before I forgot. For my readers, can y'all recommend or give thoughts about his Magic? I wanted to hear some of the Magic skills and I might add it to battle prowess of Kai. I will mentioned for those who can explained it to me. Thank ou