

Yasu's parents died when he was 3 years old. He had been mistreated for a whole 15 years. Thus, he had never experienced family love and due to having become a cold person, he had no friends. The only thing that made him happy was reading manga, especially Fairy Tail. In his afterlife, Yasu was granted the ability to be transported to Fairy Tail. Follow Yasu's adventure in the new world where he would meet interesting people, fighting exciting battles, experiencing love, making friends, and living his life to the fullest. I don't know if it can be considered a "harem". This is a work of fiction. I don't own anything except for my main character and OC. The cover isn't mine. I couldn't find the artist. Enjoy ^^

Keitomi · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Erza is taking advantage of Yasu

In the morning

As Erza opened her eyes, the first thing appearing in her sight of view was Yasu's sleeping face, just a few centimeters away from hers. Her head was resting on his neck, enjoying his warmth. She had snuggled against him all night. It was her first time sleeping so comfortably. His "intimidating" aura had changed its behavior after what she had told him last night. Instead of sending her a dangerous vibe, it made her heartbeat slow down and feel that nothing could harm her.

"Thank you for staying with me..." Erza said in a quiet voice.




When Yasu woke up, he turned his head toward Erza. Her warm skin pressed against his. She also looked toward him because of his movement.

"Good morning, Erza," Yasu said with a smile on his face. Feeling in a good mood. This was the best night of his life.

"Morning" Erza answered in a depressing voice, she didn't want to part from him. She just wanted to stay like that forever.

"It's almost time to join everyone back at the guild."

Erza nodded her head in return. "Let us brush our teeth and take a quick breakfast first..."

Before getting off the bed, Yasu finally paid attention to the notification on his head.

// System Updated //

Points are now rewarded each time you defeat someone in a battle. You don't need to kill anymore.

The corner of his mouth slid upward. It was a little strange that the requirement to obtain points had changed. But it was a good thing. Yasu didn't want to be a slave to the system. He didn't like killing people to get points. Now, he would be able to earn them from defeating a person.




In the guild, sounds of a fighting mess could be heard. However, it quickly calmed down when Erza entered the hall.

"Good morning everyone," she said.

"Good morning, Erza. Natsu and I were talking about how much we appreciated each other as friends..."


Their arms were placed around each other shoulders. A forced smile could be seen on their face.

"I see that you have returned, Natsu. You guys are right, nothing is more important than friendship."

Af if he had forgotten about Erza, Natsu had an excited expression on his face as he said, "Oh! You should be Yasu. Gray talked to me about you. My name is Natsu Dragneel...Wait, why do you two have the same scent ??"

As a dragon slayer, his five senses were more acute than normal people. He could easily smell their odor mixed with each other.

"Oh, that...The reason is that we have slept with each other."

"I see, there is nothing wrong the—"

However, Gray didn't have the same opinion as him. His gaze fixed on Erza and Yasu open-mouthed. Shock visible on his face.

"WHAT ?! You two have slept on the same bed ?! I thought Yasu would be sleeping on the couch or something !"

"Is there something wrong with it...?" Yasu answered before Erza. His tone was calm but menacing at the same time.

His cold eyes were staring at Gray. Last night was the best one in his life. It was the first time he had slept so well. He didn't want to lose the feeling of Erza's warm body. If he were to pass a night alone again, he wouldn't be able to fall asleep. So, Yasu felt threatened that Gray would take away his happiness...

"No, no. There is nothing wrong. Hahaha..." Gray said awkwardly. Feeling death near his door. There wasn't something like that when they were fighting each other in the past. ("I am sure he wasn't taking me seriously back then.")

"Calm down, Yasu. This isn't you." Erza stated, gently hugging Yasu. Her eyes fixed on him with worry look on her face.

"Sorry, I got carried away..."

All this time, Makarov was observing them secretly. The corner of his mouth turned up as he said, "It seems we have gotten an interesting member...That power he had displayed wasn't magic...I knew he wasn't normal. I did well paring them together. He and Erza are made for each other...We have good days ahead of us...Hahaha !"

Having already finished his observation, Makarov walked away.

"You're really strong. Let's fight each other !!" Natsu said.



"As a man, you cannot refuse his challenge!"

"A dual between the newcomer and Natsu ?"

"I want to see who's stronger! "

The other members were also closely paying attention to their conversation. They were surprised when hearing that Erza and Yasu had slept together. Many of them had spit out their drinks. The pressure from Yasu also intimidated them quite a lot.

Yasu had much inhibition fighting Natsu due to his last fight with Gray. Even, if he didn't kill Gray, the fact that he had lost control over his power still traumatized him quite a bit.

Seeing Yasu's hesitant look, Gray guessed what he was thinking about.

"This time, you really shouldn't underestimate Natsu. He is a strong-headed person. If you are afraid, just don't use something you have no control of unless they're a foe."

Gray's words were right. It would be fine as long as he didn't use Ice King Sniper. He still had many other spells he hadn't used against Gray. This time he would win. He couldn't lose another fight. Yasu would become stronger after the difficult battle.

"Fine, I'll show you who's more powerful between us. Your Fire Dragon Slayer or my Ice King."




They were currently standing in front of the Fairy Tail's building. A crowd had gathered around them. People were placing their bets. The majority of people had bet on Natsu. Even though Gray had brought him to the guild, they knew Natsu's power better than him.

Yasu intended to make them regret their decision. Last time, Gray only managed to win against him by using a trick. In this fight, he was going to show everyone his power.

He wasn't going to underestimate his opponent once again. A sage man once said, " There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent. "

‐ Lao Tzu