
[Complete] My Grand Journey

you know the drill it’s a story of some guy that gets reincarnated by a god or something most of the early stuff is in the universe the god or whatever created for him the universe will be explained as you read the story. - I don’t like to double check my work as I find it extremely boring if you find any mistakes tell me and I will fix it

GooseMan191 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Stats (spoilers for chapter 14 lol)


Tier: 2-C

Name: Mechanical Hands

Power/abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Weapon Mastery, Energy Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Absorption, Dimension travel , Chi Manipulation, Resistance, Regeneration, Forcefield Creation, Energy Projection, Aura, Martial Arts, Breath Attacks, Power Mimicry, Accelerated Development, Extrasensory Perception, Supernatural Willpower, Vibration Manipulation, Flight, Self Sustenance, Immortality, Precognition, Weapon creation, Telekinesis, Body Control, Transmutation, Instinctive Reaction, Danmaku, Information Analysis, Homing Attack, Sound Manipulation, Telepathy, Corruption, Power Bestowal, Fear Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Acrobatics, Awakened Power, Statistics Amplification, Perception Manipulation, Healing, Poison Manipulation, Afterimage Creation, Temperature Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Damage Boost, Damage Reduction, Disease Manipulation, Blessed, Holy Manipulation, Surface Scaling, Genius Intelligence, Pressure Points, Clairvoyance, Invisibility, Regeneration Negation, Empathic Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Morality Manipulation, Rage Power, Stealth Mastery, Memory Manipulation, Social Influencing, Power Nullification, Power Modification, Fragrance Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Natural Weaponry, Shapeshifting, Fusionism, Duplication, Battle Field Removal, Self Destruction, Bone Manipulation, Chain Manipulation, Transformation, Elasticity, Possession, Size Manipulation, Multiple Selves, Small Size, Large Size (Type 9), Hair Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Portal Creation, Dimensional Storage, Sleep Manipulation, Body Puppetry, Teleportation, Thread Manipulation, Automatic Translation, Durability Negation, Unholy Manipulation, Hive Mind, Absolute Zero, Adhesive Manipulation, Reactive Evolution, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Necromancy, Summoning, Cloth Manipulation, Crystal Manipulation, Creation, Dream Manipulation, Retrocognition, Matter Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Supernatural Luck, Law Manipulation, Abstract Existence, Acausality, Age manipulation, Alternate Future Display, Magic, Animal Manipulation, Attack Reflection, Astral Projection, Avatar Creation, Berserk Mode, Black Hole Creation, Bodily Weaponry, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Broadway Force, Causality Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Construction, Underground Mobility, Cosmic Awareness, Curse Manipulation, Cyborgization, Damage Transferal, Data Manipulation, Density Manipulation, Ectoplasm Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Fate Manipulation, Free Movement, Gravity Manipulation, Hacking, Higher Dimensional Existence, Higher Dimensional Manipulation, Immersion, Incorporeality, Information Manipulation, Intangibility, Invulnerability, Madness Manipulation, Mathematics Manipulation, Multilocation, Nanotechnology, Non Physical Interaction, Nonexistent Physiology, Paper Manipulation, Petrification, Photographic Memory, Physics Manipulation, Platform Creation, Plot Manipulation, Pocket Reality Warping, Preparation, Psychometry, Purification, Quantum Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Resurrection, Retrocognation, Sealing, Sense Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Technology Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Time Stop, Time Travel, Toon Force, Transduality (type 1), Vehicular Mastery, Void Manipulation, Weapon Control, Zero Dimensionality, Subjective Reality

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level

Speed: Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Universal

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level

Durability: Low Multiverse level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Low Multiversal

Intelligence: Supergenius


Some of you might be wondering why most of the ( ) thing explaining the type of that power he got such as immortality (type 1) or how strong it is regeneration (low-mid) that because he either has all of the types or he has maxed out that pacific ability like how the max for regeneration is high-godly (source vs battle wiki) most of these abilities will be shown in chapter 14 and I will also kinda tell you how he got them

That's all for now as of chapter 13