
[Complete] My Grand Journey

you know the drill it’s a story of some guy that gets reincarnated by a god or something most of the early stuff is in the universe the god or whatever created for him the universe will be explained as you read the story. - I don’t like to double check my work as I find it extremely boring if you find any mistakes tell me and I will fix it

GooseMan191 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Brief Visit To A Bizarre Verse

It's been like a hour since I travel to the jojo verse and this time when I used dimensional travel it let me choose where and what time period I wanted to travel to so of course I chose just a few hours before jotaro kills dio as then I wouldn't have to fight dio and could still get all of his powers after that I can just kill jotaro then leave this world and come back later for stuff like the Requiem arrow

Tho right now they just starting i transmuted some stone into popcorn made it so no one could hear me and made my self invisible because I just want to enjoy the show

Couple minuets latter

The fight was almost at the end but let me tell you the anime and manga didn't do any justice to the speed of these stands they were so fast I couldn't even keep up with them well at least I was able to keep up with dio and jotaro all there incredible speed came from there stands but still the fight was amazing

Oh looks like dio just died now then I made my way closer to the body and absorbing it but looks like jotaro was paying attention to the body probably to make sure dio was actually dead well whatever I teleported behind jotaro but because his stand was just as fast as me star platinum was able to go behind him and try to defend him

To bad for star platinum tho my punch's are so strong one hit can destroy all of china so I just broke through star platinum defense and impaled him and jotaro through the chest

"Well that was easy now to go back home and actually get time manipulation" I said as I opened a portal back home and went through it ah home sweet home I was gone for a hour and I already missed it well time to work on time stop until I get time manipulation

But first I should test out my time stop with that though I yelled at the top of my lungs "Za Warudo" and the entire world stoped if I remember correctly the range of my times stop should be universal which is extremely good for me but what's even better is that my time stop is actually a lot longer at 1 entire minute which doesn't sound like a lot but when you realize I can attack faster then the speed of light and things quickly begin to be more clear on how powerful this is

[you got time manipulation]

Wait a fucking second did I seriously just need to use time stop to get time manipulation like seriously that's alI had to do

System: well ya when you consider all of your abilities that let you grow at least a thousand times faster then a normal person it becomes more clear as to why you were able to get it on your first try

Well that makes sense but now come's the actually challenging part I have to get adjusted to my new speed I made such a big jump in speed that now I actually need to try to control i normally work to get my speed up so when I enter a new tier of speed I'm already well adjusted to it and I don't face this problem

But hey this is still a good thing as I killed two birds with 1 stone I got time manipulation and also managed to get a extremely large boost in speed now the only problem is my actual strength but that's a problem for later right now I need to control my speed and also try to incorporate time manipulation into my other abilities

30 minutes later

Ok now that I have gotten satisfactory results with my time travel and other abilities I'm gone kill the 8 king some of you might be asking how I'm going to do that as I have said before hat they are at least star level well if you want to know you will need to shut the fuck up and listen to my big brain plan

First I'm gone stop time then I'm gone transform them into candy and eat them some of you might say "hey didn't buu do that to vegito and still got his ass kicked" well the thing is I'm not a idiot like you and have thought of something like that you see while buu did turn vegito into candy he only turned his body into candy while his mind and soul remained so he was able to move but with my abilities I can turn something body,mind and soul into candy or whatever else I want so there's no way they can fight back unless they have resistance to it they're fucked

Guess who doesn't have resistance to it that's right the 8 kings so sit the fuck down and watch me kill a giant fucking horse also after this I'm gone take every drug at once fuck yea !

System: sir why are you acting so crazy all of a sudden

Sorry just got a bit excited because I'm finally gone get the power boost I need anyways if this plan of my some how fail's (which it won't) you have my back right white

White: of course but pls only call on me when it's absolutely necessary

Ok I got it but all I need is for you to confirm that you had my back I thought for a second you would be to lazy to do that

White: while you may think I'm lazy I'm actually minimizing my impact on your body as even me moving to much would destroy your body

Ya I know that but I also know that you would still just sit around all day even if my body was strong enough to handle you

White: I mean I would still sit around all day even if you had a strong enough body but not because I'm lazy

Ya sure bro well whatever for now let's head to area 8 and find the horse king

Author: please tell me if I made any spelling mistakes and also I'm gone try to make him talk more to his appetite demon aka white also I have a question for all of you what is your favorite ingredient from acacias full course