
[Canceled] Why Is It Tough?


Sulphisix · Fantasy
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5 Chs

What is happening?

[Number of bandits 36]

'I just wanna die already! I'm tired of having to do stuff for these bandits. They only caused me pain!'

'You don't deserve anything.

Nobody loves you.

Just. End. It.'

'Pain... isn't hate. I can't stand pain'. Hate is just a concept, it's just one side of a coin. Love is the closest thing to hate, but they are so different.(this is just rambling).

I looked up to the group of bandits, And they were putting up a fight against the giant wolf. His fur had to be made of iron because the slashes from the sword didn't get through at all. Meanwhile I noticed the wolves lost their interest in Me, I was glad. They did start pursuing the bandits though.

I noticed one of the bandits has black and white hair, I had never seen this man In my life. The man was using two blue and green daggers to stab and slash at the beasts feet, I don't think this was effective at all. Was that the Sai I heard of?

WHOOSH! BAM! CRUNCH! I was sure I was going to die after seeing the big wolf eat a bandit, Almost whole. After eating the bandit the Monster's white fur began turning a dark grey shade, And a pressure started emitting from the beast. I felt like going to sleep, But just barely Managed to stay awake. the big wolf didn't use his claws until now, taking out a bandits legs in one swoop.

[Number of bandits left 34]

The normal wolves began hunting people down. Three bandits that were grouped up were almost instantly shredded, It almost made me vomit. The only bandit putting up a fight was that Sai guy. I was wondering how he was able to move so fast, but maybe he's just quite agile.

I still didn't have the courage to stand up because I was tired and scared, And one of the Bandits yelled, "Use the kid as a distraction!" I knew that they never joked around when they were talking about me, so I tried to hide in the bush that the wolves originally came from. I could just barely crawl over there into the bush.

When I got to the bush, I thought I was saved so I turned my body around and sat down hoping the wolves would leave after dealing with the bandits.

I decided to peek out of the bush , and to my surprise a wolf was right there, luckily he didn't seem to notice me so I quickly went back into the bush. Before I went into the bush I checked to see how many Bandits were left and it looks like around 9 more are dead.

[Number of bandits remaining 22]

I had to calm myself down after seeing how many Bandits died outside. They seemed like they had no chance against these wolves with monstrous power. I was hoping I could camp it out in the bush until nobody was around anymore.


Damn! these wolves don't know when to quit! I am getting tired now and they won't back down! I've almost killed one of them but he ran away! hey... wait a minute.. is that wolf... running after me? the big one?! I'm in trouble. Shit, my fucking leg was almost ripped off by one of those wolves. damn it, I'm gonna pass out...

[Number of Bandits remaining 14]

[Sai: Shit!]

[Number of Bandits remaining 13]


is it over now? can I leave? is it safe out? let's find out.

I crawled up to the edge of the bush to poke my head out, I didn't see anything.

All of a sudden I just remembering it go dark,I can't remember, what happened, or why but I can't see, hear, or feel. did I die? is this the afterlife...what is going on!?

[Number of bandits left 0 !]

I woke up in the middle of a forest and I was confused. am I shorter? where am I? how did I get here? my mind was overloaded with so many questions, that I had to go to sleep. I didn't even have time to choose where to lay down, I just flopped over and slept.

After I woke up I checked my surroundings, but I had no clue where I was. luckily there was a lake nearby. Even though there was a lake nearby I still had no clue where I was. I approached the lake, and I looked into my reflection. That's not me...

-" Huh?"-

What was that? Did I just hear a voice in my head? Who am i?

- "Who are you?"-

Who are you!? I think I'm going insane.

- "I've definitely gone insane living in the forest for so long.."-

Sooo... I guess I'm insane now!

- "Me too ehh.."-


So how ya doing...

- "Fine I guess..."-


Are you real?



Ok..Ok, What is your name then?

- "Fine ... my name is... It's ... "-

Just say it!

- "It's Jas...My name is Jas."-

J- "What's yours huh?"

Well...I don't..uhh...Have one.


J- "'im going insane, this person doesn't exist right!?'"

Talking quiet doesn't mean I can't hear you!

J- "That's right..."

J- "Fine! I'll just call you... hmm... Guy!"

No, can you please be more creative..

J- "Okay then.... well maybe...First what is your favorite letter?"

hmm.. it would be Y and R!

J- " Two... okay..."

J- Ok.. A, E, I, O, or U?-

Uhh... A and I !

J-This will be rough...-

J-Ok.... I will call you... Ya'ir !-(yah-Ear)

It's..Perfect..I guess?

I like it " Yair " he-he Thank you.

J- "No problem, Yair!"

Oh, by the way "Jas" know where we're at?

J- "Yes, I know. We're at the east side of the Small lake. Let's walk Over.."


J- " The thing is I can't walk... In fact I cant move at all!"

Is it my fault?

J- " Can you move?"

Yes, just fine actually!

J- " ..is there a way for me to move my own body?"

I don't know!

J " Maybe try relaxing?-

O-ok I'll try!

[Relaxing all muscles] I think I got this!

J- " Ok I'll try to take over!"

[Switching process active]

[Sync 1%]

J- " I did it!"

J- "I think I can head to my place!"

That's good cuz I have no clue where you live!

[After 20 mins of walking]

....So is this where you live?

J- "Y-yeah, it's not much, but it is home for sure!"

how long have you been living here?

J- " Almost all my life Yair. Here since I was five. We grew up in a rough place so he thought we could move to the Forest"

Oh, So that is why you live in the Forest, huh.

J- "Yeah I also know a lot about staying in the Forest."

Ah were finally here.

It's a nice Place!

J- " Thanks it means a lot! "

Well it's true!

J- " Lets get settled in! "

[About 7 hours later]

[Sync 5%]

Wow! you really do know what your doing!

I mean it's only been a few hours and you got all this stuff!

J- " I did say that I'm pretty good at stuff like that. "

Well I mean it's impressive to me! I'm in someone else's body right now... well your body.

y'know What is happening?

J- " Yeah, what is happening? "


J- " Wait... Do I have to share my body with you for the rest of my life!? oh no.. "

Uhh... I don't know.

J- " How Am I supposed to Wash myself off!

You can't look... I'll kill you... "

How are you going to kill me? Just close your eyes when you're cleaning yourself off!?

I don't know! Aren't you a guy?

J- ..... Are you dumb.... -

-IM A GIRL!!! -




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