

Waking up in a place he didn't recognize, his body hooked up to a plethora of things within what appeared to just be a hospital room at a glance, he would soon find out that the world he once knew had changed drastically, with nothing of his own left to desperately cling onto anymore. ---------- I'd advise you to read the entire description! Just saying... ---------- [Disclaimer #1: I do not claim ownership of any pictures that are seen within this story. All of the credit goes to their creators, whoever they are.] [Disclaimer #2: I do not claim to be a good writer, nor have I ever done that. I write because it provides a good distraction for me to avoid thinking about certain aspects of my life. Not only that, however, but it's always felt relaxing for me to do in my free time. As a result, there isn't really a consistent upload schedule in my works. I just do it whenever I feel like it.] [Disclaimer #3: I'm just going to put this here, at least for the people who seem to get the meanings mixed up, but I'm talking about the three variations of NTR. It's divided up into three types. I'll just give the really basic definitions. 1. Netorare: Your partner is stolen away from you. 2. Netori: You steal someone else's partner. 3. Netorase: You allow your partner to be with someone else. Just to add some clarification, the MC will be doing the second one: Netori. He is not a cuck whatsoever, so there's no need to be afraid of that sort of thing happening.] [Disclaimer #4: This is a work of fiction. While a story can be realistic, there are just certain things that you shouldn't bother trying to apply realism to. Just give it some thought and then rethink your decision about making such an insignificant complaint.] [Disclaimer #5: Do not be surprised by the amount of smut that may be included within this story. I plan on implementing quite a bit later down the line, so I've just decided to throw out a premature warning in case there are complaints about it in the future.] ---------- [Tags: Harem, Romance, Action, Adventure, Situational Power Levels, R18, Magic, Superpowers, Wish Fulfillment, Apocalypse, Netori, Alternate Universe Elements, Positive Tones, Dark Tones, World Travel, Possible Crossovers, Shota, Breeding, Tragedy, Slow Pace, Fast Pace, Major Character Death, Gender Switches, No Yuri, System.] (The tags might either change or expand as time goes on.)

Smegma · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


As my consciousness slowly clawed its way back from the depths of sleep, I was greeted harshly by a multitude of blaring alarms assaulting my ears. Groaning softly, I struggled to piece together the fragments of my surroundings. My vision swam in a sea of blurry shapes, the harsh lights above only adding to my disorientation. With each passing moment, clarity eluded me, like trying to grasp onto smoke.

But gradually, the fog lifted, and I found myself staring up at a perfectly ordinary ceiling. White and bland, it stretched out above me like a canvas devoid of any inspiration. The sterile familiarity of it all sent a shiver down my spine, a sense of déjà vu tugging at the edges of my mind.

As I attempted to make sense of my surroundings, a dull ache began to throb in the recesses of my skull. It felt as though someone had taken a sledgehammer to my brain while I slept, leaving behind a dull ache as a grim souvenir.

Summoning what little strength I had, I pushed myself into a sitting position, my movements sluggish and graceless. It was a struggle, akin to a vampire rising from his coffin after centuries of slumber. Each muscle protested the effort, as if they, too, were reluctant to awaken from their dormant state.

With a heavy sigh, I finally managed to sit upright, casting a weary gaze around the room.

As I shifted in bed, the blankets rustling softly beneath me, my fingers brushed against something foreign on my chest. Frowning in confusion, I glanced down to find a network of wires and patches adhered to my skin. The white patches seemed innocuous enough, but the wires snaked across my body like serpents, connecting me to some unseen machinery.

Panic began to bubble up inside me as I realized the extent of my entanglement. What were these devices monitoring? Why were they attached to me? Questions swirled in my mind, each one more urgent than the last.

Then, I felt a tug on my arm, pulling my attention away from the wires. Looking down, I noticed a thin needle inserted into the crook of my elbow, its presence sending a chill down my spine. It was connected to a clear tube, which disappeared into a bag suspended above me. What was it pumping into my veins? The liquid inside remained a mystery, its contents hidden from view.

With a shaky hand, I reached up to my face, fingers fumbling with the straps of the oxygen mask that clung stubbornly to my skin. It felt suffocating, like a barrier between me and the outside world. With a determined tug, I managed to free myself from its grasp, the rush of cool air against my skin a welcome relief.

Gasping for breath, I took in my surroundings once more, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. I was in a hospital room, that much was clear. But how had I ended up here? And perhaps more importantly, where in the world was I?

As I sat there, the remnants of the oxygen mask dangling from my hand, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something lurking just beyond the edges of my consciousness. It was like a distant memory, a whisper of familiarity trying to claw its way to the surface, only to be pushed back by some unseen force.

Frustration bubbled up inside me as I tried to grasp onto those elusive fragments of memory, but they slipped through my fingers like grains of sand. Why was it so difficult to remember? Was it some form of trauma that had locked away these memories, keeping them just out of reach? The thought gnawed at me, a cold knot of unease settling in the pit of my stomach.

Shaking my head to clear away the fog of confusion, I shifted my focus to more immediate concerns. Pushing the covers off my lower body, I froze as another realization washed over me like a bucket of ice-cold water.

I was naked.

The realization hit me like a slap in the face, and for a moment, I was struck dumb. How had I not noticed before? The term 'naked and afraid' had never seemed to fittingly apply to me until now, but in this moment, it couldn't have been more apt.

Heat flooded my cheeks as I scrambled to pull the covers back up, a flush of embarrassment coloring my skin. It was bad enough that I was stuck in this strange hospital room with no memory of how I got here, but to be completely exposed on top of it all was almost too much to bear.

As I hurriedly tugged the covers back over myself, a pang of unease swept through me. I couldn't help but wonder about the medical professionals who had been working on me. Were they male, female, or perhaps a mixture of both?

The thought of a team of female nurses bustling around me, their voices soft and reassuring, calmed my nerves somewhat. There was a sense of comfort in imagining their presence, a feeling of safety in the thought that they were looking out for me.

But the truth was, I had no way of knowing. The memories remained stubbornly out of reach, leaving me to grasp at straws in the dark.

As the alarms continued to blare in the distance, their shrill cries a constant reminder of the chaos outside my room, a surge of determination welled up inside me. I couldn't stay trapped in this sterile prison any longer. It was time to take matters into my own hands.

With trembling limbs, I swung my legs over the edge of the hospital bed, the cold floor sending a shiver down my spine as my bare feet made contact. Gritting my teeth against the wave of dizziness that threatened to overwhelm me, I pushed myself upright, the effort leaving me feeling weak and unsteady.

Each step forward felt like a monumental achievement, my muscles protesting with every movement. It was a struggle unlike any I had ever experienced, a battle against my own body as I fumbled and stumbled like a newborn taking its first uncertain steps.

Realizing that I might topple over at any moment, I reached out for the IV stand, its metal frame offering a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos. Gripping it tightly, I used it to steady myself as I slowly made my way towards the door.

But just as my hand closed around the doorknob, a bolt of electricity shot through me, sending my entire body into a state of shock. The memories I had been desperately trying to remember came flooding back with a vengeance, their vivid images searing themselves into my mind with brutal clarity.

It wasn't pretty.

In that moment, I was confronted with the harsh reality of my past, a truth so ugly and twisted that it threatened to consume me whole. With a strangled cry, I stumbled backwards, the weight of that revelation bearing down on me like a leaden weight.

For the first time since waking up in this strange hospital room, I realized that the answers I sought might not be the salvation I had been hoping for. Instead, they were a Pandora's box of horrors, waiting to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. And I was its sole target.