
[BL] Quick transmigration: My Fairytale system

System: Let's visit another strange fairy tale! Eathen: Not again! ML *Submitting an application to the world of Red Riding Hood.* ML: Can I play the big bad wolf? ^_^

StarWolf250 · LGBT+
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Chapter 1: The Unexpected Transmigration

Once Upon a Time in the bustling city of New York, where towering skyscrapers kissed the sky and the aroma of street food filled the air, in the ridiculous pricey part of the metropolis lived a young man named Ethan.

Eathen's footsteps echoed through the narrow streets as he made his way home. He was feeling a bit tired but other than that he was in a pretty good mood considering the long day he had. After a whole day of giving autographs and socialising he just wanted to crawl into some quiet corner and rest. He wasn't a big social butterfly and his batteries were hitting rock bottom. His bed was calling his name! But it wasn't meant to be... she was his heroine and he was just her supporting male lead. So close and yet so far. (T▽T)

On his way to her gentle embrace, he stumbled upon an old antique shop tucked away in a quiet alley. The sign above the entrance creaked in the wind, its faded letters spelling out "Curiosities and Relics." Intrigued by its mysterious aura and seduced away from the sweet promise of early sleep, he decided to step inside.

The shop was filled with an assortment of strange items, each holding a story of its own. Amongst the dusty shelves and dimly lit corners, Eathen's eyes were drawn to a peculiar-looking pocket watch. Its intricate design and the faint glow emanating from within captivated him. Little did he know that this pocket watch held the power to change his life forever. 

As he reached out to touch the watch, a sudden jolt coursed through his body. At the same time he heard the sound of something braking above his head. The world around him blurred, and Eathen found himself standing in an unfamiliar white room.

Confusion washed over him, but before panic could take hold, a cheerful voice broke the silence.

"Greetings, Eathen! Welcome to the Transmigration System," the voice chimed. "I am here to assist you on your journey through different worlds." (*^▽^*)

Eathen's eyes darted around the room, searching for the source of the voice. "Transmigration System? What is this? Where am I?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The voice responded, its tone still cheerful. "You have transmigrated into this room, Eathen. This system has been assigned to you to help you complete missions in various worlds. You see, your time in this world is limited. However, if you manage to complete enough missions, I can help you avoid your impending demise."

Listening closely, he noticed the voice was coming from the direction of his hand. Looking down, he saw that he was still holding a pocket watch and the voice seemed to be coming from it. It was just that it looked quiet different from before. Gone were the beautiful engravings and precious metals in its place was cheap pink plastic with an image of Hello Kitty....

≽^•⩊•^≼ meow

Eathen: Why do I feel somehow cheated?(;一_一)

Eathen's mind raced with questions, but he couldn't deny the urgency in the voice's words. "Why me? Why should I complete these missions?" he inquired, his voice tinged with skepticism.

The voice paused for a moment before answering, "Eathen, you possess a unique set of qualities. You are intelligent, decisive and most importantly you have a good understanding of literature. Plus your resilience makes you an ideal candidate for these missions.

The poor system was starting to feel a bit desperate. Seeing that it's host was not buying what it was selling it tried to appeal to him in a different way.

System: By completing the mission, you will not only save yourself but also impact the lives of others in these worlds. (≧∇≦)/

Eathen's gaze hardened as he absorbed the weight of the situation. He had always been a survivor, willing to do what it took to protect himself. Still feeling a bit sceptical of the whole thing he decided to interrogate this so called system some more.

Eathen: Are you the only system in existence?

System ^•⩊•^ : There is more of us.

Eathen: How many?

System: I'm not sure... but many... probably 

Eathen: Who do you work for?

System: -Classified information-

Eathen: What do you get from all this?

System: I will get promoted ^ω^

Eathen: (°_°)

System: Life of a low level system is really tough! Just look at how I look!

Eathen: Cheap pink plastic mirror with an image of Hello Kitty is not your personal preference?

System: (╥﹏╥)

Eathen: What will happen to me if I decline your offer?

System: Death (^_^;)

Eathen: What will happen if I fail to complete a mission?

System: Death ... Q_Q 

Eathen: ಠ_ಠ

System: My life will be connected to host's during the missions and I will do my best to help my host.

*Pulls out the Transmigration contract*

Eathen: How many do I need to complete?

System: Seven or eight. It depends on how much energy we will get from each world.

Eathen: What kind of missions will it be?

System: Every mission is different. It can be a mission to protect or help someone but it can also be a mission to uncover some truths. Mission worlds are randomly selected.

Eathen: If I manage to complete them?

System: System will help host avoid an incident that would end host's life in his world. 

It's voice sounded on the verge of crying and very sincere. So far, it seems to be acting like it has a set of guidelines it can't go against and it apparently needed his consent. Remembering the unpleasant noise he heard right before he was transported finally sealed his decision. This opportunity, however strange and unexpected, presented a chance to rewrite his fate.

With a determined nod, Eathen spoke, "Very well, System. I accept your offer. Lead me through these worlds, and together, we shall defy destiny."

And so, Eathen embarked on a journey tha

t would take him beyond the boundaries of his own reality. Little did he know what trials, adventures, and suprises awaited him. This famous author would strive to rewrite his own story.