

Kaiden who recently just turned eighteen had his life turned upside down as soon as reached the legal age and realized his best friend, Bon-Hwa's real intention. All rights reserved 2021 Claudette Ann Nicole Yaun Watpad: Bunny_Heart12 VI. Thou shalt not steal

nikooniconi · Horror
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

It has been at least two weeks since their last disagreement and everything has been going well. With their everyday routine, nothing made Kaiden happier.

"Aw, you're so cute." Bonhwa cooed as he wipe the side of Kaiden's mouth when the cake's icing stained it.

"Thanks, Hyung." Kaiden smiled and opened his mouth as Bonhwa continued to spoon-feed him.

The students had been already used to how the two-act. So when they had their lunch in the cafeteria, it's practically normal for them to witness it.

It was like a silent agreement to ignore what they do and let them. At first, they think sometimes it's too much, but as time pass they began thinking it was actually cute,

"After school, Hyung got you a surprise," Bonhwa announced on their way to Kaiden's classroom.

"A surprise? I love surprises!" Kaiden said enthusiastically.

"Of course, you do. Go enter your room and study well."

"Yes, sir!" Kaiden gave Bonhwa a salute and entered the room as Bonhwa keep watching him and only left once Kaiden had taken his seat.

Unfortunately, Kaiden didn't do well that afternoon in class. The poor boy just kept staring at the clock and act as if he just blocked the world from disturbing him.

He had also been scolded a few times but it didn't affect his mood. He just got more excited as it was time soon for them to go home.

Kaiden only receives the best of the best surprises from Bonhwa. From his latest model phone to the most expensive one he got for him.

He still doesn't know why Bonhwa got him a Chinese Ancient Hair Clip. After all, between the two of them, Bonhwa has longer hair. He just didn't have the money to have his hair cut at a salon as it was too expensive.

With his family's situation, Kaiden can't save money as his parents stop giving him allowance two years ago after they found out that Bonhwa always took him to eat with him and receives free food. So Kaiden has been broke for two years, resulting in him not saving money to give Bonhwa something.

It's also been two years since he had his hair cut, it wasn't that long, it's just below his ear. But then, he has curly hair. Maybe if he straighten them, it would reach his chin.

As the bell rings when Kaiden looks outside. Bonhwa is already outside waiting for him.

"Hyung, I learned a lot of things today!" Kaiden excitedly greets him.

Bonhwa who can't be more familiar with Kaiden smiled in amusement.

"Oh really? Can I see how well you did in your activities today?" Bonhwa teased him. Kaiden's face quickly redden.

"Hyung, no! What's your surprise anyway?"

"You'll see."

After a 20 minute drive, they finally reached the area Bonhwa's family lived. Kaiden can't help but be amazed by the houses they pass by, it's obvious that only rich people can acquire a home here.

And finally, they arrived at Bonhwa's home. It's one of the largest houses here. It's a three-story house, with a spacious parking lot for Bonhwa's collection of cars.

"Let's go," Bonhwa said and the front door was opened by the family's trusted butler.

Both greeted the butler and continued until they reach the stairs.

"When I was strolling and saw it, it reminded me so much of you that I couldn't help but bring it home."



"Was it cute?"

"As cute as you, and as silly as you."

"Eh? A toy?"

Kaiden guessed as Bonhwa opened the door of his room and entered first. And when Kaiden entered the room, his eyes glued immediately at Bonhwa's bed.

In his bed, a small fluffy creature was wagging its tail at them with its tongue hanging out.

A golden retriever puppy.

"No way!" Shocked Kaiden and immediately went to the puppy.

"Isn't he cute?" Bonhwa asked as he set aside his bag and jacket he had been wearing.

"Oh my god, Hyung!" Kaiden exclaimed and finally carry the puppy.

"Do you like him?"

"Of course, I do!"

"His name was Byul. It was the name given to him by the shop owner."

"Byul? It means Star, right?"

"Yes. Also, I registered you as the owner."

Kaiden quickly looked back at Bonhwa as he announce something so important.

"I'm a fur parent now?" Kaiden whispered still shocked by the turn of events.

"Hm." Bonhwa hummed and smiled sweetly at him.

"HYUUUNG!" Kaiden screamed excitedly.

"You have nothing to worry about him. I got accessories suitable for his breed and months too." Bonhwa said and took out a blue velvet box. Opening it and took out a fancy-looking collar.

"Hyung, what's with the collar? A normal one would do." Kaiden asked with a frown.

It was a thick blue-collar and a gem-like pendant. It seems more a collar for a person than a dog,

"I only want the best for you," Bonhwa said and put the collar on the puppy.

After playing around with Bonhwa and Byul for two hours, Bonhwa took them home as the older knew Kaiden still need to do some of his assignments. He also noticed how the younger looks tired. After all, the younger did nothing but chase the puppy around the villa which really took a toll on the younger who don't even know how to exercise.

"Hyung," Kaiden called out Bonhwa's attention as soon as Bonhwa parked in front of their house.

"Why? Is there something wrong--" Before Bonhwa could finish his sentence, Kaiden slammed into him. Hugging him tightly.

Bonhwa can't help but laugh at the younger.

"What's with you, huh?" Bonhwa asked the younger jokingly. Well, that couldn't be helped as it's always Bonhwa who initiate the affection and Kaiden would reciprocate

"Don't know. Just feeling emotional right now." Kaiden mumbled and let go of the hug. "Do you want to come in?" He asked before opening the door of the passenger seat.

"No. I still have projects to finish." Bonhwa declined and pat the younger's head while he carried the puppy away.

"Bye, Hyung!" Kaiden exclaimed as he got out of the car.

"Bye. I'll pick you up tomorrow." Bonhwa waited until Kaiden's finally inside their home before re-starting the car.

Ever since the day Youngsun gifted Kaiden a plush, Bonhwa has been paranoid since then. Ordering a customized camera, hired a trainer for dogs for a week, and a customized expensive collar that can support the camera installed. Heck, he'd do everything to know the younger's every move when he's not in his sight.

He would have been okay and relieved, but Youngsun just had to enter their life. Thinking about how Youngsun is always in contact with Kaiden made him madder.

Thinking about the things right now, Bonhwa took out his phone.

"Ne?" A sleepy voice answered.

"When are you going back to Korea?"

"My flight is next week." The voice informed him.

"Good. I need you to do something."

"What? Another one? Oh, by the way, I bought Kaiden somethiiiing."


"This is a cute one! It will always remind him of you." Bonhwa raised his left eyebrow.


"Shut up."

"Just kidding! It's a We Bare Bear, the brown one. Anyway, what were you saying?"

"Remember Bae Youngsun?"

"Yeah, duh. He's been our President in High School for years."

"He's been meddling."

"Oh, so you want me to-- do that again?"


"That's all? Such an easy task. Be there in a few days. My sweet psychopath cousin."

After a few minutes, Bonhwa finally arrived at his house. He can't wait to know what Kaiden's doing right now.

But it was Bonhwa's biggest mistake.

What he witnessed made him sneer and sent the first thing he grab to the wall, breaking it.

Since the camera can't support a mic, Bonhwa can't hear what's Kaiden telling the puppy while showing a cute plushie.

It's the plush Youngsun gave him.

"Youngsun really needs to go." Bonhwa sneered as his eyes reddened.


After finishing his assignments, Kaiden continued to play with Byul. Showing the puppy around the small home his family owns. This is actually a house his mother inherited from her parents. With how poor his family is, where would they get the money to buy a new one right? They were only able to sell their home in Germany in 5 digits. It's just enough for the cheapest flight ticket to Korea at that time.

"Byul, look. Youngsun-hyung got me this." Kaiden exclaimed and showed the current one of the largest plushies he owns right now.

"Even though we've only known each other for a short time, Youngsun Hyung is really nice to me," Kaiden said with a blush forming on his cheeks, and if you looked carefully, you would notice how red his ears are

Kaiden had always admired Bae Youngsun. Who wouldn't? He's always at the top of his class with his high grades, the President of the Student Council, and a responsible good looking boy.

Kaiden knew that what he feels is not a simple kind of admiring someone. He now knows his sexuality. At first, he was scared when he found out how his heart would beat fast when a handsome guy like Youngsun approach him.

He opened it up to his parents, questioning himself as he knew it wasn't normal. In their small town, it's always been a woman is for a man, and a man is for a woman.

But after coming here to Korea, it became normal even though it shocked him.

He also found out that Youngsun-Hyung is actually bisexual. He opened up that he dated both boys and girls in High School. Through Youngsun, he also met another senior then. Youngsun's straight bestfriend, Lim Seunwoo. He was another guy Kaiden had gotten close to. Unfortunately, he hadn't seen him for a long time as he went to the U.S for college and went with the self-given name Steve Lim.

Sometimes, it makes him sad how Bonhwa-Hyung doesn't like Youngsun-Hyung and Seunwoo-Hyung. Even though Bonhwa-Hyung doesn't say it, he can feel some dark aura surrounding Bonhwa-Hyung whenever the two approach or greet them.

After all, they are the people Kaiden likes. So it would be nice if they could like each other too.

"Let's feed you some dinner now," Kaiden mumbled as he carried the obviously tired puppy.

They went to their small kitchen which also has the dining table. Reaching the kitchen, he saw how his family is already eating. They're also about to finish.

Kaiden had noticed how growing up, he's slowly being left behind. It seems that his family is starting to forget him or not include him. This all happened after asking why does his heartbeat is so fast for a boy.

While carrying the dog, Kaiden opened one of the cabinets and completely ignored his parents. Taking out the bowl for Byul and the Dog Food his Hyung gave him along with the dog bed.

"Kaiden." His father called him making Kaiden stop what he was doing.

"Why don't you sleep at Bonhwa's house?" Kaiden's whole body froze after what he said.

"After all, that young boy has no one that lives with him." He knew it was just an excuse to throw him out.

"Yes, poor Bonhwa. He gave you a lot of things, right? You should at least repay what he does for you." Kaiden looked down as his mother included herself.

"Okay, tomorrow I'll sleep at his house," Kaiden mumbled.

"Be nice to him. He's the one paying for your school tuition. You know, that we can't send you to a private school. Your sisters can only go to public one, you're lucky to have Bonhwa as your beneficiary." His mother added.

"Yes, mom." He answered and got out of the kitchen with Byul's dog food.

Kaiden can't help but feel guilty again. Bonhwa always gives him something. He'd always say he just wants the best for him and doesn't ask for anything.

He should be nice to Hyung and obey everything he says. Because of his situation right now, that's all he can do.

"Eat your food now, Byul." After hearing his parents talk about Bonhwa, he realized that he can't fully support Byul.

Just by looking at the dog food brand, he knew it was an expensive one. He doesn't have the money to buy it. With how penniless he is, he can't buy even the cheapest one available.

Maybe he should give Byul back to Bonhwa. He's afraid that the puppy would just starve in his care and stunt its growth.

After settling down Byul near his dog bed as it continued to eat. Kaiden lay down in his bed and starts thinking of what he should do to repay Hyung's kindness.

Maybe he should start declining his gifts? But the last time he did that Hyung cried and asked if he did something wrong to him.

Or maybe he should confess instead how it makes him feel guilty? Probably the best idea he had.