
[BL] I have transmigrated into the myself of my past life!

(a BL Chinese Historical Novel) From the Chinese "Mingyun", literally "Destiny": something abstract and conceivable as the absolute power capable of determining the future of the entire Cosmos, or more commonly, of every single individual on Earth. Peng Xiao is a young college boy living in Hong Kong who grew up under the wing of his mother and the continued support of his sweet younger sister, Peng Xuan. The two have always been the opposite of each other but, despite everything, the two have always been inseparable. It's precisely because of this brotherly love that, after buying his sister's much desired book for her birthday, Peng Xiao will find himself involved in an accident that will bring him not only into a coma in the modern era, but also into a totally different place from his current habits: a parallel world where his identity will no longer be that of an ordinary boy struggling with his studies, but that of one of the three protagonists of the novel he had just bought! But, who would have thought that the new people around him really looked like the real people he had always dealt with? And especially, what if the Prince Chu Jinyan, carries on his first love without the involvement of a leading female figure?

only_a_person · Fantasy
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14 Chs

When Things Don't Go Your Way

Many of the servants of the residence had set in motion to bring their young lord's room in order or at least, make it slightly better than it was at the moment. It wouldn't have been a matter of a few hours, many items also had to be repurchased. It was a disaster, in a nutshell. Zhang Chen had stayed with the other servants hiding in the residential kitchen but, the most absurd thing was that those strange people didn't dare to go to them. They had a very specific goal, still unknown to most of the people who survived. When the man had the chance, in the midst of the most disturbing silence, he had slipped away from that room to try in every way to reach his master to bring him to safety. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw him embracing his sister and, when the boy became aware of his presence, even before saying something, he had detached himself from the sweet warmth of the family to go whimpering in the arms of his servant... Zhang Chen was really in shock: he hadn't behaved that way! And besides, he didn't think he could be happy to see him alive... he patted him on the back nervously, he didn't know if he was doing the right thing but it was a way to console him, or at least he hoped.

One of the rooms that weren't even touched was Song Liuhua's room, who at that moment was pacing up and down on the shiny floor of it. They had also gathered there so as not to give false claims and besides, Song Chuyue should have rested now, he couldn't keep up with the chatter of some possible conclusion about it. Song Liuyuan was sitting on the side of the girl's bed, following with his gaze that movement that was always the same. It was in her routine when she had to think, she had always done it even before she was in an unreal situation like that. Rong Xuan was standing guard outside that room, still managing to spy on a few sentences they were saying. As for Chu Jinyan, he had stayed with the two half-brothers, also to safeguard them in secret if anything else happened.

Song Liuhua: «So, are you telling me that there really is someone who hates my brother to the point of sending someone to kill him!??»

She was the first to speak, after hearing her future husband's deduction. Chu Jinyan, as predetermined by Mr. Song, was a very intelligent and witty boy, that detail that he had noticed hours before, continually jumped into his mind. He nodded.

Chu Jinyan: «It's the only real explanation. Think: why didn't they touch this part of the structure? Zhang Chen was in the kitchens and yet, not even there they had the presence of those killers: they immediately went to his side. They knew they would find him there»

Song Liuhua whimpered, stamping her feet against the ground. Song Liuyuan pouted slightly, then snorted: «Perfect, there are people here too who want to beat me up, what a good life!».

Chu Jinyan looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He didn't know what he was referring to and to whom, above all but, it didn't reassure him at all all that situation. If it were really like that then, whoever it was wouldn't have stopped there. Zhang Chen had remained close behind the three of many prominent figures. Xun Fang, Song Liuhua's servant, under her command, went to the kitchens to make hot tea. The man thought he could no longer be surprised but, due to that previous gesture, he had had to change his mind. Chu Jinyan also had yet to implement his idea but, once again, he couldn't be alone with the boy from the Song residence.

When Xun Fang returned, he prayed that in addition to tea she would bring an order from Song Chuyue... Without success.

The girl placed the tray with the tea and the special bowls on the table in the center of the room, bowing to her young lady and her two other companions. Song Liuhua thanked her with a smile, and before she could sit down to pour tea for her brother, the third prince stopped her, winning a glance from her.

Chu Jinyan: «I can take care of it-... Ah, I think you should visit your father, to see how he is».

Song Liuhua smiled shyly and nodded slightly. In those last days a miracle had really happened! Finally, her future husband was paying her a few words. She bowed in front of him, looking up to meet the other's: «Ah, I leave my brother in your hands then».

The boy smiled sweetly, returning that head movement previously completed. Inside, however, there was a real party. Song Liuyuan snorted and got out of bed.

Song Liuyuan: «hey you! Damn girl, why do you always have to dump me and leave me with him, ah!??»

Chu Jinyan held back a small laugh, while Song Liuhua glared at him and that was enough for young Song to have an answer. When the girl left the room, she took Xun Fang with her, leaving only those three in the room and, of course, Rong Xuan out of her room!

Song Liuyuan snorted again and seeing that the handsome prince was about to pour him some tea, he approached him taking that bowl from his hands, turning away from him.

Song Liuyuan: «I do it myself!»

Zhang Chen was praying that the situation wouldn't get any worse than it should. Chu Jinyan at this point stifled yet another laugh, bringing his hands together behind his back, standing behind the other to observe him.

Chu Jinyan: «you haven't told me yet»

Song Liuyuan: «what should I tell you! I have nothing to tell you»

Chu Jinyan: «if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be standing right now»

He whispered a little closer to the other, who had just finished enjoying that bowl of tea. When he noticed an unexpected shiver running down his spine, he opened his eyes wide and turned abruptly and prepared to offend him repeatedly but, as soon as he made that movement, for some unfortunate reason, he had tripped over his own feet and, had it not been by the grip Chu Jinyan had taken around his waist, by now he would be on the ground covered in a boiling liquid that could have burned him. The third prince had taken him with one hand in a professional way, like a true gentleman, managing to bring him closer to his body. Zhang Chen immediately closed his eyes: damn it, is it possible that on the most uncomfortable occasions he was always there?

A small mocking smile was born on the face of the third prince, while he dangerously brought his face close to that of the other: «You did it again» he whispered.

The boy from the Song residence was again embarrassed, he would never, ever open his mouth to thank him!

Song Liuyuan: «...»

Song Liuyuan: «you -... you're invading my spaces, stay away from me!»

He gave him a clear blow on the chest to push him away and, when the elder of the two also let go, Song Liuyuan professionally composed himself (or at least tried).

Chu Jinyan: «If you really don't want to say that word to me, then, accompany me on my usual walk. Tomorrow»

Song Liuyuan looked away from the individual he had in front of him, only to look at an indefinite point in the corners of the room, crossing his arms. Apparently Chu Jinyan really wanted to get along with him: those two, according to his sister, had become friends from an early age and, only eight years earlier, due to something unknown to her too, both Song Liuyuan that Chu Jinyan began to keep their distance from each other as well as the fact that the latter had severed any kind of connection with the Song family, even before he knew of the arranged marriage. Despite this, since he was supposed to marry his own sister, Song Liuyuan thought that maybe, that approach might come in handy... also, an extra friend, in case he turns out to be a really good person, wouldn't hurt in that parallel world. in which he ended.

Song Liuyuan: «tsk... If you care so much then, that's fine: I accept»

Chu Jinyan let out a huge sigh.

He had finally succeeded in his intent and, now, he could truly be alone with him; just what he wanted. But, immediately after these thoughts, another sentence came out of the mouth of the young Song that made us lose the many hoped for hopes.

Song Liuyuan: «but my sister will have to come too! Otherwise, you can forget it»

Chu Jinyan: «...».

Song Liuhua: «wow! It's a beautiful place!»

The girl was really happy to have somehow managed to get out of her residence and have the company of Prince Chu Jinyan and, moreover, Rong Xuan was also there. The two had stayed at the Song residence for sheer convenience. They were also afraid that something like another surprise attack might happen, or worse. They had to remain cautious.

Song Chuyue finally let the eldest son go from his faults, also accepting that the children together would go out the next day with Prince Chu Jinyan, accompanied by their own servants of course. He had also ordered some guards to follow them, in case something happened to protect them, giving their lives if they had to: all this only because he had to be in a good light with the two future spouses. For the man, however, this was an excellent opportunity to continue his ongoing plans. With no one around, even in a short time, he would surely have put something in place without being discovered.

The first to get out of the carriage was Song Liuhua, who tried in every way to take the hand of Prince Chu Jinyan, who was positioned next to the carriage about to check if they had all gone out. She was about to fall when it was Rong Xuan, who took her hand to help her get off, glaring at his best friend who frowned at that behavior. He found himself accepting young Song Liuyuan's offer, so he found himself in the company of many other people, such as guards from the Song residence and Song Liuhua herself.

When the girl descended her smile expanded even more, running forward towards what looked like a green meadow that kept company with a river course, whose sound could soon hear as she approached. Rong Xuan went after her worried that she might slip and fall into the water: he was very protective of Chu Jinyan but, if there was a damsel in danger for him, the girl was worth so much more!

When it was Song Liuyuan's turn, as soon as he walked through the carriage exit, he found the young prince's hand in front of him, as if he wanted him to take it: an extra help.

Young Mr. Song, who was wearing a red-hued white suit, glared at him, snorting and shaking his head. He slapped off the hand of the boy in blue, who laughed at that gesture, following him in his ascent. When Song Liuyuan was ashore, the first thing he did was stretch out and observe his sister who was intent on jumping on the gray stones that were in the middle of the water, in which there was also a beautiful waterfall. He heard Rong Xuan scream and try to get her back, so he raised both his eyebrows: he looked like a rabbit jumping left and right to catch a single carrot. Chu Jinyan approached him immediately after, also looking forward.

Chu Jinyan: «you still owe me»

Song Liuyuan rolled his eyes, without answering, starting to move to join his sister and the deputy general of the royal troops. Once again for Chu Jinyan, it was inevitable not to laugh.

Chu Jinyan: «You will continue to avoid me like this, ah?»

Still no answer, just a hand gesture that he didn't understand at all. Most likely, an offensive gesture that only Song Liuyuan's conscience could understand.

Xun Fang was approached to the right of Zhang Chen, smiling at the mere idea of ​​the happy young lady of her. For her, Song Liuhua wasn't only Song Chuyue's daughter, but also her best friend. She had always treated her well, so she was truly grateful to heaven that she became her personal servant. Zhang Chen couldn't take his eyes off the strange combination that had come before his eyes moments before.

Zhang Chen: «Why do you think the third prince invited us to his walk?»

Xun Fang: «I think it's just to cover up shyness! Ah, if one person likes another person, they tend to ask him on a date! But, most likely, knowing what kind of figure the third prince is, he wanted to expand the group so as not to spread strange rumors. It's pure male tactic!»

She laughed lightly. She knew how much Song Liuhua was in love with Prince Chu Jinyan. Even though he didn't show her that kind of affection, she had noticed a certain rapprochement between the two of them in the last few days and, even more surprisingly, they managed to talk without her stepbrother coming to interrupt them. Zhang Chen wasn't very convinced of this.

He had witnessed many things that were neither in heaven nor on earth! He was a simple and humble servant but he had always been, since adolescence, a bright and intelligent boy and, if his intuition had proved correct then, it would have been a disaster not only for society, but also for his young master.

Song Liuyuan: «Liuhua! Be careful, don't be a baby! If you fall I won't come to save you, just know!»

He exclaimed. He had said Song Liuhua's name spontaneously. The influence of the character he was playing was making itself felt. The girl stopped on a stone to turn to her stepbrother and, as soon as she saw where he was standing, she poked her tongue out.

At that gesture Song Liuyuan snorted.

The two servants of the Song half-brothers had recently arrived in the same territory as their young masters, holding what appeared to be two picnic baskets in their hands. It was a beautiful place, especially among nature, and for Chu Jinyan it seemed a great place to relax and try in every way to gain Song Liuyuan's full trust. He had to mentally thank the girl too, as she had given him very good information regarding the sudden change of her brother.

Chu Jinyan: «I took the liberty of asking your servants if they could help me with food. I hope it wasn't a problem»

Song Liuhua: «ah? Are we really going to have a picnic?»

The girl was overjoyed and looking in the direction of her future husband, she saw that in addition to being next to her older brother, he was also smiling and nodding in response to her questions. A big smile also appeared on the woman's face, who with agility jumped back on the cold gray stones of the stream to return to them. Rong Xuan hadn't taken his eyes off her from concern and, once he saw her nearby, he tried to reach out to her to help her but she dodged him making him snort and immediately going to the two servants who bowed and giggled nervously. She was curious, so she tried to spy inside those two objects.

Chu Jinyan: «what do you think?»

Song Liuyuan: «are you talking to me?»

Chu Jinyan looked around, then nodded and looked at the boy who once again was next to him: «Do you see anyone else near us?»

Song Liuyuan snorted: «As long as my sister is happy, everything is fine»

And with this last sentence, he went away only to walk towards the girl, who put her hands on her brother's back to entice him to spy with her. Rong Xuan joined his friend who was watching the scene that was present in his eyes, blinking several times.

Rong Xuan: «What exactly are you trying to do?»

Chu Jinyan: «I just want to be friends with him again: to be close to him, as in the past»

Rong Xuan: «only friend are you sure?»

Chu Jinyan sighed, lowering his face for a few seconds. Rong Xuan was the only person he had opened up to in previous years, the only person who knew every answer to the doubts that continually invaded the thoughts of the subjects around him. He would never blurt out anything about it, not even under torture: loyalty, in both cases, meant everything: «I don't want to talk about this, not now Rong Xuan».