
[BL] I have transmigrated into the myself of my past life!

(a BL Chinese Historical Novel) From the Chinese "Mingyun", literally "Destiny": something abstract and conceivable as the absolute power capable of determining the future of the entire Cosmos, or more commonly, of every single individual on Earth. Peng Xiao is a young college boy living in Hong Kong who grew up under the wing of his mother and the continued support of his sweet younger sister, Peng Xuan. The two have always been the opposite of each other but, despite everything, the two have always been inseparable. It's precisely because of this brotherly love that, after buying his sister's much desired book for her birthday, Peng Xiao will find himself involved in an accident that will bring him not only into a coma in the modern era, but also into a totally different place from his current habits: a parallel world where his identity will no longer be that of an ordinary boy struggling with his studies, but that of one of the three protagonists of the novel he had just bought! But, who would have thought that the new people around him really looked like the real people he had always dealt with? And especially, what if the Prince Chu Jinyan, carries on his first love without the involvement of a leading female figure?

only_a_person · Fantasy
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14 Chs


The training ground of the Song palace was truly huge, more so than it was when Song Liuyuan had decided to lazily stand on the grass doing nothing! Or maybe, it was something caused by his mind and his anxiety that was enormously growing. He had settled in a totally random spot, where he was joined by his sister and some of their servants. The only positive thing was the fact that their father that day wouldn't arrive before evening, so they were trying to distract themselves and give the possibility to future and young archers, to train under the control of an expert. Besides, it didn't look so bad... as there were only a few people around them, other than a few guards or servants of the prince or of Mr. Song's young sons. And, even better, that excuse was perfect for Song Liuhua!

Prince Chu Jinyan was ready and for her, seeing him like that made him not only good-looking, but sexy too! She was lost in looking at him, so Song Liuyuan gave her a pat on the forehead making her pout. The more time passed, the more he truly resembled Peng Xuan: in terms of boys they were the same.

Song Liuyuan: «Don't look at him like that, he's disgusting»

Song Liuhua hearing that phrase, crossed her arms, resuming observing her future husband struggling with his explanation on behalf of those young people, who really wanted to learn as soon as possible to protect their native country!

His explanations were simple. With a few words he was able to immediately make it clear, in short, he was much more effective than any book that Song Liuyuan had read before falling asleep carelessly on the table. From the words Song Liuhua had said in the previous days, he was the one who should have married her for a subspecies of union between the two families. He wasn't at all convinced of leaving the girl, if not her sister, in his hands. Whether it was Peng Xuan or not, he felt the need to protect her within.

The boy soon found himself nodding slightly, listening carefully to his words: he was strangely attentive, perhaps, because of the new subject he found himself perceiving in every particular form of it.

Finally, out of pity for the legs of the young Song Liuyuan, that torment was brought to an end. He wished he could have been more useful but, apparently Chu Jinyan was enough and advanced and it was fine for him!

He helped some servants by arranging both bows and arrows, in opposite containers; a very rare gesture in the eyes of those humble servants, who were still unaware of his alleged loss of memory. The men quickly walked away once they were done, causing the poor boy to blink several times, oblivious to everything and everyone. He looked around for her sister and then snorted as soon as he saw her with the young prince, intent on taking a correct posture to shoot an arrow.

"What impudence..." thought the young Song Liuyuan looking at the scene in shock.

Peng Xuan really became a shameful woman if it was some good-looking guy, as in this case too. He felt like he was seeing a Spanish soap opera!

Shortly after he watched the girl begin to cheer and jump in place, clapping her hands happily. Chu Jinyan congratulated her, smiling softly at her. Song Liuyuan was only the third wheel, so he was about to turn around and get out of their sight but, as soon as he took a step, his sister jumped in front of him telling him what she had just done: she hadn't hit the center but in any case the arrow was gone on the celestial circle that was drawn on the target.

Chu Jinyan: «ah, you've always been a very intelligent girl, it's just the result of your hidden talent»

He had congratulated once again. Now that Song Liuyuan thought about it, it was certainly not easy, he didn't believe in natural talents (he himself was the proof).

Chu Jinyan: «Do you want me to teach you too?»

Song Liuyuan: «...teach me? Tsk, you don't need to, I'm pretty good»

Song Liuhua looked at him confused: he had always been a landslide in archery, he was much better known for his skills in handling a sword, so she wondered to herself how he could consider himself as such only after reading a few books. Chu Jinyan held back a laugh, he was really funny and clumsy, mostly when it comes to this attitude... it would be fun to be able to see him with his own eyes, just like the time he tried to teach him unsuccessfully.

Chu Jinyan: «prove it, then»

He challenged him.

It was a challenge for the young Peng Xiao, Song Liuyuan. The young prince handed him his bow and his just arrows under the disapproving gaze of the only girl in their company.

"Damn you, Peng Xiao, why didn't you stay silent!" he mentally cursed himself, and then reluctantly took the object in front of him. He had to remember, first, what he reported in the second book he had read: the position. He passed the third prince who followed him with his eyes, then took his post, trying to remember every detail of that description in panic. Even so, he had no idea how to use that thing!

"Ah, Peng Xiao, don't think and shoot the arrow, shoot it... shoot it..." he thought to himself, again. He closed his eyes in fear, and when he felt the bow free from the weight of that arrow he reopened it, inspecting the target in front of him... the arrow was planted in the ground. The young prince was holding back another laugh, covering his mouth with his fisted hand.

Song Liuyuan: «ah! This's not true, it's- it's the wind's fault! It's blowing the wrong way»

Chu Jinyan: «there is no wind»

He whispered to the boy, leaning to the side of the young Song's face, retreating immediately after having clarified the situation. Song Liuyuan snorted. Zhang Chen, who had returned with a few cups of tea for them, had witnessed everything and was more and more stunned by the situation. Song Liuhua, on the other side, went to withdraw the tray from the man's hands, who thanked the girl for her kind gesture. And, in order not to witness that embarrassing scene further, she retired to the pavilion which was located at a modest safe distance from the training ground. At this point Song Liuyuan resumed his position and, this time, he tried to keep his eyes open by concentrating as much as possible but, as soon as he fired that second arrow, he felt it close again... he ended up again on the ground, not close to the previous.

Song Liuyuan: «Oh, come on!»

He complained.

Prince Chu Jinyan found himself scratching a specific spot on his forehead, just to hold back his urge to laugh out loud. Teasing him had always been one of his favorite pastimes.

Chu Jinyan: «ah, was it still the wind?»

Song Liuyuan: «yes! Obviously! It's all the wind's fault!»

Song Liuhua let Xun Fang pour a cup of hot tea. She was holding back all kinds of laughter at the sight of that scene. She was sorry on the one hand, to see the young Song Liuyuan in that little feeling of unease.

Song Liuyuan's faithful servant, on the other hand, could only slowly shake his head in shock: «ah, that's not good...».

Song Liuyuan: «ah! This time I will hit it! I'll hit the center, you'll see prince of my boots!»

Chu Jinyan this time smiled amused, leaving the other one last puff as he wanted. The young Song took yet another big breath, drawing his bow and aiming for the center. He just had to concentrate, it had never been difficult for him to do so!

It was just a question of gravity, he could do it!

In any case, he kept his eyes open and straight on the target not far from him, besides... he was about to shoot, he was sure, he would have hit the mark!


«His Highness!».

The trouble. Song Liuyuan screamed frightened by the sound of such a shrill male voice, and the arrow he should have shot at the target hit the foot of that poor inexperienced guard, who had entered the training area like a ghost. There was no person who wasn't shocked. Prince Chu Jinyan was wide-eyed, Song Liuhua, on the other hand, was gaping... and not in a positive way. The guard was wide-eyed, he was whimpering until he screamed and fell to the ground acting like someone about to leave that world. He was really making a tragedy of it!

Song Liuyuan: «Oh my- I'm sorry, I didn't want- I-»

He tried to go to the man on the ground to help him but he chased him away as if he were the devil himself.

Song Liuyuan was desperate: «ah, hey! Yes, that's good... take him to the palace doctor... »

His idea of ​​him was to ask someone to take him away from there but, he didn't take time that two of the prince's guards went to the rescue of their fellow man, paying attention and maintaining a certain caution. At this point Chu Jinyan could no longer resist and let out a little laugh, while poor Song Liuyuan brought the palm of his hand to his face, sighing. Yes, he definitely made a bad impression.

Chu Jinyan: «in any case, you still hit the mark»

Song Liuyuan: «...»

Prince Chu Jinyan, who wore his white silk robes, at that silence cast his gaze on his old friend. Song Liuyuan looked down, pouting a little. He should have told the truth regardless, it would have been simpler and, surely, he would have avoided that humiliation. Chu Jinyan saw this change in his expression and immediately thought about what his sister had told him days ago.

Chu Jinyan: «don't worry too much: even when I attended the first lessons I ended up almost killing someone»

Song Liuyuan bowed slightly, giving the boy a small thankful smile, who at that moment took back the objects he had lent to the minor to give him to his servant. He was a relief that he hadn't judged him in fact, he was surprised by his empathy.

Chu Jinyan: «ah, anyway... I was wondering- if it's not too much trouble: could I stay here for this night? Or at least, until that man recovers and is able to walk»

Song Liuhua had reached the scene punctually upon hearing that request, hastening in a short time to reply also for his half-brother: «ah, there are no problems. For safety you should talk to our father even if knowing him, he will accept without problems since it's you»

Song Liuyuan at this point, lowered his head. He already imagined what happened if the man knew what he had been up to today. Prince Chu Jinyan noticed this and put his hands behind his back, joined.

Chu Jinyan: «don't make that long face: I won't mention what happened today»

Song Liuyuan smiled again, bowing in respect: «thank you...».

It was a whisper more than anything else, which didn't escape hearing the young prince. It seemed very direct to ask a favor like that from the Song family but, he preferred to stay in that place than to go home and face his parents. If they had known that he was going to the Song palace, they would surely have started giving him orders after orders on how to behave with the girl he was to marry and, above all, with Mr. Chuyue. The only ones who knew this were obviously his two brothers, who had already concocted an excuse in case they had to answer some strange question and, even better, they knew how to fool their own father if he became suspicious.

As he was told later, he went to talk to Mr. Chuyue, keeping the reason for his stay secret, turning over every speech so as not to bring into question the situation of his guard or the knowledge of his parents. He lied to him, that's right. Prince Chu Jinyan had always been a very convincing boy, sincere and outspoken in certain moments, so that lie was successful. When it was time for supper, the young prince had a kind of deja vu: the three of them, with an immense pantry of food... and once again, one person was missing. He didn't know much about that situation, as he had recently learned of it but, it was something he couldn't tolerate. What on earth had that boy done to deserve that treatment?

Yet, from an early age, he had always been a child full of vivacity and a good heart. He was stubborn, indifferent in some respects but still good company: a reserved and shy boy and, above all, special. Don't invite him to eat with them... it was really over the top. Song Chuyue poured hot tea into the bowl in front of him, giggling.

Song Chuyue: «ah, it's really an honor to have you here. We don't often have guests»

The third prince watched his movements, remaining silent. Shortly after, the girl had the intention of pouring that drink also to her future husband, with a smile but, seeing this, the boy stopped her.

Chu Jinyan: «I'm not thirsty»

Song Liuhua: «...ah, okay»

She quickly withdrew that gesture, glancing at her father beside her, whose gaze felt constantly on her. Song Liuhua knew how strict that man could be, not only with Song Liuyuan, but with her as well. He told her to apply, to make sure that the prince could truly see her worthy of that role, as a real wife. That's right, for that man it was just a matter of judgments.

Chu Jinyan: «Mr. Song, let me ask you a question... it's just an observation that I made and, I would like to have a concrete answer: every time I stopped to eat with you, I could never see Liuyuan. Why has he never eaten with us and why does he continue to do so today?»

Song Chuyue, snorting: «Are you talking about my rogue son? You should know him, you know how much his despise his family. He has never joined us in these moments, so I only satisfy his desire not to see us»

The man began to eat annoyed. He had to get rid of him son but, that bastard, he was always messing with his plans to get rid of him. As with Song Liuhua, Song Liuyuan also had a betrothed: Wei Shuyao. They had established their union until the age of adolescence, after several chatter between adults. Only, Song Liuyuan, couldn't bear the idea of ​​marrying someone he didn't love; just like the third prince.

Song Liuhua: «liar»

Whispered the girl, snorting lightly and starting to eat the new portion she had on her plate. He was really annoying! If she didn't behave in a certain way, she would have slapped him by now, no matter what! Everything he said about him, he only fooled it in order to be able to blame her brother. They both heard a few faint words coming out of her lips, especially the young prince Chu Jinyan.

Song Chuyue: «ah, my daughter: if you have something to say, speaks out loud»

Song Liuhua laughed nervously, hiding any thought that was born in her head at that moment: «Oh, I just said that this dish is really delicious! Don't you think too, father?».

The man nodded, giggling at her, smiling at her and tapping his hand on the girl's, arguing with her. A few seconds later Chu Jinyan stood up, bringing his hands together in front of him and bowing to the two people present.

Chu Jinyan: «Thank you for the good dinner. I withdraw to my room, the journey has been very tiring»

Another little lie.

A lie that to the older man was pure truth. When Mr. Song accepted his leave, the boy hurried away accompanied by a servant given him temporarily at his stop at the Song palace. Just off the room he had occupied in their presence, he stopped him, clearing his throat.

Chu Jinyan: «ah, I know it can be strange but, before I reach my room I should talk to a person».

Song Liuyuan had just finished eating the portion his servant had brought him. When he was in Hong Kong he usually ate alone, because of his wanting to know well the study subjects to complete but, in that life, it seems, he would have to do it often and, moreover, without anything that could keep him engaged. Every now and then he tried to read something, to keep writing the book he had in mind but, unfortunately, he had what is called "writer's block".

The only company he had was that of Zhang Chen, who didn't leave him for a minute alone unless under order. He still didn't understand many things of that place... He was sitting on the porch in front of his room, munching on some walnuts he had stolen from the kitchen room. The full moon was recently high in the sky, bright and brilliant as never before, accompanied by the usual small stars. Peng Xiao was a simple person, with a big heart and, for him, that minimum tranquility was too much. He thought of his hometown... the sounds of cars, subways and parties, above all. Somehow he lacked all of this: he missed his mother... poor woman, who knows how she was, how he had reacted to that news: Peng Xuan was certainly next to her and that was enough for him to remain calm. He sighed, still caught up in his thoughts as he felt a presence beside him, sitting down. He slowly turned to meet the figure of the last person he wanted to see.

Chu Jinyan: «it was sweet»

Song Liuyuan frowned in confusion. The white-robed boy met his gaze, immediately realizing that he didn't understand what he meant. He laughed lightly.

Chu Jinyan: «the Tanghulu. I haven't answered you yet»

Song Liuyuan: «oh- oh... right, the Tanghulu. I had completely forgotten about it»

Zhang Chen was a little behind the two, accompanied by his colleague, the same one who had accompanied Prince Chu Jinyan to that precise place. Both tried in every way to spy on their movements, to study their every gesture and their eyes widened when they saw the boy in the white clothes take a handful of nuts from the bag that the other was holding... without permission.

Song Liuyuan pouted a little: «Who told you you could take them?»

Chu Jinyan: «they were calling me»

Song Liuyuan: «...nuts don't speak!»

The third prince found himself laughing again, shaking his head and looking up at the sky at the ball of light that was there in that dark night. Song Liuyuan snorted and resumed eating a few more nuts.

Song Liuyuan: «your guard... how-»

Chu Jinyan: «it's a matter of two days before he gets better»

Song Liuyuan nodded still sorry for what happened. He thought he could no longer look Chu Jinyan in the face without him laughing but, he found himself thinking that maybe, he wasn't that bad as a person... if he wasn't the future husband of the sweet Song Liuhua.

He still had to study him well; from his appearance to his innermost secrets: he must know what his goodness was. If he could get out of there, he wanted to do it without having the weight of having left the innocence of the girl to someone grotesque and perverse.

Song Liuyuan: «I'm still sorry for what happened»

Chu Jinyan: «I already told you to rest assured: no one died, right?»

Song Liuyuan found himself agreeing with him, nodding slightly at that sentence. He took more nuts to fill his mouth, looking up again, starting to count every star he saw shining. Chu Jinyan remained silent, he didn't want to ruin that moment: in the past it was only considered sin to looking a man like that. He would no longer hide, he had decided it in that very moment. Either way, he would pull him back towards him again. On the lips of the boy in the clothes of the color of purity, a big and sweet smile formed at the very idea.

Chu Jinyan: «Liuyuan»

Song Liuyuan: «mh?».

Chu Jinyan: «Am I worthy to... be able to be your friend?»