
[BL] Hunter X Hunter

After a covenant that allow him to come in to another world, he lost all his memories of who he was. With a blank start and a new world he sets out to find the thrill of battle after fighting for his life with an unknown creature. BL=Boys Love, if anyone needs clarification about what it means. Disclaimer: I don’t own Hunter x Hunter all work belongs to its owner.

TherogueNPC · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Tower x Zushi

When Gon and Killua arrive behind Jett, Jett still thinks about the situation. As Jett wasn't on his guard, Killua understood that the shooter had gotten away, but he kept his Nen active. Gon was also still on guard, keeping his nen active while sometimes looking at Jett with a complex expression. Jett wasn't worried about another attack because he had intentionally let his guard down. To be more precise, he had covered his body in a dense aura and used (In) to hide it. 

"I don't sense anyone around that could be targeting us," Killua said. 

"Yes, they didn't leave any trace behind. Their Hatzu was powerful; it got stronger and faster the closer I got," Jett said. Killua and Gon already knew about Hatzu since Jett had been teaching them about Nen for the past week while they traveled. 

"I don't understand why they ran. Their Hatzu was strong if they waited for me to come out from my hiding place; a well-aim shot could have killed me, or maybe it was just a test. But that's just my speculation," Jett continued explaining.

"Did you piss someone off to make them target you? Aside from my brother," Killua asked. 

"Ha-ha, well, I also thought about him, but he would come and kill me himself. I have something in mind, but I must wait to investigate." Jett said, turning around to look at Gon and Killua. When Gon saw Jett looking at him, he wanted to turn his head away, but the angry look in Jett's eyes stopped him from looking away. 

"(sigh) Gon, they only attacked me this time, and I could survive this time because of my training. You, on the other hand. If the next shot had been aimed at you, you would have been killed. I know you were worried about me at that moment, but how would you be able to help me if you died? You didn't activate your Nen after my warning," Jett said. 

"I'm sorry, Jett," Gon said. 

"I know how you are, Gon, so I must beat that reflex into your body. I need it, too, as well as reaction speed to unexpected attacks. Killua, you could use it too," Jett said, looking at Killua. 

"What? I reacted in time, I don't need that kind of training," Killua said. 

"You do your reaction time is fast, but you're too overconfident," Jett said, Killua said nothing. 

"I have a plan to train our reflexes to sudden attacks. Each of us will attack the other at a random time. We will block the attack with Nen or Dodge. Our reflexes and Nen control will become stronger, too," Jett said with an evil smile. 

On the way back to the battle tower, Gon and Killua were on guard, flinching at Jett's every movement. It didn't even register in their mind to attack him; all three of them were supposed to be attacking each other. Jett would attack them, but what fun would it be if he did it right after they talked about it? Their walk back to the battle tower was fun, to say the least; well, for Jett. 

After their registration, they had their first fights. They were easy since most of the people were regular humans. All three of them were already Nen users, so their strength was even higher. Killua had suggested that Gon only push his opponents away, but Jett made sure that he knocked out his opponents. Then again, after his fight, Jett realized that people on the lower floors were not going to give them any fighting experience. 

As they left for the 50th floor, they also encountered another boy who looked about their age. As they waited for the elevator to come and the boy was about to speak to them, Jett decided to attack Gon and Killua. With a rapid movement, Jett punches them both, sending them to the floor. 

"What the hell," Killua said. 

"Jett, what are you doing?" Gon. 

"What? Don't you remember what I said before? It's not my fault that you guys forgot, but this kind of training is going to be fun." Just as soon as Jett said that, Gon and Killua attacked him. Of course, Jett was ready to dodge all the attacks. The boy on the side looked at them with a shocked face. The three of them stopped after a few minutes of playing around. The boy on the side took that chance to introduce himself.

"I am Zuzhi," Zushi said. 




"You guys are incredible; you're able to move so fast. What school did you guys train under?" the boy named Zushi said. 

"We didn't train under any school," Gon said. 

"What?! To be able to reach such a level without being guided? That's a real shock for me," Zushi said. 

"Zushi, that's good," a man's voice said from the side, making all four turn their heads. 

A man in glasses and black hair was walking up to them; he was unkempt, or at least half of his hair was. His hair was half combed, and his shirt was only half tucked in. As a small habit that he developed while searching for other Nen users, Jett uses (Gyo) on the man. On the corner of his eye, he also saw Zushi, who had the same aura as a Nen user. 

"They are both Nen users," Jett whispered, ensuring Gon and Killua heard him. While not all Nen users are bad you can never be too sure, since hiding your aura is a must for all Nen users. After hearing Jett's words, Gond and Killua cover themselves in a slight aura. They had been attacked a few hours ago, so they were instantly on alert, especially Gon, who didn't want Jett to be mad at him again.

This was something Jett had been training Gon on; of course, Killua, being next to them, also heard them. Jett didn't mind if he copied anything they did; these techniques were for training their Nen, and it wouldn't affect Killua's abilities when he developed his own Hatzu. The premise of the method was that they wouldn't have to activate their Nen from scratch; with the Nen already being on their body, they could quickly gather it in any part of their body to defend against the first attack. 

"Ha-ha no need to put your guard up, I don't mean any harm, My name is Wing and I am Zushi master..." Before he could finish he saw Jett attack Gon and Killua again by punching them in the stomach, this time he had used Nen to attack. 

"Ha-ha-hah, you guys need to be more aware and not focus too much on only one thing," Jett said. Jett felt that Killua had reacted to his attack, so he moved faster to attack him. 

"Damn you," Killua said. Again they started attacking Jett, he had attacked them as soon as they thought he would not attack them again because he had attacked not too long ago. Jett was only smiling while they attacked him, not caring about the people around him. 

They all went together to the 50th floor and waited for the match. Not soon after they entered, Killua and Zushi were picked to fight against each other. Killua, being Killua, didn't take Zushi seriously even after finding out that Zushi was a Nen user. 

If this had been the original story, this moment would have been when both Killua and Gon found out about Nen. This time, it was different. Killua already knew Nen, so his fight with Zushi was different. Killua covered his hand with Nen and attacked Zushi. Zushi himself had sensed something and had tried to block with his own Nen but was knocked out. After all three of them went up to the 150th floor without stopping, the people were still too weak for them to have any trouble advancing. 

Their advancement did not stop until they reached the 200th floor. Killua stopped advancing the tower before he reached the 200th floor; he didn't know what was on the 200th floor. He waited for both Gon and Jett to advance. Jett sensed a dense killing intent as they walked to the registration desk. He didn't bother saying anything; he simply covered himself in his aura and didn't stop walking. Killua and Gon at his side did the same; they already knew that in front of them was a Nen user. 

Halfway down the corridor, someone stepped out, and in front of them stood none other than the person Gon was searching for, Hisoka. Jett was still worried about Hisoka, not because of their Nen quality or Nen control but because of experience, but that was going to end in these six months before the auction in York Shin. Jett didn't stop to look at Hisoka. It wasn't him who would be facing him. 

Hisoka, standing in front of them, saw Jett trying to ignore him. With a sadistic smile on his face, he tried to reach out to Jett. Jett simply used a flash step, landing on his next foot as if he had simply taken the next step. Jett mastered the flash step; it was flawless. If he tried, he could even step in the air, which was the advanced technique of the flash step. Gon, on the other hand, had stopped in front of Hisoka, looking up at him. 

"I didn't expect to see you here. It makes it easier for me," said Gon. 

"He-he-he, You've come quite confident since you acquired Nen. Nen is quite deep. To speak openly as you are now, I don't want to fight you. But come out victorious from only one fight in this group, and I'll be your man," Hisoka said, walking away. Three people appear after Hisoka is gone. One was in a wheelchair while another's left arm was missing; the last was standing or sitting on a stick while holding a wooden cane. As they were registering, the three cripple people came behind them. 

"Problem," Killua said, Jett on the side was silently looking, he then spoke. 

"There are three of you and three of us; how about a fight?" Jett said. 

"Oh, you are sure of yourself," said the man with one arm. 

"Does that matter, Gon? Killua, write down a date for next week," Jett just said, writing down a date for a match. 

After getting their rooms, they saw they were already scheduled for a fight. It wasn't a surprise Jett had instigated it after all. The first fight was Gon, then It was Killua and lastly Jett, they didn't know which name belonged to what person so they didn't know who they would be against. Jett was sure of something, they would win, while he could see the other three knew Nen longer than them, he could see they were weaker than Hisoka. Jett could also see that Gon wanted to fight already so he could fight Hisoka. 

Jett had been training Gon in Nen for only a few weeks, but that was enough for him to win the fight. The fight against Hisoka? He could do it if it returned the punch Gon got on the hunter exam. Wining was a whole other thing. Hisoka had already demonstrated that he was a Nen master, and his control over Nen was stronger than Gon's. Jett was also thinking about what he would do in a fight with Hisoka; if it were just a fight based on the rules of the tower, then he would win, but it would be a battle to the death. He still needed experience and was planning to get that in these six months.