
[BL] Hunter X Hunter

After a covenant that allow him to come in to another world, he lost all his memories of who he was. With a blank start and a new world he sets out to find the thrill of battle after fighting for his life with an unknown creature. BL=Boys Love, if anyone needs clarification about what it means. Disclaimer: I don’t own Hunter x Hunter all work belongs to its owner.

TherogueNPC · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Letter x Kukuru Mountain x Mike

While Gon was unconscious, Kurapika and Leorio inside a room were arguing and made requests on behalf of Killua. They argue that Killua was being manipulated by Illumi in some way. They stated that his actions were odd during the last part of the exam. Jett on the other hand didn't care much. Killua could take the hunter exam again next year, he was strong enough to pass. Although he also made his own deductions, there wasn't any proof. So speaking out his own opinion would not matter. 

'If I had to guess his Nen type, he is most likely a manipulator. His weapon of choice the needles, the precision and control over his facial features, probably makes my guess bout eighty percent correct. As for how he was manipulating Killua, I would put my money on needles. But at the same time, I don't think his controlling him. Based on his actions and how he called Killua 'Kill" he is definitely a doting brother, in a twisted kind of way. There are a few things that I notice about Killua. He wasn't scared of any of the other participants, only Hisoka. In fact, he was outright arrogant about being able to kill the others, even during the exam he didn't want to accept that Gon was better than him, but when it came to Hisoka, he wanted to stay away from him. What was the difference between Hisoka and the rest, it was nen. If my deduction is correct, Illumi is controlling Killua to be afraid of Nen users. Since a nen user would be stronger than him, because of not knowing what kind of abilities a nen user could have.' Jett thought to himself as the others spoke.

The conversation wasn't going anywhere, and Jett didn't think anyone other than Kurapika and Leorio cared about the situation. Jett himself just wanted Gon to wake up so they could leave. He was a little nervous about Gon being angry with him for saying he would kill Killua. Well, that was only if someone told Gon of the things that happened while he was out cold. 

Not long after the door was opened, making everyone turn. Jett also did the same, he saw Gon come in with his arm in a cast being held by an arm sling. Gon had a serious look on his face that immediately told Jett that Gon already knew of everything that happened after he passed out. He was expecting Gon to walk up to him, but he was wrong. The person Gon walked up to was Illumi. 

"Apologize to Killua," Gon stated.

"Apologize? For what?" Illumi question.

"You don't even understand this? you don't have the qualifications to be an older brother." Jett just wondered how Gon knew that he didn't have an older brother. When Illumi questioned if someone needed qualifications for being a brother Gon got angry and grabbed his arm pulling him from his seat in one motion.

After Gon wanted to go look for Killua, he also brought out the same topic about Killua being controlled by Illumi which instigated another conversation. While everyone was discussing Killua's situation a man in a suit came into the room, he was ignored by everyone except Jett. The man had come closer to him and handed him a letter. The sender was his grandmother, the whole time he had been taking the exam he had not sent anything, that being simply because he couldn't, he was sure that he wouldn't get or be able to send anything until they finished the exam. If they interrupted him now that could only mean the letter was important. 

After a lengthy explanation of the use of the Hunter license, eight participants passed the hunter exam. Jett quietly excused himself from the room unnoticed by anyone. He had no idea what was in the letter, but he wanted some quiet to read it. 

[ Boy, if you're reading this then I'm already gone. Before I could take my last breath I decided to write you this letter. I wanted to leave behind my last words. Boy, I can't help you anymore, I left behind my house in your name, use it as you see fit. I know you will pass the hunter exam, so I leave with peace of mind. I know you will be able to take care of yourself now. You don't have to worry about my burial, I have taken care of everything. Is time I finally join my loved one on the other side, my little grandson is waiting for me to hug him. This the end of my journey in this world.] Jett was shocked, he couldn't say that he was expecting it. 

While he had been reading the letter the other three had approached him from the side. Gon wanted to call out to him but stopped when he saw him. Not one time since he known Jett had he seen him cry or make a sad face. He had only seen his smiling face or his serious face. Gon didn't say anything and slowly approached Jett. Jett was still holding the letter while looking at it, Gon could see what was written in it. 

Gon's eyes widen at the content of the letter. He put his broken arm over Jett's shoulder and his other arm around his back giving him a hug. Jett who felt Gon hug him absent-minded grabbed Gon by the waist with both hands, putting his face on Gon's shoulder. Jett didn't know tears were falling from his eyes. He did feel sad, but at the same time, he also wanted to laugh. The old granny had known all along, that he wasn't the original Jett. He wished he could have seen her last moment or at least talked to her, but she didn't have a Home Code; their name for a landline phone number in this world. He was fine with her death. He was grateful, she had taken care of him and given him a home, but he had to move on and follow his own path. 

"Jett, let's go back to Whale Island to say goodbye." Gon's voice snapped Jett from his thought, making him realize he was hugging Gon. He didn't move to break the hug, in fact, he squeezed a little tighter. He now realizes he is crying. She may not have been his grandmother, hell he doesn't even remember his real grandmother. That didn't change the fact that she had been there for him and had treated him like her real grandson. Finally letting go of Gon he answered. 

"Is okay Gon, she left in peace. Plus, I believe death isn't the end of the adventure, but a To Continue." He himself had come from another life after all. 

"You wanted to go find Killua right?" He asked, he was kinda of touched that Gon was willing to give up looking for Killua and go to Whale Island first. 

"Yeah, Kurapika was going to search for his house, he lives in a place called Kukuru Mountain," Gon said, but he was still looking at Jett.

"Oh?, I could search for it right now," Jett said. Graving his own dark red backpack he had bought in Whale Island before they left. He pulled out a tablet-looking device from inside and turned it on. After he found out that there were such things in the world he got one. They were convenient in case he wanted to search for information. You of course had to pay a fee in order to keep it active, his grandmother had been paying for it. After this, it would be better for him to start paying for it, or just connect to the Hunter Association network it was free for them anyway. The thought also reminded him of something else he had to search for now that he had a hunter's license. 

"I got it, Kukuru Mountain is in the Dentora's Province in the Republica of Padokia. Umm, it also says that they have a tour bus to the maintain is a tourist attraction to see the famous family of assassins." Jett said after looking up some information. 

"Jett, You know how to surf," Kurapika asked. 

"Yeah, I thought you would be as clueless as Gon. Since you both come from the same place." Leorio. 

"What are you talking about, of course I know. Learning this is part of the school curriculum. As for Gon he has a one-track mind, so he tend's to focus all his mind in to doing one thing, plus his a wild child, and kinda stupid." Jett said with a smile on his face while looking at Gon. 

"I'm not stupid," Gon said attacking Jett. Jett simply shifted his center of gravity to avoid Gon.

"Well, what are we waiting for let's go. I also have something I have to say to Killua. Plus two of you still have some work to do. I'm pretty sure the exam isn't over for you two." Jett said cryptically. The only one who made a thoughtful face was Kurapika, Leorio at course was clueless. 

After traveling by airship to Padokia they took a train to Dentora and lastly a tour bus to Kukuru Mountain. Gon had asked Jett along the way to search for Jin. The information was top secret, which only made Gon smile, after finding out that his dad was high in the food chain. Jett had also seen Kurapika glance at him a few times. Jett knew that he wanted to ask, but was hesitating. 

"You can ask, Kurapika. I was the one who gave you the clue. Plus I'm sure you already notice something. Because if you didn't I would think you were just as stupid as some people." Jett said, momentarily glaring at Leorio, which made Kurapika give a small chuckle. 

"Does the last test you mention have something to do with the power you and Killua's brother showed during the exam, If I'm right Hisoka also has it, right?" Kurapika didn't hesitate anymore. He had chosen to sit next to him on the bus for this reason.

"Yes, this power is called Nen. It is a power that allows the control of your own life force. It is invisible for anyone other than those that can also use this power." Jett said passing the tablet to Kurapika. He had written everything about Nen there, mostly so he would not forget. 

"Can..." Kurapika started, but Jett interrupted. 

"I won't, the hunter exam will most likely send someone to teach you. I'm not that well-versed in Nen myself. Having a real master teach you would be more beneficial for you, than a complete amateur teaching you." Jett said. 


Kurapika and Jett stop talking after getting off the bus. In front of them stood the biggest gate they had ever seen, each having a number that kept doubling. After talking to the guard they found out that each door doubled in tons. Jett was surprised, Killua could open sixteen tons. Jett could see where Killua's confidence came from, if it wasn't because he was already a Nen user, he didn't think he could win against Killua. 

Finding all this out, also confirm Jett's thoughts. Killua had an advantage over Gon, his family trained him. His talent was being nature, while Gon's could only take it step by step. This also made Jett make a final decision. He would teach Killua Nen, but he would not train him in the way he use Nen, it would only affect Killua negatively. He was sure his family had already made sure that Killua's talent would explode when he learned Nen. 

The decision he made was to teach Gon, to make Gon stronger. He couldn't let Gon be left behind could he? He would teach Gon the way of the Transmigrator. He would teach him the way he trained Nen, the way to use Nen and even some moves from other worlds. They hadn't tested Gon's nen attribute, but Jett was sure he was an enhancer. 

Jett didn't try to open the gate, it would be pointless for him to go alone without the rest. After talking to the guard, they were offered to stay the night, so they could train to open the door. Gon had wanted to enter the small door but had been stopped by a guard. The guard told Gon that if after seeing Mike he still wanted to enter the door, he would not stop him. After they entered, a huge gray dog appeared in front of them. Gon was sweating, he was terrified, even after learning about Nen from Jett he was still scared of this dog. Jett on the other hand had sparkles in his eyes. 

"His hair looks really... fluffy." Jett had moved so fast that not even Mike noticed him move. Mike only felt the tiny human touching his fur around his neck. Being a well-trained dog, Mike did not attack the humans that entered from the gate. Although that didn't mean he did not try to intimidate him, with a growl. 

"Let me touch your fluffy Fur...Mike." Jett said in a low voice and crazy eyes.