
Hatsu x Victory x Realization

Jett was sweating, while he could keep his Ren active for thirty minutes, he wasn't sure how long he could keep it up while fighting an unknown creature, who had also just learned nen. It was strong before, adding nen to the mix did not look good for Jett. Jett had forgotten about the kid that had warned him about the attack, right now he couldn't help it, his attention was on the creature. Jett just hoped that the kid didn't get caught in the battle or die. 

Jett stared at the creature, as it curiously looked at his nen. Jett understood that it had never seen Nen before, just by looking at its actions, he was able to tell it didn't know about it before. Jett watched as the creature somehow gathered a sizable amount of nen to its fist and punched the ground releasing the nen like he himself had done a few moments ago. The ground around it exploded, sending tremors to the surrounding area. 

"Looks like things are getting too spicy for the pepper" Jett joked to himself, realizing that he was royally screwed. 

'Did this thing just copy what I did, How?!" Jett shouted inwardly. 

'This damn thing didn't know about Nen a few minutes ago, now it can control it like a freaking war veteran, does someone out there want me to die that badly.' Jett inwardly freaked out. 

Besides what was happening, Jett still kept a calm demeanor. He didn't want to give time to that thing to adjust to its nen, but he also needed a bit of time to figure out what was happening with him. When he had been training his nen, the color when he kept Ren active had been a dark purple. Now, just when he felt that strange sensation at the back of his shoulder, the color of his nen changed from dark purple to two colors. His nen was now a mixture of red and blue, burning around him without mixing, sometimes switching places in an instant. 

Jett wasn't an expert about Nen, but he knew one thing, nen shouldn't be able to change color like that, he wasn't a rainbow. Changes happen based on rules and other factors, which would mean that he had somehow activated a Hatsu, the problem was he had no idea what his Hatsu was, when he had done water divination, one side of the leaf in the glass cup had turned completely black while the water in the cup had started to overflow. 

Jett had all the information in his head about Nen's attributes. The leaf turning another color would indicate that he was a specialist, he had been happy about it. Then not expecting it the water in the cup had started to overflow, making him an enhancer. It had him confused, he wasn't sure what was happening. He didn't know if it was normal and he had no one to ask for advice. Now that he could see his own nen active, along with the new sensation behind his shoulder, he had some speculations. 

It had to be said that transmigrators had a better chance at figuring out some things faster than others, transmigrators had seen a lot of anime where a lot of crazy things happen. In this case, Jett's conjecture was that he somehow had a blood limit. Remembering back to the first time he appeared in the world, he had no clue as to how to activate his nen. Yet his nen stayed active for eight minutes, from what he could remember. If he guessed correctly it took him five minutes to kill all those ugly monkeys, and another three minutes when he stayed on guard. All of this wasn't his point, his point was that while his Ren had been active the amount of nen that he was using had never diminished. The strange burning sensation on the back of his right shoulder had also been present at that time. 

Jett felt that his deduction was right, especially now that he can remember everything with clarity. He had no idea if people somehow were able to have a blood limit in this world, another thing he would have to investigate if he lived. 

While he had been thinking about the things happening to him, not once did he take his eyes off the lizard creature. As Jett saw it focus its cold eyes on him again, he stopped all his thoughts and focused on watching the creature's every move. In a burst of speed, the creature ran in a collision course with Jett. Thinking about what was happening to him wasn't all Jett had done, he had also weighed his options. If he ran there wasn't any guarantee that the creature would let him go, there was even a chance that it would chase after him. No, it would definitely chase after him, it seems very adamant about killing him. With that in mind, Jett steeled his resolve and decided to fight. 

Grasping the ground with his foot, Jett performs his first conscious flash step. In an instant, he appears right in the path of the creature. The creature was almost the height of a full-grown adult, and Jett verily reached up to its chest, but it was that difference that allowed him to land a kick. Kicking off the ground at full force get delivers a power nen filled kick to the jaw of the creature, sending it into the air. 

Enhancing his legs with as much nen as he could, Jett jumped after it. In the air by passing the creature, Jett raises his leg into the air, uses the momentum of his fall, and spins. He understood why some characters shouted the name of their moves, it made them feel confident in delivering their attack. Jett follows the same example and yells his move. 


Things didn't often go as one hoped. The creature didn't stay still waiting to get hit. At the last moment, it grabbed Jett's leg, using Jett's own momentum against him, it too started to spin in mid-air. Jett couldn't free himself, the grip of the creature was too strong, after what seemed like an hour the creature finally let him go sending him crashing to the ground. Aware that he was falling, Jett screamed redirecting most of his Nen to his back, the part that would make contact with the ground first. 

A huge rumbling was heard across the island. Gon who had been forgotten was shocked at what was happening, he had never seen anything like it. He was scared, yes, his body was shaking in fear, yet on his face a smile was present. 

Jett who had landed on the ground had created a huge pit shaped like a bowl, he was still conscious. He had saved his own life by strengthening his back before he made an impact. He was looking up at the creature who had remained suspended in the air because of the momentum it had used to throw him. As it began to fall, Jett watch that damn thing raise its leg in the air. Before it started spinning, Jett saw its mouth elongate into a sadistic smile. That damn thing was having fun with him. He should be angry, he should be afraid of what would happen if that kick landed on him, but he wasn't, all he could do was smile.

"Let's see who kills who you bastard!, (haha)" Jett yelled with a laugh at the end. 

Jett jumped out of the crater by doing a backward flip landing a good distance from where he was. Not wasting any time, he immediately used Gyo to spot where that thing would be among all the dust it had picked up with that powerful kick. 

"You want to play copycat, asshole. Then I will too, although is not lightning, the concentration of nen focus into a single forward point should have the same result, you can thank your death to the copy ninja." Jett watches as the damn creature slowly walks out of the crater, gathering some of his Nen into his back and legs, Jett once again grabs the earth with his foot and performs another flash step, this time much faster than the last one. 

The creature who had just come out of the crater sensed danger, all its animalistic senses told him to move out of the way, and with strong inhuman reflexes, it managed to avoid a stab to the heart by moving slightly to its left. Jett's hand that had concentrated nen pass right through the creature's torso, he would have enjoyed his small victory if it wasn't because the damn thing acted quickly, and charged at him trying to bite his neck. Jett retreated out of the way by jumping back with a weak flash step, the bite of the creature had grazed his neck. 

'That was a close one, had I been any slower I would have died just then, this bastard had good instincts too.' Jett thought. Jett watched as the wound on the creature unnaturally started to heal. 

'An enhancer type then.' Jett deduce. It made sense the creature was naturally strong and had a one-track mind, in this case trying to kill him. Enhancers had strong physical attacks and defenses. They could increase their natural abilities, in this case, the lizard creature was using his nen to heal the wound on its chest. Jett in an effort to mock him, like it had done with him when it sent him crashing to the ground, licked the blood on his hand smiled, and then spat into the ground; Jett was vindictive. 

The action of licking the blood activated something in Jett's Nen. A powerful aura that startled both him and the creature erupted from Jett. A beam of light shot out of Jett's body at supersonic speed not giving the creature any time to react. The beam of light wrapped around the creature's neck and consolidated into a ring that circled its neck. Something else also happened, information was appearing in Jett's mind as he witnessed the creature trying to pull the dark blue collar it now had. 

The information was his Hatsu, or should he say Hatsu's. This only brought up more questions about his body. But right now wasn't the time for that, snapping back to reality, Jett once again gathered his Nen into his hand and exploded with Ren, enhancing his body to the max. In a flash he disappears from where he stands and reappears behind the creature, Jett delivers the killing blow. Half the creature's head was now missing, blood was coming out like an unattended hose. Jett fearing it could recover, attacked it again, driving its hand right into its heart. 

Jett was standing above the creature for another five minutes watching, expecting it to move. When he saw that its body no longer twitched or made any movement, Jett finally let out a sigh of relief. What had happened before, was Jetts hatsu activation. 

From what he could understand, Jett, or more his body, was special, he didn't know how he knew this information, maybe it was a condition he didn't know about. What he did know was that he had a body that allowed him to have two types of nen attributes that he could use at a hundred percent. The two Nen attributes that Jett had were Enhancer and Specialization. His specialization Nen was the one responsible for the earlier development. 

His first specialization Hatsu was called 'Unlimited', this Hatsu allowed him to use unlimited nen. The duration of this nen was derived from his age, if he was now ten years old, he would then be able to use it for ten minutes. The time would not change until he himself became older. It was one of the conditions. The second condition was that the amount of nen would stay constant according to the amount of nen he was able to output before activation of the hatsu. No matter how hard he tried to increase it, it would not work, but in turn, it would give him unlimited nen he could use. The loophole was that all he had to do was train and increase his nen without activating his Hatsu. 

The third condition was something he had already done, which was to die. The third condition was that he had to have died one time. Jett almost wanted to laugh, how could someone just die one time, it was a good thing he had already died, or did the previous Jett's death count? 

The fourth condition was that he had to have two types of Nen attributes that he could use at one hundred percent, under any other circumstances this condition would be impossible to have, if you didn't have a special body like his; although he didn't know what was special about it. Jett also thought that this was good, from the information he had, Hatsu could be stolen, and the condition of death alone was already a deterrent for anyone trying to steal his nen. 

The fifth and last condition was after time had run out he would enter a state of force Zetsu, any other time this would have left him vulnerable. This was the part that made Jett extremely happy, his enhancer type nen wasn't affected by the conditions from his specialization nen. The two nen types existed together in his body but were not ruled by the conditions of the other. It was exactly for this reason that Jett was overjoyed because the second hatsu matched perfectly with his body's condition. Yet again he didn't know what was special about his body, all he had was the information that came into his head.

His second Hatsu was called 'Gemini Bond'. This hatsu didn't have a lot of conditions, they were all simple, but Jett didn't like one of the conditions because it was gross. What this Hatsu allowed him to do was, force his opponent into a state of force zetsu. 

The first condition was that both he and his enemy would enter the force state of Zetsu. The second condition was that 'Unlimited' hadn't been activated. The third condition was that the target had to be unwilling, which was an easy enough condition to meet. The fourth condition was that if the target surrendered willingly the Hatsu would break. The fifth condition was the one that Jett did not like, in order to activate 'Gemini Bond' Jett had to consume his target genetic material, it was gross, he would not have done so earlier if it wasn't because he was so vindictive. Although he had to admit this Hatsu was what had decided his victory. 

Gemini Bond had forced the lizard and him into a state of Zetsu that sealed their nen. What decided Jetts Victory was that his enhancer nen wasn't affected by his specialization nen, both nen existed simultaneously inside his body yet worked separately. It was the perfect winning move. Jett had been so concentrated on the information that he didn't hear Gon coming behind him. However this time his body didn't react because Gon didn't have any ill intentions. 

"Hey, Jett right. Are you okay, you have been standing there for a while?" Jett spun around when he heard Gon's voice. 

"Okay?, I'm great. Did you see that, tell me you saw it. I won, it was my victory!" Jett yelled, grabbing Gon by the arms and spinning him around in place. 

"I was like boom and kaboom, then I was like whoosh, and at the end I was like dying. It was incredible, my heart was racing out of my chest, I thought I was going to die, but in the end, I won. Can you believe it, I've never been so happy to be alive." Jett said without stopping, at one point he grabbed Gon by the head and kissed him on the cheek, although he didn't realize what he had done. Gon himself had been so affected by Jett's enthusiasm that he didn't give much thought to it. 

Gon had indeed watched the whole thing from start to finish. He had seen how Jett plummeted to the ground. He saw when he vanished from view and the next thing he knew the lizard thing was missing half his brain. When it ended Gon watched as Jett had an indescribable smile on his face that for some reason made Gon's heart give a squeeze, making him have an emotion he couldn't describe. 

Jett also had a realization of emotions, he enjoyed that fight. Not the thrill or the danger. What he enjoyed was the fight itself. How he had to plan his next move carefully. If he didn't predict his enemy's next move he could die. It was a battle of strategy and conning. Jett realizes he found a reason to become stronger and something to drive him forward in the future. The reason was to have the satisfaction of being the last one standing after both opponents had given it their all, but there was also something missing. 

Give me some stone guys, if you have any thoughst let me know. i'm open to ideas.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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