
[BL] Guide to surviving the Apocalypse in another world

In Ivan's original world, He was the leader of ability user's in a survival base against the zombies. His so called 'lover' was jealous of his strength and killed him when they were on a mission. He transmigrated into the body of the main villain in an otome game he played six months before the Apocalypse. Watch how the our mc bitch-slaps the white lotus hero and thrives in the apocalypse with a cute little system and pet. But who is this person who keeps shamelessly touching and flirting with him. Ivan: System help me! ???:Come on baby~ give me a kiss. System: Sorry, just an innocent system passing through. This is bl, Yaoi, guy on guy if u don't like it then don't read.

celestialcrow5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 6

Ivan looked at the man with masked disgust and spoke, " We would like to buy the plot of land at XX in A city."

The manager instantly widened his eyes. 'That piece of land was half the size of a town. The manager suddenly sat straighter.

"Do you know how much it costs?"

The land was not only large but was also situated in A city. With its size and size and good location, it cost a whopping 20,000,000 USD.

"Twenty million USD, right?"

"That's correct."

Ivan then took out a check wrote down the huge sum of money and placed it on the table and asked, "May I have the deed now."

The ugly basta- manager was dumbfounded. He didn't think that these gorgeous beauties would be so rich that they would throw 20 million away without batting an eye.

He then took some papers from his last desk drawer and handed it to Ivan.

"Please, sign here."

Ivan quickly signed his name and collected the deed. They left Immediately. (A//N: I don't know how buying property works.)

Right now, it was 9:23 am.

Mira: Ivan, where are we going now?

"We are going to build a house." Ivan grinned. In the original game, that plot of land was the city A base cultivation centre. Only the leader of the base, his subordinates and other powerhouses in the base got to use it. It became the centre because it had a lot of spiritual energy compared to the rest of the base or other bases. Well, it wasn't surprising since it was the base the hero ended up in. He didn't want the place for himself but his future subordinates. Who knows what might happen. Humans needed zombie cores in order to upgrade but a place with good spiritual energy can help you upgrade quicker and also help you control your ability much better.

They arrived at the site in about half an hour. Currently, there was nothing there, just grass.


"Yes, Ivan?"

"Are there any giant houses in the system shop?"


Mira: " You know, you don't have to buy a house we can just help you build one."


They jointly nodded their heads.

Ivan was quite surprised. He didn't think they would know how to construct buildings but he was happy he didn't have to spend z-points.

"Then we'll have to draw a blueprint first."

Cala: "No need, just tell us the stuff you want and we'll be done before nightfall."

They discussed the layout of the building - scratch that, buildings. Yes, there was more than one. With how big the land was there were many things they could build. This included a hospital, A barn for the animals and storehouses etc.

Ivan left the girls to do their thing and went shopping for other supplies.

Momo: "You know you can get everything at the system store right?"

"Yeah, but I can't just let this huge inheritance lie there without spending it. That would be a waste."

"Ooh, I see."

"Pfft, how old are you?"

"I'm 374 million years old."


They arrived at a large furniture store and bought all the furniture in bulk. Sofas, chairs, tables, beds etc. and put them in the inventory. He purchased some electronics and gadgets and then some daily necessities. Ivan bought a big truck from the system store and headed to a farm to buy animals and the lot.

He placed everything in the inventory and headed to the site.

It was 5:43 pm.

When Ivan got down from the car, he was stunned. In front of him was a sturdy-looking white wall with thin golden veins and giant black gate. When he entered, he was even more shocked. There were beautiful flowers and plants, the ground was layered with some unknown beautiful material and there were beautiful water fountains. It looked like a modern palace.

Astra: "Ivan, you're here."

"Yeah, this place looks amazing."

Astra: " We just finished. Let me show you around."

Astra: " The main house is where we'll be staying. It has seventeen bedrooms with the same number of bathrooms. Three kitchens a large garage, a large living room, a dining area, two large hot springs, a library, a movie theatre, a drawing room,a training room and some extra rooms. We decided to use some materials from our world because we thought the ones here were too weak.

Astra lead him to the hospital, where they met Kai. She had just finished putting up a mid-level healing array.

"This healing array is only mid-level but it is still extremely effective. It can cleanse and heal very quickly. I was going to put up a high-level one but it would be suspicious if an uninvited guest wanted to use this place, which could never happen on my watch ,but you can't be too careful am I right?"

Ivan chuckled."yeah, I guess."

Kai: " oh, right. Currently, you and we are the only people who can enter this hospital and the other buildings. No one can enter unless you directly permit them."

"Thank you, this way we won't have to worry about anyone breaking and entering."

Ivan met all the girls and was shown all the parts of his little 'town' and he was very satisfied.

Mira: " We can move in in two days. How about we name it. What do you think?"

"Yeah, why not? How about " Callista Mansion." "Since it's so beautiful.

Mira:" It's perfect!"

The girls helped Ivan arrange all the cattle and poultry and put all the electronics in the storerooms for now. They then put all the furniture in place. After that, they set up several powerful protective arrays to act as defence.

Astra: "I'm so tired, let's go home. We can move in in two days."

"Yeah, let's go home."

[ Ding! Secret mission gain your very own fortress has been completed! Passive skill Heartthrob halo has been obtained: Heartthrob halo allows the user to have perfect skin and perfectly proportioned muscles. It makes you glow ( A/N: not literally, well kinda but you get the point.)and have an attractive aura . Your skin will be tender and soft to touch like a fairy but it will also be as impenetrable as the scales of a dragon. Class: A.

Active skill, Map ,has been obtained: it allows the user to map an area in a three thousand meter radius and sense exactly what is in that area. (Strength depends on users level) class: B

50,000 Z-points have been obtained.

You have gained the blessing of the fairy sisters. ]

When they arrived, they all took showers, had dinner and went to bed. Since they would be moving in two days, They were free tomorrow.

He went to the computer and ordered a lot (A/N: When I say a lot I mean mountains upon mountains.) of clothes, which were all high and mid quality. He then ordered fabrics like cotton, silk etc. in bulk and set the shipping for three days and put in the address of Callista Mansion.

Ivan was exhausted after moving up and down for so long, so he decided to hit the hay, of course with some doll-sized lumps.


It was 8 am.

The girls were still sleeping. Ivan got out of bed and went to freshen up. After he finished, he went down the stairs and looked in the hallway mirror.

'Seriously, I'm very sure the one giving the rewards is doing this on purpose. Now I look even more good-looking! At least this heartthrob halo is not completely useless, unlike the other one.'

[Yeesh! I have to tell the goddess that he's catching on!]

'Did you say something?'

[Nope....] *cold sweats*

'I'm pretty sure you said something.'

[Nope, it's all in your head!]

'Momo, you're in my head!'

Just then, the doorbell rang.

['Oh, thank heavens. Whoever it is I owe you my life! I will never forget this debt of gratitude!]

Ivan opened the door and was a little stunned. On his front porch was the secret capture target, Dominic Estevan. ( A/N: We all saw it coming, am I right?)

Word Count: 1374

Yesterday this author was sick yet again. But I still managed a chapter for you guys. Please like and comment that would make me very happy. Luv you guys~