
[BL] DNA DILEMMA: Caught in Someone else's Mess!

Max Foster lives an adventurous life. He loves himself and enjoys himself. Especially Action in the Bed! But suddenly one day he wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, an unfamiliar body and he's not Max anymore? Now Max has to live his life as Adian Marcoxius Drane, an omega, and...now he is left with Adian's messy life to clean up in his hands! And miracles of miracles, Adian is pregnant...which is wonderful except for one question: Who is the Father? Is it Fernando, the Sleazy Beta viscount? Or maybe Eduardo, the tender and sweet Alpha Duke? Or worst of worst, a butler in the house? 'If the truth gets out to the public, be prepared to face the consequences.' What should Max do?? Join Max Foster in his journey to find the dad before Adian's Omega-hating-Husband finds out! -------------------------------- Hi, Thank you for checking out my book please do leave a comment, review and do vote for it! DISCLAIMER: All credits of artwork goes to the artist. No copyright infringement intended. This is a relatively slow paced novel. Do bear with the characters as they explore each other, both in mind and body! Winkwink!

miyobiya · LGBT+
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162 Chs

21. A Talk

"Guests, I am sorry for this fuss but please–" Elian announces turning to the guests, and gestures towards the door in an ordering manner*, "resume the party with no hitch."

"Yes. Yes. Please head in. The second course is about to commence." Vincent adds to it immediately, but the murmurings seem to increase as people turn back to the door.

They begrudgingly trudge into the hallway and we watch as it continues at a snail's pace.

Vance is now off the wall, and he composes himself, fixing his coat. Vincent walks up to him and proceeds to dust off his shoulder but Vance shrugs him off harshly. Vincent mouths a small 'sorry' as he retracts his hands and Vance glares at him accusingly.

"Right." Elian breathes out in a deft tone as the last of the guests disappears behind the door and turns back to the twins. He looks at Vance from head to toe and looks at him with scrutinizing eyes.

"What are you staring at?" Vance snaps curtly and proceeds to walk past Elian but Elian stops him, holding his arm.

"The explanation."

"Why don't you just ask your husband?" Vance replies and tries to shrug Elian's hand off as well but the latter tightens his grip significantly. Elian slightly stares down at Vance who stands almost as tall but more leaner.

In hindsight, I don't ever think I would be able to accomplish with Elian what I did to Vance. And I hope to the sweet lord that I would never be put in a situation like that; having to beat Elian up. I shiver visibly at the thought.

Vance's expression seems to be more perturbed by the accusation against him rather than the realization of his actions. Does he really not realize the seriousness of his actions?

"I want to hear what excuse he has to give for this." I

"Any acts against my family, I will take as a personal attack towards me, the Earl of Drane; however, I am letting you have a chance to explain yourself."

Vance starts to breathe rapidly with disappearing patience and shoves his face into Elian's.

"If anything, I should warn you instead, Elian. Take better care of that omega if you're going to let it roam around like that."

"What! How d–" I burst out upon hearing that but Elian raises his hand at me. I roll my eyes and try to continue anyway but he gives me a look. A look that said to listen to him. Like the fuck I am gonna do that.

"Adian." He calls to me, "You should get yourself looked after. I'll finish this up."



"No. I am fine. I'll want to see the needful being done." **

Elian sighs and shakes his head at me in utter frustration. It seems as though he is giving me the get-go because he turns his attention back to Vance who looks ever ready to leave. The look of boredom on his face pricks the desire to kill in me. I look down at my right hand, and when I really do look at its bruised state, the pain registers in me and I wince slightly to myself. It's okay.

"I don't want to hear you slandering the very person that you chose to sleep with behind my back. It seems you have forgotten about the boundaries between us." Elian's voice is calm and he doesn't seem affected at all and I could see Vincent covering his face with his hand.

Eep. I grimace immediately. So the harsh truth is Adian did sleep with that bastard. Maybe Adian really needed to inspect his choices because all these consequences are coming back to bite him in the back.

"Hah!" Vance exclaims and pushes Elian's grip off his arm. he continues his talk with clear hatred "That's a nice thing to hear from a coward like you. You make me disgusted*. You do not deserve to be an alpha."

"Your opinion of me doesn't change what you did."

"Shut up! You have no right to berate me when you can't even move on from the past. I don't want to hear preaching from a coward like you."

"Vance. That is enough–!" Vincent tries to intervene, slowly inching towards Vance.

"You!" Vance yells and points a sharp finger at Vincent who flinches quite noticeably,

"Don't even talk. This all wouldn't have even happened if you had not arranged for this nonsensical party. Can you imagine? A party for your birthday? At your age? I have had enough of you and your whiny shenanigans! And you…" Vance turns back to Elian and laughs mockingly,

"Aren't you a circus case? Parading an omega from who-knows-wherr as your fated mate? Don't make me laugh. I am sorry but your mate is a whore. I am sure you already knew that since he came from a whorehouse. If you are going an uncivilized* omega among us, do what you should do."

"You should shut up," I say, gritting through my teeth. Vance turns to me, and now I can see his cheek decently red and slightly swollen. For that, I feel at least satisfied with my handiwork but I want to do more than just that. He raises his eyebrow at me with ridicule. This man truly deserves more than a few punches.

"I should have made it so you–"

Elian cuts him off midway, stepping in between Vance and me which turns Vance's attention away. Vance seems much smaller as Elian stares down at him despite their similar height.

"That's enough."

"Is it now?" Vance asks with ridicule, but Elian continues with this controlled composure.

"Yes, it's my error to have even let you speak."

"Stop acting calm, you bastard. Why don't you hit me?"

"I don't see the point of that when there are better ways for you to rectify for your actions."

"How scary."

"Yes, I do hope so." Elian smiles at Vance for a brief second and he regains his serious demeanor almost immediately, "I am officially withdrawing all support for Vance Welstone, from inheriting your father's title. I hear your father collapsed some time ago? He seemed to be quite ill when I visited him earlier."

"Elian, you wouldn't." Vincent implores from the side, looking quite shocked at the declaration.

I look at Elian, and then back to the twins. Gauging by the reaction, it seems as though Elian just slashed them with a bloody knife. Vance looks as though he is trying to maintain a neutral look.

"Yes, I fully intend to. I am sure the law would be thrilled to hear the allegations against the heir of the Marquis Welstone among all the inheritance bloodbaths in your family. I hope you would not be disinherited in the process when the nobles learn that you laid your hand on an Earl's husband."

"It is that omega who is going around spreading his pheromones like a savage. Have you seen it? How he raised his hand against me, a noble? He deserved to be put in his place."

"Is that so?" Elian softly whispers but there's no emotion in it. He approaches my side and places his hand carefully on my waist. I bristle with discomfort at the contact. "I fear your common sense is corroded from your frequent journeys at the brothel. You could smell a bonded omega?"

Clearly lying.

I discreetly glance at Elian but he doesn't look back, keeping a trained look on the opponents. Well, it's not going downhill so I guess a white lie is not much of a big deal. I feel Vance's piercing gaze and I meet his eyes, raising an eyebrow. He scoffs at himself and points at me.

This man and his fingers...

"You and I both know you have not bonded. Your marriage is a sham." Vance retorts, as though he has figured out the way to turn the tables against us.

"I hope you can prove that to the law without coming off as an eager offender. Now, that's that." Elian looks at me, nodding slightly in conviction. He

He turns his attention at the other twin, who is witnessing all these silently

"Vincent, we shall talk soon." Elian raises his hand, signaling a butler who has been posted near the door, "Pardon, but we will be leaving the party." He says without sparing a glance at them.