
[BL] Becoming the billionaire's kept man

#Completed Wen YanJun (a Kpop idol retiree due to his contract expiration) returns home to the news that his family members were giving him up to a powerful billionaire. He was determined to leave and start a business with his girlfriend but when his girlfriend betrays him by handing him over to the very man he was avoiding, his world felt destroyed. Lu Mingyu is not only handsome and rich but also a determined man who never lets anything he wants to slip off his finger and he wanted Wen YanJun. He knew the young handsome man from way back more than a decade ago but the young man had forgotten him. He hopes Wen YanJun remembers him but that did not mean he was willing to tell the young man who he was. A narration from his lips could be counted as a lie and he alone knew how much Wen YanJun meant to him and how far he was willing to go to keep him on his side even if it meant that he had to be the bad guy. This is a story about a love kindled a decade ago due to an unfortunate event that ends up becoming a wild uncontrollable fire. The fire of their blossomed love goes way beyond the hot physically intimate relationship to the warmth that spreads slowly from their heart and their desire to love and protect each other regardless of whatsoever. Warning; This starts with slight pain included. Presence of slight misunderstandings. Presence of Mr. Lu Mingyu's cute son. An angry relationship turns into a beautiful familial relationship. Trigger warning: Confinement. Slight Angst //^\\ Read and add to your library. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me. I will read all the comments. Have a nice reading time. And have a fun day too. Extra warning: You might notice some grammatical errors. Please try to be understanding.( ・ั﹏・ั) I am open to corrections which I will take seriously.(θ‿θ) Thanks.

OT_Josie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

The dream room

He wished he had agreed to renew his contract and continue his career as an idol. He remembered how hard he worked from the age of fourteen, young in a foreign land to make as much as he made.

His success was not even guaranteed but they got lucky and he could return home wealthy enough to live on his own and marry his beautiful girlfriend when his clothing business succeeds but his parents tried to steal it all from him.

He glanced at his phone again as he waited for them to call him to inform him that it was a prank and they never meant what they said. It could all be a joke, right? He chose to hope.

He arrived at his girlfriend's workplace and they were yet to call him. He swallowed knowing there was no way that man, whoever he was would do as he threatened.

He would just report to the police if things get too complicated.

"YanJun," his girlfriend called out to him as soon as he walked to the receptionist. He smiled and nodded to the receptionist who blushed.

His smile brightened as his eyes sparkled when he saw her. She was so beautiful as always. He hurried to her and did not hesitate to pull her into his arms in the lobby.

"I missed you," he murmured as he pressed his face to her neck.

"I missed you too. Let's eat lunch. You must be tired," she observed with a cute pout as she reached to adjust his hair.

"No, not much. I am just hungry," he told her as he avoided her gaze. He did not want her to see that something was wrong. He did not want to burden her with his unreasonable trouble.

They linked their hands as they walked out of the building, he thanked his star that he did not get bothered to give anyone autographs in such a mood.

She ordered for both of them as she knew all his favorite dishes. After all, they have been together for two years and despite the distance and lack of time, they spent quality time conversing through different means.

He was famished and did not hesitate to eat enough after all he does not need to watch his weight anymore. It has been years since he last ate his fill.

A wave of dizziness hit him when he stood up. He leaned forward on the table and took a deep breath. It only got worse when he tried to massage his temple.

The room dance around in a funny way that indicates drunkenness but he had not drunk alcohol. He shook his head and blinked hoping to clear that funny uncomfortable feeling off his sight.

"Are you okay?" he heard his fiancé ask when he became unable to control his limbs anymore.

Falling into a strong pair of arms, he was forced to inhale when the male scent filled his nose. He was grateful someone was nice enough to prevent the fall, well who would not be?

He tried to open his eyes to see the face of the nice man who was willing to save him from the hurt of falling to the floor. That would hurt and he had experienced enough mental pain today to feel any more pain.

He was too busy fighting to keep his consciousness that he forgot to wonder how the person entered the room fast enough to give him his body for a cushion.

"Relax," a deep whisper came so close to his ear that he could feel the warm breath of the person talking.

The voice only made him more agitated as he fought to stay awake. That did not last long as his body had other plans for him with the drug in his system.


What could be more embarrassing than that for Wen YanJun? He passed out in the arms of a man in front of his girlfriend. Won't the girl escape his arms to the stronger man?

Those were the first thoughts on his mind when he opened his eyes to the soft scent of lavender, the warmth of the covers, and the softness of a bed. He could almost picture what it would feel like sleeping on a cloud, well, if that was possible.

He rolled and stretched with a groan. He was forced to stop when the strangeness of the place went well beyond the comfort of the bed.

He shook his head at the strangely painted ceiling that looked just like the cathedral he did a music video in with the other members of his group.

His eyes went to the wall and the curtains before taking note of the furniture in the room. he could almost swear that he woke up in a western royal palace. This could not be his girlfriend's room, right?

Oh! He snapped his fingers as he sat up and brushed his hair back. She must have booked a hotel room for them. although he could not remember any hotel with such an interior that did not mean there weren't any.

He was dressed in a dark blue pajama that slide against his skin with warmth and softness like sliding a feather lightly against your skin. He stretched again when his feet touched the indoor slippers. Why was everything just so comfortable in here?

There was a soft knock on the door and he looked at the door concluding it was room service. He would have to give his girlfriend a big kiss. Why was she treating him with so much care?

If this was a hotel room, it will have to be the most expensive room in the hotel. You could almost divide the room into a comfortable bedroom home if you wish too with a kitchen.

The elegance was beyond measure and the dark color theme gave it a perfect male vibe that made him feel like it has always belonged to him.

Wait! This was what he has always wanted to have as a bedroom. This was the design for his dream bedroom he gave when he was asked to explain what his dream house would look like.

He could not help but feel warmth make his chest expand and he could suddenly breathe better. This was happiness, right? The feeling of knowing someone cared, his girlfriend was the best, she deserved the best girlfriend award if there was anything like that.

Even if there isn't, he will like to make one, especially for her. The knock came again and he realized he had felt too happy by the realization to respond to the person at the door.

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