
[BL] Becoming the billionaire's kept man

#Completed Wen YanJun (a Kpop idol retiree due to his contract expiration) returns home to the news that his family members were giving him up to a powerful billionaire. He was determined to leave and start a business with his girlfriend but when his girlfriend betrays him by handing him over to the very man he was avoiding, his world felt destroyed. Lu Mingyu is not only handsome and rich but also a determined man who never lets anything he wants to slip off his finger and he wanted Wen YanJun. He knew the young handsome man from way back more than a decade ago but the young man had forgotten him. He hopes Wen YanJun remembers him but that did not mean he was willing to tell the young man who he was. A narration from his lips could be counted as a lie and he alone knew how much Wen YanJun meant to him and how far he was willing to go to keep him on his side even if it meant that he had to be the bad guy. This is a story about a love kindled a decade ago due to an unfortunate event that ends up becoming a wild uncontrollable fire. The fire of their blossomed love goes way beyond the hot physically intimate relationship to the warmth that spreads slowly from their heart and their desire to love and protect each other regardless of whatsoever. Warning; This starts with slight pain included. Presence of slight misunderstandings. Presence of Mr. Lu Mingyu's cute son. An angry relationship turns into a beautiful familial relationship. Trigger warning: Confinement. Slight Angst //^\\ Read and add to your library. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me. I will read all the comments. Have a nice reading time. And have a fun day too. Extra warning: You might notice some grammatical errors. Please try to be understanding.( ・ั﹏・ั) I am open to corrections which I will take seriously.(θ‿θ) Thanks.

OT_Josie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

Lunch time

"That was why I was nice enough to bring you here quietly and gave you your dream room to wake up in," the man replied firmly without the least gentleness in his voice which was a huge contrast to the words he spoke but fit perfectly into the moment.

Wen YanJun was forced to scoff. He looked painfully into the man's black eyes and he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat before saying, "You only added to my lists of traumas."

"I will heal them all so could you go in so we could talk?" the man asked sounding more like he was ordering him without room for other options.

Wen YanJun thought of having other options but the difference in their height and the muscles visible under the outfit was enough for him to swallow back his pride and walked into the room.

He sat down close to the window on a chaise lounge in the living area of the room. He watched the man as he removed his suit jacket and sat down on the dark purple sofa across the coffee table.

The man rested against the backrest of the chair after crossing his legs. Alas, he owned the house. He had every right to look comfortable in his domain, isn't it?

Wen YanJun was more uncomfortable in that room with the man than he could remember and when the man met his gaze, he could not help but shift slightly on the chair.

"I have always gotten all I want that is why I am as rich as I am right now," the man started the discussion with a brag that made YanJun roll his eyes as he was beginning to hate the man. "And you just happen to be one of the things I want."

YanJun was so angry he could not scoff. He clenched his fist on his sides. Things? Apparently, he was a thing to be possessed. It made him feel offended and degraded.

"Your parents must have told you, I spent a fortune bringing you here," the man informed him calmly. "If your girlfriend did not tell you, I also paid her a lot to make it a less traumatizing process for you," the man continued.

He choked and began coughing afterward. The painful tightness in his chest increased and he could not breathe properly. Why was the whole world turning against him?

He sniffed as his hand gripped his chest. "I hate you," he spat as soon as he met the man's black eyes. "You have ruined me," he added before walking to the bed looking like a hungry zombie.

Lu Mingyu stood up and took a deep breath he walked to the bed and looked down at the man curled up in a fetal position and reached to pat his shoulder but his hand hung midair as hesitated.

He pulled his hand back with his fist clenched and Wen YanJun who had stiffened when he approached the bed could relax when he walked out of the room.

It was so annoying that within a few hours, all the people he trusted betrayed him brutally. It made him reflect on himself and all that has happened to him in the past.

He wondered how unlovable he was to deserve such betrayal. He allowed his tears to soak into the pillow as he sobbed silently.

It was the worse surprise of his life to have his plan get thrown away and he had become a prisoner. He forgot to ask for his phone. He let out an angry howl like a wounded animal.


"He did not eat dinner last night too, right?" Lu Mingyu asked calmly as he met the gaze of his head butler.

She pressed her lips together and bowed her head in apology.

"It is okay. Tell me if he does not eat lunch. Go and serve his lunch first," Lu Mingyu ordered the butler before waving her off. He leaned against the backrest of his chair and massaged his brow tiredly with a sigh.

When the butler returned an hour later with the report that he was unwilling to eat, he sent her back again to serve him the lunch. When the woman left, he left what he was doing and followed her to the side of the house where We Yanjun stayed.

"I am not going to eat!" a scream came from through the slightly opened door of the house. He hurried into the room when he heard a crashing sound.

Another followed as he walked into the room and he looked at Wen YanJun who threw down the last dish while staring into his eyes. He looked at the young man's pale appearance he could not hold back anymore.

He took a deep breath and walked calmly toward Wen YanJun who was throwing a tantrum like a little boy he knew won't. He caught his wrist.

"Let go!" he screamed angrily trying to shake Lu Mingyu's grip off.

Lu Mingyu began walking out of the room. He tried all he could not follow him but despite how hard he tried to remove his hand; he was dragged out of the room like a powerless boy.

At the door, Lu Mingyu paused and looked at the head butler. "Have people clean up this place and serve another lunch," he ordered. He continued to pull struggling YanJun down the corridor.

"Let go, you crazy old man!" Wen YanJun screamed as he tried desperately. For the first time in a long time, he felt raw fear flow through his vein. His heart raced and he wanted so desperately to escape.

He felt a strong urge to beg perhaps that will get him out of this trouble but his pride would not let him. He trembled that he almost fell multiple times. Tears fell, and he felt humiliated knowing there were witnesses.

"Let go!" he continued to shout feeling so vulnerable and weak before a man like himself. He felt insulted and he wanted so much to escape and find a way to revenge in the most humiliating way he will find on the web.