

Due to Rena's accident. She and her friends in the Sci-fi world must find Astrid's crystal shards. Various battles defeated monsters and great travelers in various parts of the world they defeated together, to the point where Rena thought something was wrong with every time they traveled. Namely about the portal that connects the Sci-fi world with her world, as well as the reason why Astrid's monsters set about black and white heaven before. Various mysteries were revealed to each other, tying Astrid's story, and Rena and her family who had a secret where Rena's family was not a well-known businessman. But scientists work to create absurd monsters in illegal hospitals (SCP), to destroy the world.

Luv_U_9363 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Black Heaven.

Do you believe in the future? The period when we witness and even experience something that will happen in the future. We don't even know what will happen in the future. Most people often say, "everything is written clearly on the hand."

Is that true? Even Rena herself didn't know what would happen in the future, "Jovin? Do you want some cookies?" Rena said just taking out a baking sheet filled with freshly cooked cookies from the oven. Jovin took a peek at the shape of the cookies for a moment, but she sat back down at the dining table, "Just leave the three, Sis, Jovin is really busy! The wires don't connect, so the electricity doesn't work," Jovin said with a frown, trying to connect several electrical wires. Very focused, until her tongue slightly sticking out.

Spare parts scattered around the dining table. Rena sighed, confused about how to respond. She stood holding the hot pan while staring at all the basic metal objects, not knowing what all the things his sister had assembled were used for. Making great innovation is Jovin's ability. Many of his homemade items are very useful to help everyone, even applied in schools and public places. One thing that makes her older brother proud is Jovin's liveliness. "All right then, all right," she placed some of the pastries on a plate, and the rest placed where they should be. The cookies are ready, she rearranges all the objects used, after that she washes the dirty equipment. The water lever is turned so the water flows in the basin, "how was your school today?"


"Um!" Jovin nodded once, indicating he was right, "Tomorrow Yuna wants to take me to the bookstore." "Ah! That place that just opened?!" it turns out that Rena also knows about Jovin talking about, "I heard that they also sell comic books there, right?" "You know too?"

"Of course! There are lots of photos of that place on the internet," she paused, and looked at his younger sibling, "if there's your favorite comic, can you buy it? At home, you pay the fee." Jovin nodded again, looked at his older brother, "What volume of comics did you read last? Jovin forgot! Hehehe..."

"Um...," went back to washing, "maybe the fourth volume? I'll tell you later."


Tonight, is a silent night shaded day by day. Alone? It's a habit her had since was in his twenties. Don't think that Rena is an orphan. His parents went abroad, with the reason of meeting and managing the company there. More precisely, Rena's parents are a conglomerate businessman, of course making a lot of money. Even so, the life that Rena lives, is done as an ordinary human being. Have a simple house. Exposed life. Happy, without any exaggeration of status. She entered his resting room, carrying a jar of cookies with him. He put the pastries on the table, and went to the window. It is enough to take a deep breath while closing your eyes. It was like Déjà vu creating hallucinations around her, "what if I was in a Sci-fi world?" He opened his eyes. Open the window, and feel the night air.

"Monsters? Robots? Heroes? Weapons? Even the entire contents? Maybe that would be a lot of fun?" for a moment, she turned to the collection of books neatly arranged on the study table, "I hope, it feels like heaven."

For a moment I returned to say the word that he thought was sacred, "heaven?" "Heaven?" She kept saying it every four seconds. "Heaven?" the banging of the bedroom door sounded threatening! Blind to that right. Everything in the room began to float, as well as her long hair soaring in the air, like the sea.

"Paradise," almost feels like being in the middle of the sea. Rena touched her neck because he couldn't breathe, suffocated, like a death sentence. His mouth gaped open, forcing the oxygen into his lungs to breathe, but damn. No one can help. It's not impossible to breathe in the middle of the sea. His eyes suddenly opened, "khahh!!" Rena immediately covered her mouth because bubbles came out. Feels like real.

Rena was right in the middle of the deepest ocean, the whole room was dark, there wasn't a single sea creature there, only coral reefs and sea plants decorating the deep sea, 'huh?!' heart beating fast. Her fear increased tremendously at everything that was happening.


Rena shocked! She immediately looked behind him but nothing happened. Weird, 'what has happened?!' Rena's inner groaning, her tears came out because she was holding her breath. There is no defense, death will soon pick up.

'Mother...!!' Her inner screams! Ask for help!


Again breaking the door increasingly threatening! "Older Sister?" Jovin asked, "khhaah?!" Rena immediately looked again towards the origin of the crash, still. There is no human besides Rena.

"Rena?" weird dialog popping up.

"Your life is not like this. You are not in happiness. You are still in torment. You will not calm down, until your soul weakens..." Rena was fixated with the situation here, 'is this a dream?' two hands, and the surroundings feel authentic. Even though he should have been in the room. There is no other way. He pounded his chest, acting forced to wake up from this nightmare.

BROUGH? BROUGH! BROUGH! The fist that kept hitting hard on my chest, still no change, 'come on...! Wake up!!" The banging on the door got louder! One knock with a strong punch that brought her death closer.



"Mom? Rena! Grandpa! Grandma!" Two lines of light pillars explained, under the depths there. She was fixated on that object, Rena felt something was odd, because the area of light was flat, not like the seabed.

It's not enough until there, the light at a certain point simultaneously lights up. light up the sea. Rena looked here and there, apparently she was not in the middle of the sea. But an empty artificial sea. Many point objects that state so. There is no name for the creature. Debris from the incident details the place. Huge pillars connected from the bottom to the top without end.

'This is heaven...' Her face weakened, there was no hope for life. Rena felt like he was being used like a guinea pig. There was a blur of mixed screams, was it her little sister? His best friend? Everything becomes. Rena's eyes had become blood red, 'this is heaven...'

"This is how death you will feel Rena...," someone spoke his mind. His tone was low as if he was a man

"Your body will taste black blood. Blood created from the sins of humans, thirsty from injustice!!"

"Rena!!" her mouth slowly opened, as black blood flowed out of the mouth, rushing into the seawater.


"RENA!!" The whole sea turned black. Darkness has covered everything, "this is your heaven, Rena Agatha."

"Heaven of darkness."

"KHAhhhh!!!.... haaahh!!" Rena screamed! Suddenly aware of the hell that faced before. Rena pulled and exhaled quickly! Touching his chest and looking at the open window with hysterical eyes.

"What happened? Heaven? Black?" the question haunts the mind, asking for a definite answer, "grandfather?" She is silent. Try to understand from the meaning of that hell.


Rena was shocked. She immediately looked at his cell phone ringing on the table. The second level Rena is most afraid of is cell phone ringtones. In a moment, she calmed himself down. And close that window. Guessed that Elvan and the others had arrived. The call, he picked up and greeted, "hello?" No answer. Only the broken sound of fretting. He saw a name on the screen and no name.

Just an unknown number, "hello? How can I help you?" this is the scariest mistake. Pick up calls without looking. Still the sound is broken, like a broken broadcast. She even thought that it was part of the dial tone. So he let it wait for further certainty.

"Hello?" "Sorry. I think you got the wrong number?" Again, no response from the caller. Of course, it was a strange number that deliberately called with a messy number, "what's up. All right then–"

"Rena... Rena Agatha," Rena's fingertips suddenly stopped. When the caller starts ringing. The reaction was shock! His eyes opened wide, because of that voice, exactly when she was in that hellish hallucination earlier.

"Heaven... Black heaven. Will always be with you."

Those words, able to stop Rena's tongue and lips from speaking. In fact, his lips trembled, as if he was being terrorized by a ghost, "what do you want?!" her voice trembled. The tightness made him uncomfortable. Waiting for reply. However... "khahh!!" the sound of a broken radio sounded threatening to the ears. He quickly pulled the phone away from him. And the call just ended. Moment. That's thought. Why did the telephone just now have anything to do with the dream? Even though he thought, it was just an emotional flower that was clearly illustrated in a dream, "what just happened? Who was that man? Why was he at the same time?"

Knock! Knock!

"Sister? The Elvans are already here!" Jovin scolded, immediately dispelling this tense feeling. The older brother looked at the bedroom door, while placing the gadget on the table and making a scared face with his former self, "ahh–alright! Little sis i will come down!" Rena answered, who immediately left the room. As soon as the door was closed. The phone rang again, with a different number.







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