
[A Yandere Loves Me?] A Yandere Story

Being the popular kid's best friend is unsurprisingly tiring. (Y/n) Yukimura is an anime loving writer who has to go through talking to girls who have fallen for his best friend every single day. How does he feel when he's gained the attention of an upperclassman, a yandere named Kotone Endou? Can he handle all the new attention of this upperclassman that cares for him more than herself?

PyroSaiyan · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Asami was accepted into the group quickly over the next few days, hanging around with the trio even in school. She was a second year as well, which made Fanzer and Jumin both feel stupid because they never noticed her.

Summer break was right around the corner, but more ominously, exams were as well.

Jumin and Fanzer both agreed to study for their exams this time around, while Kotone, as the oldest in the group, would help them out.

Asami overall didn't seem to care about her grades, but when Jumin suggested that she should try, her entire demeanor towards studying changed.

As the exams got closer and closer, stress got higher and higher. Gladly, Kotone wasn't blind to this.

"Okay, we're done for the day," Kotone chimed in as the group hit the first major point.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Fanzer asked, looking up from his page of notes. The bags under his eyes had gotten worse as of lately, and his girlfriend was having none of it.

"We're almost to the end of the information I have, so I wanted to take a break today," Kotone gave Jumin and Asami a light nod, excusing them.

With sighs of relief, they got up, said their goodbyes, and left.

Fanzer didn't rise from his seat though.

"I can do some more...." He spoke quietly, but it didn't get past his senior.

Kotone sat beside her boyfriend, taking his hand into her own.

"It's okay. A little break can only be good, right?" Kotone asked, looking at her boyfriend with genuinely worried eyes.

She wasn't this vocal about her fears, so even though Fanzer wanted to continue, the look in Kotone's eyes convinced him to think otherwise, if even only for a little bit.

He let out a sigh and gave Kotone a nod.

"Okay, I'll take a break," He smiled, bringing a smile to Kotone's face.

"For now, let's go out. It's not too late," He suggested, standing up alongside Kotone. For a moment he just looked at his girlfriend silently, remembering how they'd enjoyed their time together for the last few months.

Simply looking at her filled his heart with joy. A pure unadulterated joy that he rarely felt.

Then his mind traveled to their late-night conversations, where some conversations went to completely different places than others.

She was his first kiss, first love, and first date.

Kotone turned her head to the side, confusion painted on her face.

"I love you. I'm mean that too. To me that means that I'm gonna always be there for you, even if you hate me. I'll always be there for you. That's what my love means," Fanzer smiled at Kotone who wrapped him in a sudden hug as he finished.

"I guess doing all that work made you philosophical, huh?" Kotone spoke seriously, but then let out a small giggle as she ended her sentence.

"Was that... was that a joke?" Fanzer pulled back with stars in his eyes, hope shining through.

"Yes, was it good enough for you? I've wanted to make some for a while now, but I was worried of how you'd―" Kotone was interrupted by Fanzer suddenly kissing her, lightly pushing her backwards until she bumped into the wall.

"It was certainly unexpected, but not bad at all," Fanzer complimented, bringing a joyful smile yet shy to Kotone's face.

"I'm happy you liked it...." The corners of her mouth slowly crept upwards, happiness filling her heart and mind.


"Hey Kotone?" Fanzer asked, causing his girlfriend to give him a low hum.

"Right now, what are you doing?" Fanzer questioned, causing his girlfriend to freeze up.

Today, she couldn't actually be with Fanzer because of her obligation to the track team, which she had been silently blowing off since meeting Fanzer several months ago.

Now, she was supposed to be heading home, but Fanzer had an odd feeling that she wasn't doing that.

"What... do you mean?" Kotone asked, lightly giggling to herself.

"There's no way you're heading home," Fanzer began. "I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but even I know a few of your patterns. So... am I allowed to ask why you're not heading home?" Fanzer asked, immediately gaining a long burst of different sounds from Kotone.

"Oh my― That's amazing! Please― Eeee!" Kotone's voice cut off and began suddenly, unusual to her normally very stoic and collected way of speaking.

"That's... really cute," Fanzer noted, a small smile coming to his face as Kotone continued to freak out before cooling herself down.

"Well, uhm, no. You can't know why," Kotone fixed herself up, trying to sternly speak to Fanzer, only for her to break into a fit of giggled after she finished.

"Hmm, okay. If that's the case, should I hang up or...?" Fanzer gave Kotone the choice, only for her to instantly began giggling to herself.

"Why? Do you want to hang up? Is there someone else you're talking to? Have I not been good enough to you, my darling?" Kotone questioned, her stalker-ish tendencies becoming apparent for Fanzer even across the phone.

For some reason, hearing his girlfriend call him "darling" made his heart flutter.

"Nah, I just don't want to wreck the tall and beautiful Kotone's work," Fanzer shrugged, complimenting his girlfriend.

"...Just for that, you get a gift," Kotone told Fanzer, causing him to become very confused.

"Wait, what do you mean?" He asked, confusion leading his actions.

Kotone didn't respond, making sure that Fanzer only asked her again and again, only gaining a cheeky response after several minutes.

"I love you!" She said, as if it took away from her complete ignorance of Fanzer's question.

With a small sigh, Fanzer told Kotone the same thing, and then a peaceful silence came over the two.

However, the silence was quickly broken by Fanzer's phone getting several notifications one after another. He had received 7 images from Kotone, confused, he checked them, only for his mouth to hang open in surprise.

They were very suggestive pictures of herself and even more suggestive text on top of them.

"Don't worry Baby, there's more where that came from~"


Kotone was glad for her bold nature, because there actually was a reason why she lied to Fanzer, and then proceeded to pull his attention to her very suggestive pictures.

She was trying to give Fanzer a secret gift, but having never done it before, she didn't know where to start.

After her fair share of hacking through Fanzer's phone, she found something that Fanzer admitted to being interested in at one point or another.

"Big Tiddy Goth Gf?" Kotone remembered her confusion, but then she began listing off her own traits and how Fanzer likes them.

"Well, I am pretty big up top, and my adorable boyfriend doesn't shy away from laying on them if he's tired. I also am his girlfriend. The only other part is... Goth?" From there, Kotone made a promise with herself.

She promised that she'd do everything in her power to learn about goth girls, and her first step was to go to the next track meeting, which she had stopped going to for a while. Fanzer had taught her how to fall in love with entire worlds in anime, but in doing so, she tended to no longer care about much besides her inner circle of friends and Fanzer.

"Hey, Kotone, you're back!" One of the smaller girls, Shiho Tatsuma, jogged up to Kotone, making sure to smile as she did so.

"Oh, Kotone," A girl with height that was not far off from Kotone's, Ann Takeshuya, nonchalantly waved.

"Hey tall girl, where've you been?" The leader of the Track Team, Wakaba Sakura, asked her peer, curious as to what Kotone's answer would be.

"... I've gotten a boyfriend," She answered simply, instantly gaining a few looks of surprise from her peers.

"A boyfriend?!" Shiho cried out, a sudden fit of confusion springing from her mouth.

"You got... a boyfriend?" Wakaba slowly asked, as if trying to make sure Kotone fully understood her words.

"Yes, I got a handsome, perfect, amazing, jaw-dropping, one-of-a-kind, sexy―"

"Ooookay, we get it. Please just continue before you say something that makes me regret saying hello to you," Ann interrupted Kotone, pulling her back on track and stopping her from saying anything too disturbing.

"I need some help in order to give Fanzer the best time of his life!"


"Hey, Fanzer!" Emma, one of Jumin's most intense fangirls, waved towards Fanzer after noticing that he was walking in the hall alone.

"Oh, I haven't heard from you in a while," Fanzer gave her a nonchalant wave back as she started to walk alongside him.

Truly, he had no idea what her name was at all, mainly because he filed her under "Jumin fangirls" and moved on, so he had no plan of calling her by her name.

"I was wondering, who's that girl with you most days? She looks familiar. I want to invite her to a girls night!" Emma told Fanzer, getting uncomfortably close to him and lightly touching his hand.

For just a first time, Fanzer just shrugged it off and kept on walking.

"Her name is Kotone Endou. She's my girlfriend," Fanzer told Emma, who giggled at his answer.

"At first I was gonna ask if she was the Kotone in the magazines, but you just said something much more important," Emma's volume lowered as they both walked into a quieter hallway.

Fanzer raised his eyebrow curiously, but let Emma continue.

"If she's your girlfriend, does that mean you guys have done it?" She asked, her hand once again brushing against Fanzer's. This time, he made an effort and scratched the back of his head for a moment, making sure Emma didn't touch his hand.

"No actually, it doesn't actually come up in conversation very much. Not for us," Fanzer lightly laughed, trying to blow away the atmosphere Emma was creating.

"Fanzer, are you still... a virgin?" Emma asked, making no effort to hide her motivations, pushing her chest into Fanzer's arm.


"Thanks for walking me here, but I've got to get home fast. Have a good day," Fanzer gave the girl a small wave before quickly leaving the situation.

"She really tried to get me in bed the one-day Kotone isn't around. Jeez, I'm not that persuadable. And besides, Kotone's much better than she is," Fanzer thought as a shiver ran up his spine. With a shake of his head, he quickly started to head home, thinking about his own little surprise for Kotone, even with exams around the corner.

"I will fuck his brains out, that way, no matter how badly I fail these exams, he'll be coming back for more and I'll have an easy year after exams," Emma grinned, failing to understand that her plan was doomed from the start.

Only a little bit later, Fanzer was sitting on Jumin's couch talking to his best friend and his girlfriend as they all played a cooperative game together.

"Okay, Asami, I really need your help," Fanzer told the girl as she assisted him with his task.

"Oh, you need some fries, I've got some freshly out on a plate besides me. Just don't slip on the ice and it should be fine," Asami told him, gaining a small chuckle from him.

"Thanks, I actually did need those. But I need help with some hacking. I assume it's pretty light hacking though," Fanzer said, receiving an interested hum from the girl.

"Hacking? What do you need hacked?" Asami asked, her voice sounding incredibly curious.

"Kotone's phone," Fanzer told her, gaining a very loud laugh from Asami.

"No way," Asami declined, surprising both Fanzer and Jumin.

"Whoa, I didn't expect that," Jumin chimed in, washing some dishes in-game.

"You have the right to say no, but... why?" Fanzer asked, gaining a light sigh from Asami.

"Your girlfriend is scary, like, unreasonably scary. I put my hand in that fire one too many times. I'm not interested in burning myself again," Asami shook her head, causing Fanzer to nod slowly.

"What if I took all the heat from it? If something goes wrong, I will go out of my way to make sure Kotone understands that it was my fault," Fanzer bargained, causing Asami to open her mouth to rebuttal, only for Jumin to side with Fanzer.

"You haven't known him for long, but if he says he'll do something, he will. He's rather good at keeping his word," Jumin told Asami, gaining a reluctant and extremely hesitant groan from her.

"Fine, fine. I'll help out after next round," Asami said, causing Fanzer and Jumin to pump their fists up into the air.


"Damn... I couldn't find anything," Fanzer let out a sigh of exhaustion as he trudged his way back home, dragging his feet against the sidewalk.

"I only wanted to find out a good gift for Kotone, but there was nothing I could find. I'm glad she's loyal, as if it was a real concern, but jeez, I don't know her other interests!" Fanzer spoke to himself, running his hands through his hair as he massaged his head.

"I mean, damn. I should know about my own girlfriend's interests, right? Does that mean I'm a bad boyfriend? Ugh," Fanzer came into his home, not hearing anything and deducing that his mother wasn't home.

Fanzer opened his computer for a moment and looked at his current draft, then at his notifications. He had over 99 of them, and quickly realized that he had updated a flurry of chapters earlier in the week.

"I guess they liked them," A small smile came to his face as he clicked on his notifications.