
[A Yandere Loves Me?] A Yandere Story

Being the popular kid's best friend is unsurprisingly tiring. (Y/n) Yukimura is an anime loving writer who has to go through talking to girls who have fallen for his best friend every single day. How does he feel when he's gained the attention of an upperclassman, a yandere named Kotone Endou? Can he handle all the new attention of this upperclassman that cares for him more than herself?

PyroSaiyan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

A Truly Happy Life - 2

This is a chapter of various scenes I really wanted to put into the story, but I didn't know where or how to put them in.

These are fully written scenes, but some of them probably aren't gonna have a specific time in the story they're attached to so... yeah.



Being Recognized:

Fanzer and Kotone walked together hand in hand, desperately trying to get to their destination and get back home as quickly as possible.

They both desired to do one thing, get back home―where they basically lived together at this point―and watch some anime. They both saw a situation where they had to walk in public as a completely draining and unnecessary event that they wished to avoid at all costs.

Unfortunately, they were forced into such a situation after losing a card game to Kazane and Asami.


"The losers have to go... get frozen yogurt for the winners," Kazane grinned, high-fiving a cheerful Asami.

"Frozen yogurt is the ultimate prize! There is nothing better! It's the final boss of sweets~!" Asami sang, receiving a wise nod from Kazane.

"I see you too know the truth of sweets," Kazane nodded sagely, causing Fanzer and Kotone to look at one another before turning back to Kazane and Asami.

"You both can have frozen yogurt, but we'll take...." Kotone turned to Fanzer to let him fill in the blank.

"Brownies. We'll take brownies," Fanzer slowly nodded.

Kazane and Asami gasped at the couple's comment.

"You... Are you trying to say that frozen yogurt isn't the best?!" Asami yelled, slamming her hand on the table. Kazane was quick to follow her.

"I suggest something different now! The losers must eat some sweets that the winners suggest!" Kazane yelled, receiving an adamant nod from Asami.

"That truly is the only way to show you the truth!" Asami yelled, a burning fire in her eyes.

"It seems like we pumped them up a little bit too much," Kotone noted, letting out a troubled laugh.


After losing to the motivated duo, Kotone and Fanzer had to go get frozen yogurt for themselves, and for Kazane and Asami. On its own, it wasn't too bad.

However, Kotone's popularity among people started to rise as more and more of her photoshoots were released.

The two didn't originally think it would be a large deal, but they were sadly mistaken. They dared to leave Kazane's house with nothing hiding Kotone's identity, and they were quickly taught the weight of their foolish choice.


"Yeah, I think Mani and Kail are certainly understandable main characters. Kail fits the role of the immature younger brother well and Mani fits in as his older sister and role model," Kotone spoke to her boyfriend, causing him to slowly nod.

"Okay. That's good. They are the main characters, so I can't just... not develop them, y'know?" Fanzer asked, receiving a soft nod from Kotone.

"Yes, it's important to make sure they develop realistically. That's one of my favorite things about your work. Your characters bring the world to life," Kotone nodded wisely before she turned away from Fanzer's partially shocked face.

"I'm... impressed. You're picking up on a lot of writing stuff faster than I did," Fanzer grinned, somewhat surprised, but not in a bad way.

"Fanzer is impressed with me...! Fanzer loves me...! Is this really not a dream...?! I can truly die happy now...!" Kotone giggled creepily, bringing a smile to Fanzer's face.

More recently, she had more "creeping fits" as Fanzer called them. Fanzer didn't know what specifically spurred them, but it seemed that they would happen with most things Fanzer would do. He didn't specifically hate them though. To him, it was more like Kotone embracing how she felt, rather than her being purposefully creepy.

"It really is a good thing to have someone else to talk to about―" Fanzer was interrupted by a gasping sound behind him. It certainly reminded him of an event from a few months earlier.


"Anyways, what are we gonna get?" Jumin asked, but before Fanzer could give him a response there was a squeal behind them both.

"Did you hear anything? Because I didn't hear anything," Fanzer asked, starting to walk just a little bit faster.

"I didn't hear anything. I'm actually deaf, so I can't hear anything," Jumin started walking faster as well, hearing an "oh my god" behind him.

"It's probably nothing. Maybe we can just—" Jumin was interrupted by yet another squeal, this time it brought a lot more attention.

"Oh my god, it's Jumin!"

"I need to get his autograph!"

"Oh my god, I need his babies!"


The memory brought a small smile to his face, but it also made him incredibly nervous.

"Hey Kotone, you... you wouldn't say you're 'popular,' right?" Fanzer asked his girlfriend, causing her to look towards the nervous writer with somewhat confused eyes.

"No, I've only been lightly modeling for a few months now. I've only been on television a handful of times as well. Compared to Jumin, I'm not popular at all," Kotone nodded, almost as if she didn't hear the series of footsteps behind her.

"Huh," Fanzer slowly turned his head to see a crowd of schoolgirls nervously approaching him and Kotone. Fanzer gripped Kotone's hand a little bit tighter as he felt his nerves growing. There weren't that many girls, only ten of them all together.

Surprisingly though, Kotone held a confident and calm expression. She turned to the girls without a bit of hesitation.

"Um... Are you the Silent Beauty Kotone?" One of the girls asked with genuine curiosity and fascinating lacing her question.

"Silent Beauty? It must be that woman on Jumin's modeling team. Her name was... Keiko if I remember correctly?" Fanzer recalled the vulgar woman's name.

Kotone silently nodded, squeezing on Fanzer's hand just a tad bit harder.

"U-Um... we love your photoshoots! M-May we have your autograph?!" Another one of the schoolgirls asked.

There was a moment of silence before Kotone lightly bowed to the girls surprising them.

"I cannot give you my autograph," Kotone could sense that the girls were either about to ask why or say something that could've been rude to her, so she continued.

"I'm with my boyfriend, and for now, this is our time together," Kotone didn't apologize because she wasn't sorry about what she said.

This was a decision she made entirely on her own, and her honesty was projected to the schoolgirls in full.

"We understand!"

"Yeah! We'll stay as your loyal followers until the end!"

"Have a good time, Silent Beauty Kotone!"

The schoolgirls were quick to disappear just as quickly as they arrived. Fanzer was surprised by the calm and respectful responses that the girls gave.

"You are very attractive right now, you know that?" Fanzer gazed at Kotone, speaking without realizing what was coming from his mouth.

His comment caused Kotone's face to become completely flushed before blood began rushing from her nose. She giggled before bending down to Fanzer's ear and whispering something to him, causing his face to become flushed as well.

"L-Let's hurry up and get this frozen yogurt then...!" Fanzer pumped his fist up into the air, new energy suddenly invigorating his spirit.

"Hehehe... Of course, so I can hurry up and do that with you all night...!"


Boys' Night:

"Alright, we'll be back in a few hours. Stay safe, okay?" Fanzer gave Kotone one last hug before he got ready to go out with Jumin.

"We'll be back soon. You both... don't... get into trouble," Jumin chose his words wisely, realizing that one way or another trouble just seemed to follow Kotone and Asami.

"Of course! We'll be staying as far as possible from any trouble, right Kotone?" Asami asked, causing Kotone to wordlessly nod.

"See, it's just as she says. Tonight, you both are the main characters! We'll just be the nameless NPCs for tonight!" Asami reassured Jumin, causing him and Fanzer to doubtfully glance at one another.

Fanzer and Jumin let out synchronized sighs before lightly shaking their heads. They left with small waves and the two boys were ready to have a fun night with one another.

However, we are not following them today.

"I saw we follow them," Asami nodded as if there was no other option. Kotone nodded silently, closing her eyes and lightly putting her hand on her chin.

"Okay, me and you, the best of friends! This'll be the ultimate stealth mission! We can't fail this!" Asami cheered, giving enough energy for both herself and Kotone.

"Let's go," Kotone spoke simply, but Asami understood the silent interest behind such a comment.

With a grin, Asami began pushing Kotone in front of her, causing the silent woman to lead the "stealth mission."


Asami and Kotone stood inconspicuously at one of the many surrounding machines, looking over at their competitive boyfriends' playing a cooperative shooter.

"I certainly didn't expect something like this. Hehehe! To see our boyfriends hanging out in an arcade is certainly not what I expected!" Asami giggled, wrapping her arm around Kotone's waist in a sign of comradery. The display caused Kotone to flinch but seeing that Asami wasn't trying to make a big deal out of it, Kotone eventually relaxed.

Kotone was silent for a moment before she wrapped her arm around Asami's waist as well.

"Aha! You are my friend! See, it's not so bad, right?!" Asami looked over to Kotone and bumped shoulders with her, only receiving silence as a response.

"It's fine, you don't have to say it just yet! For now, we'll bond over just how amazing our boyfriends.... Where did they go?" Asami quickly was about to start freaking out but was silenced when Kotone held up her finger and pointed towards the two.

They were at a different machine than before, this time a rhythm dancing game together.

"Aha! There they are again! Do you think there's any way they can notice us?" Asami asked Kotone, causing her to silently and very slowly nod.

"Seeing as they know what we look like, and that your hair is certainly not the most inconspicuous color, yes, they can probably notice us," Kotone reasoned, mentioning Asami's orange hair.

"That... that makes a lot of sense! You're actually pretty fun to talk to!" Asami admitted, causing Kotone's eyes to slightly widen.

"I mean, I don't think we've ever really talked before. So this could be a great opportunity to do so," Asami scratched the side of her head sheepishly before continuing. "So, why do you like Fanzer?"

Kotone was silent for a moment, not expecting such a question from Asami.

"W-Well, that's hard to explain. It's not something I can say in a few sentences," Kotone grew flustered by such a sudden question.

"Okay, okay. Well, what's one thing you really like about him? One thing that makes him really attractive to you. Don't think about it too much, just say what feels natural!" Asami giggled.

"...His―" Kotone was cut off by the sounds of nearby screams.

Before anything was said, Kotone and Asami sped towards the sounds, only to stop upon arrival. There was a crowd around, with a pair of clearly drunk men pushing Jumin and Fanzer in the center.

"Ay, we don't want any trouble. We're just trying to enjoy our time just as much as you two have enjoyed yours," Jumin tried to defuse the situation, but the drunks weren't having it at all.

"No! Because you talked about my wife like she was a slut, I'm gonna fuck you up!" One of the drunks yelled deliriously, shoving his finger into Fanzer's chest.

"I haven't even.... Just chill, okay?" Fanzer also tried to defuse the situation, but his attempts were in vain.

One of the drunks, the one talking to Jumin, swung at him without warning. Jumin barely ducked and avoided the sloppy punch but didn't retaliate.

"This is bad news, Jumin. We gotta dip," Fanzer avoided a punch coming his way, his heart beginning to speed up as he called out to Jumin.

"What? These guys clearly started it! Everyone here can attest to that!" Jumin rebutted, gesturing to the people all around as he narrowly avoided another sloppy punch.

"What are the chances any of them even do that though?" Fanzer asked, and Jumin couldn't respond.

Kotone and Asami were looking at the tense situation with bated breaths.

"I'll handle this," Kotone volunteered, but Asami just grabbed her arm instead of letting her go.

"I.... They have this. We have to trust them," Asami was nervous, but she had a feeling that things would be okay.

Jumin was hesitant for a moment, but eventually dropped the situation with a nod. At that, a large grin came on Fanzer's face and a twinge of mischief flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, dipshits!" Fanzer called out to the men, causing them to look at him with enraged faces.

"Go suck a fat one!" Fanzer flipped the men off, and then he and Jumin began running away at full speed.

They pushed through the crowd without hesitation and completely ran off. The two drunks were surprisingly persistent though, trying to run after the two, only to end up tripping on rocks and falling unconscious after hitting their heads on the ground.

Kotone and Asami followed the two, seeing that they ended up in a diner.

"Should we... go inside?" Asami questioned, and Kotone nodded after a moment of hesitation.

They quickly got a table for two and sat down. They weren't sat by anyone, so they didn't worry about Fanzer or Jumin knowing about their presences.

"So, earlier, before you got interrupted, you were gonna say what's your favorite thing about Fanzer?" Asami asked, causing Kotone to let out a soft hum.

"His eyes. There's this look he gets in his eyes when he gets to do something he enjoys. That look... it inspires me to be better, and to try harder," Kotone told Asami, causing the orange headed girl to nod.

"What... about you? What do you like about Jumin?" Kotone asked, embarrassed by her own curiosity. Asami let out a gasp at the question before sparkles of joy filled her eyes.

"If I had to say one thing... he's very genuine. He may have his moments where he makes jokes or even jokingly bullies me, but at the end of the day, he's just so genuine," Asami sighed dreamily, this time, causing Kotone to nod.

Before they could continue, they quickly gave their orders to their waitress.

"Okay, I've got a question. If you had to choose between Fanzer being taller than you, or Fanzer being just as obsessive as you are, which would you chose?" Asami asked, and Kotone had her answer in no time at all.

"The second one," Kotone spoke without hesitation, surprising Asami.

"What?! Why?"

"Well, I like that he's shorter than me. It's cute. And I don't have to worry about him feeling a certain way about strength," Kotone replied, causing Asami to let out a small sigh.

"I guess that makes sense," Asami understood. Kotone was quick to ask a different question in response.

"If you had to choose between Jumin being better at games than you, or Jumin not being as popular as he is, which would you choose?" Kotone asked, causing Asami to let out a long "oooooooh."

"I think I would probably want him to be better at games than me. I actually found out about him through his photoshoots. Ooooooh, wait, how did you meet Fanzer?" Asami asked, and Kotone was very quick to respond.

Little by little, Kotone was truly opening to Asami.

Fanzer and Jumin lightly cheered at the two women getting along.

Their boys' night changed Asami and Kotone's night into a girls' night.


"Hey, we're home!" Fanzer called out, hearing Asami and Kotone's giggles in the other room.

Not hearing a response, he and Jumin walked into the room where the two women were to find a very surprising scene.

Kotone and Asami were surrounded by photos of Jumin and Fanzer.

"This is my favorite out of them all! You can see here, based off the moon, and seeing that it wasn't edited, that this was when...." Asami went on and on, but Kotone seemed entranced, nodding and letting out soft noises to show that she was listening.

"I guess...." Jumin began.

"They're closer now...?" Fanzer nervously laughed.

"I guess our plan worked?" Jumin questioned, and Fanzer slowly nodded.

"All's well that ends well, I guess," Fanzer shook his head from side to side, holding his fist up for Jumin to bump.

Jumin bumped his fist without hesitation.

They truly were two brothers.