
[1] HUNTERS DESERTED: A Hunt: Showdown Story

"How naive we all were. Even the veteran Hunter who served in the Union Army during the Civil War wasn't prepared for the hell that was to come..." Rupert Whitmore is a newly trained Hunter 30 years after the Civil War. Like all other Hunters he has a mission; battle through wave after wave of zombies, look for clues, find and banish the bounty, and extract. But not too long after he and his team begin on their journey, do things start to go haywire...

AcePilot · Video Games
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4 Chs

Part 1.2: The Hunt Begins

My team consisted of two other Hunters. Abraham Erland was a tall man with a cowboy hat and fur coat. He dressed as if he was going to the theater. He was the leader of the team, and he was very experienced, having fought in the Civil War and been in many battles during.

My other teammate was Graham Bourg. He was just as new as I was and had barely seen any combat, therefore he had no experience. He was dressed in a white button up top and grey pants, and he wore suspenders. His brown hair was matted down from the Louisiana sun.

"Are you two ready?" Abraham asked, raising an eyebrow at us.

Graham and I double-checked our equipment and made sure we had everything where it belonged.

I stood up straight first, while Graham was still rummaging through his rucksack. "Yes sir," I replied. "All in order."

Graham stood not too long after. "I'm ready."

"Then let's go."

We began walking down the the dry dirt path. The moaning and coughing sound of Grunts surrounded us. "Make sure you have your knife out," Abraham instructed. Graham and I pulled ours out; Abraham had his out before we began.

There were 4 Grunts up ahead on the dirt road. Abraham took off towards them, and we took off after him, knives ready. Abraham stabbed his blade into the zombie's head, bursting it into an explosion of blood and rotten brains. He went for the second one.

I ran for the closest one to me and did exactly as Abraham had done. It's head burst and I had blood on my hands. I finally got a look at the things up close.

Their bodies were scrawny, thin things with skin rotting off, and their faces were almost unrecognizable to the people they once were, with chunks of skin missing and some of their eyes were rotted out. Each was in a different stage of decay.

We caught our breath and continued walking. Abraham lead us off the road and through the woods. As we were walking, we whispered conversation.

"How many bounties have you collected, Abraham?" I asked.

"Fourteen," he replied gruffly. "This will be my fifteenth."

I thought about that for a moment. He seemed to know his way around and for a moment I started to believe we would actually make it out alive.