

Lucius stands over Draco, wand raised prepared to obliviate the muggle out of him and bursting with confidence about keeping him close - hidden right next to his own person. Lucius was prepared never again to let go of his son.



". . ."



'that incessant buzzing.' Lucius takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. Glaring at his son's 'muggle watch' displaying the words 'Incoming call: Dad'.

Lucius denies the call and struggles to open the messaging app without taking the watch of his son.

[[ Tony: did anything happen son? Something foreign entered your bloodstream. ]]

Lucius replies as quickly as he can, but he was quite slow-paced given his experience with the muggle technology

[[ Tom: I'm doing well father. I apologize as I can't answer your call right now. I do promise to call you back later. ]]

Lucius stands up and raises his wand once more, prepared to utter the spell that would make Tom completely his son.


[[ Tony: No Tom. Answer the call. You don't need to talk, I just need to see you. ]]

"This petulant muggle dare order my son. Loppy!"

With a loud pop, Dobby appears in front of his master. "Dobby answers master's call. What may Dobby do for master?"

Lucius sneers at the lower being, growling his order "Go bring me the potion's kit case I left in my room, swiftly!"

"Yes, master. Dobby will go get the potion case, Dobby will."

With three loud cracks in the air, Dobby disappears, reappears with the case that was quickly snatched from his raised hands, and disappears again back into whatever corner of Malfoy manor all the house elves have taken upon themselves to hide in.

Lucius opens the case with haste and picks out a vial with clear, bright gold liquid. Lucius proceeds to pluck out a few strands of hair from Draco's head with one hand and throws it into the vial he had popped open and held with his other. With a quick swig of the vial, Lucius had transformed in time for Tony's next call.

Lucius lifted his son's wrist, angling the watch such that the video call would only show his own person.

With a well-practiced business smile, Lucius places a finger on his mouth in a hushed motion, shakes his head, and whispers.

"I'm doing spectacularly father. I simply happened to consume quite a bit more food than I would have otherwise preferred, and my friend's asleep beside me from a food coma. I don't wish to wake them."

Tony smiled back and replied in the same hushed tone "Oh okay. Which friend are you with right now?"

"I don't believe I've introduced you to each other yet. However, I will let you both meet soon."

Tony seemed to glance around a bit while replying back.

"Sure thing son. Just text me when you want to come home ill pick you up. Have fun with your friend, but don't stay too late. Remember curfews at 5."

"You don't need to pick me up, I'll make sure to be home by 4:30 at the latest."

"Alright. Have fun with your friend but still keep me updated."

Lucius relaxed upon seeing the red circle indicating the call ended. Out of curiosity, Lucius scrolled up through their messages.

2:40 Dad: Tom?

2:38 Dad: you okay son?

2:35 Dad: 🦈 (shark emoji)?

2:30 Dad: 🦈(shark emoji)

2:00 Dad: Baby Shark

Tom: Dudududu

1:28 Dad: wazzuuuppp

Tom: Wazzuuuupppp

1:02 Dad: 😘

Tom: eewwww

12:30 Dad: wat u eat?

Tom: ribs

Dad: gud ribs?

Tom: vury gud ribs.

Dad: 👌😘


Just like that. Messages were sent at least every half hour. But it wasn't until their earliest texts of the day did Lucius stop scrolling.

8:01 Tom: I'm in the car.

Tom: I think I forgot to tell you earlier when I left. I love u dad

Dad: I love u 2 son.

Something flickered within Lucius' eyes, altering his most prominent thoughts. Lucius' mind had been murky and dark, almost reminiscent of the years he was barely sober enough to make out what was a dream and what was real. And Lucius had turned very confused.

Thoughts that were pushed to the very back of his mind had started clawing for attention. Conflicting thoughts were ravaging through what was left of the sanity he had regained after the reappearance of his son.

"I must take him. Take. TaKE HiMM, no no no no no. No I can't, I. NO must take no. Leave. Yes I should leave? Leave him? AARRGGGHHHHHHH!"

Lucius stepped backward, gripping at his head that felt like it was splitting apart.

"SAfE. sAfe. Must. Must kEep hiM safe."

Lucius eyes were flickering between cloudiness, deranged, hysterical, and saddness. He was very confused. Lucius had always been prideful of his impenetrable calculating mind, but now in front of his beloved child, any logic had been reduced to tatters. What thoughts were smart and which were emotionally driven? He couldn't make out either and it was driving him insane.

With his head cocked downwards held between his hands, he spotted the vial he had unknowingly dropped earlier. There was still half of the liquid left.

Without a plan, Lucius simply felt that Tom could and should no longer be his son and that somehow this would keep him safe. Safe. It was the only word that made sense to him. Hence, Lucius took that bottle and added in other ingredients while relying on muscle memory to pick out those that wouldn't transform into something deadly when mixed together.

Tilting Draco's head, Lucius pours in the murky golden/bluish/black concoction past his lips. He wasn't fully aware enough to comprehend exactly what he was doing, but felt agony as he watched as his son's features which resembled his start to boil and shift; watching his son turn into a monster by his own hands.

Time passes by and Lucius waits in delirious agony for the transformation to settle down. He was continuously tormented by the ringing of Tom's phone and the chimes of the grandfather clock. When the last boil had settled, Lucius stands up and carries Draco in his arms.

He apparates to an alley near the leaky cauldron and lays Draco on the cobblestone pavement. The water vapor in the air condensed upon Lucius's skin and eyelashes, almost giving the illusion of tears. Pointing his wand at Draco's forehead, he painfully mutters an obliviate as well as a compulsion charm with a shaky breath.

'With this, Draco will forget everything about the Blacks or the Malfoys, and he will never search for either of those names again. Warning him will not be enough. Draco must be completely separated from him in body and mind'

The faint flashing lights that occasionally seeped into the dark alleyway reflected off of the midnight fog that was creeping in upon evening London streets, dimly illuminating the father-son pair and painting a somber scene.

Lucius reaches his trembling hand, hoping to stroke his son's head one last time, but he couldn't do it. Almost like a physical barrier, his regret prevented his heart from accepting even just this tiny bit of comfort.

Scared of the pain that any more warmth would bring. He hides in the corner and waits for someone to get Tom. He waits until he could feel the magic in the air. With a crack, a figure appeared, dark messy hair and thick frames. He carefully picks up Draco and with another twist. Vanishes.

Taking out a ragged cloth from within his robes, he mutters [incendio] barely above a whisper. He watched the fibers blaze into a fiery red then disappear into the wind as tiny specks of ash. Raising his wand to his temple, Lucius once again repeats a single line in his head.

'Draco must be completely separated from him in body and mind.'


When the bluish green particles of magic dissolved into the air, all that was left in Lucius' eyes was calm darkness. Lucius had managed to regain his control of occlumency, with more control than he had managed in his prime. He turns and walks away without looking back. It doesn't take long at all for his figure to merge into the shadows of the streets. One would think that it was a cruel joke played by fate to portray the darkness that was consuming the man.

Aaaand that is the end of the first arc!!! So there will be a switch in the story’s setting. 1st arc is Marvel, 2nd arc is Magical! Though the progression from marvel world to magical world isn’t that defined, I will simply upload the next chapters into a new volume~ The next volume will continue on with the story mainly progressing at Hogwarts!!! Kyaaa I’m really excited to go on this journey with you my readers~!!!

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