

A sea-colored dragonet watched from afar as a pale grey nightwing with glassy eyes bounded across the horizon. He was scrawny and looked terrified, but she wasn't good at reading expressions so she wasn't sure. The Nightwing was panting and looked very tired. "The Sandwings.. Are.. Coming.." The Nightwing huffed as muffled roars and sounded closer and closer. Glider started to panic, and found herself hiding behind a clump of rocks.

The empty desert was now filled with roars of pain as a bright sandy colored Sandwing with a small tail barb shouted, "Quick! Hide the eggs!" Glider scrambled to her feet and spread her wings to take off. Before she could take off, A Rainwing landed next to her with an expressionless face. The Rainwing had been stabbed by a tail barb from the attacking Sandwings. She took off anyways, shaking the terrifying image of death away as she glided against the wind.

Once Glider landed, a few eggs had already been smashed by the battle around her. A few Sandwings with scarred faces and slashed throats were sprayed across the sandy desert. Glider grabbed a few eggs and prepared to take flight. Maybe this won't be as tough as I thought it would be. She looked up to see a Sandwing darting her way with their mouth wide open, gurgling with fire.

She quickly ducked and scrambled for an escape route. The fire over her scales felt like the sun was just about to touch her, and she squinted as she threw herself into the air, dropping a couple of eggs. Shoot! She tried her best to fly as hard and fast as she could, but the Sandwing was was older and much more experienced. She thought everything was going to end, but she caught a glimpse of the sea just beyond the dunes. She quickly shifted directions and threw the guard off, tumbling while trying to turn fast enough.

Once she was close enough to dive into the sea, she shifted her wings and went into a diving motion. The cold sea hit her face like a tornado, it was so good feeling water against her face for the first time in what feels like forever. Her tail smacked the surface of the water, in an attempt to make the dragon blinded for a second. The Sandwing shaked off the water and dove after her with a slight grunt. She swiveled around the currents and hid behind some corals as the dragon tensed up and tried to shift themself downwards.

He won't stop until I'm dead.. She realized. She thought for a second before placing the eggs down and darting towards the guard with a determined flash in her eyes. She remembered the lessons her dad taught her about how to strangle dragons underwater. Mother always thought it was unnecessary to teach her stuff like that. She giggled at the thought of it, but was still focused on wrapping her claws around the dragons neck.

The Sandwing struggled to keep balance, clawing at his face and screaming bubbles everywhere. She tried shoving her claws into the back of their head, and he gasped, fell out of her claws and sank. She felt bad for a second, but shaked the feeling off. It is for the greater good. She went over to the corals where she set the eggs and picked them up one by one.

~~~~ time-skip

She quietly stepped on the hot feeling of desert sand and dry grass mixed together. She was tired and incredibly hungry. An island lay in front of her with towering trees and a huge cave. Her eyes sparkled as the scents of lush fruits and plants filled her nostrils. She had been to the rainforest before, but this was much more beautiful than that.