
[ DROPPED ] Genshin impact | the transmigrated chef

What happens when a recently fired chef gets violated by a truck in his bedroom? What will he do when he gets reincarnated in his favorite game, genshin impact? Will he go explore places and sceneries his never seen in the game, or will he settle down and open a restaurant to serve his future customers, Read the story to find the story of ryuma, the unfortunate transmigrated chef cook his way through teyvat’s storyline FYI: i do not own genshin impact, its a game created by mihoyo, i only own the original character in this fanfiction

Manshibe · Games
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 3: Small timeskip, clearing out hilichurl camps and op abilities!

( theres a fight scene here soo…. It may not be good as i think it'll be, AND IN THE REPLIES IS WHERE MC IS LOCATED! I dont know if i explained it correctly but, its in this paragraph as listed in the comments )

2 weeks later



the sun is out, the sky is blue, the birds are singing, and flowers are blooming, in days like these, its a normal appearance for everyone, even the person who looks currently occupied with training

"*pant* 58… *pant* 59… 60!" Ryuma dropped to the floor, in his 2 weeks of training, and it increased almost every day at random times, today it jumped from 45 to 60, which meant pushing himself further than usual, but it was worth it as...

[ system notification: 4+ HP ]

[ system notification: 4+ STR ]

[ system notification: 6+ STA&MOB ]

He smiled to himself, he was getting stronger, making him closer to getting the hypostatis hybrid transformation, he then checked his status as of now

[ name: Xie Shen ( ryuma ) ]

Health: 45 [ 2700/2700 ]

Strength: 40

Agility & mobility: 40

Intelligence: 80

Stamina: 45 [ 683/1700]

Although he liked to think of himself as a pretty op protagonist, but as of right now, he's still nowhere close to a mere side character in the original story, so he still needs to improve himself to become even stronger

[ POP UP QUEST: defeat 2 hilichurl camps ]

( REWARDS: 10 rolls, 10k chef points, 100k mora, system xp )

"10 rolls, 10k chef points, 100k mora!? Hell yeah im in! Who the hell would waste that opportunity" he said excitedly, this'll be his first actual quest, and op rewards! This is a steal he would never miss out on!

He went into his humble cave and began packing his weapons, some food and water. And after he was all finished, he asked the system

"You still need to pinpoint the locations while i am reading instead of having me ask you…" he pointed out, every time he got a quest in his training session, he'd almost has to ask all the time instead of one-go, but he didn't mind it too much

[ Hilichurl camp no.1: 453 meters ]

[ Hilichurl camp no.2: 762 meters ]

"Noted, number 1 is where i shall go now" he simply began walking to the closest hilichurl camp for obvious readons



There were brown mask-wearing humanoids relaxing around a campfire, they are hilichurls, the most well known entity in teyvat and genshin impact, there was currently 5 of them, 1 of them was a archer, while the rest was the average club-user

One of them spoke "Mita dada-" the hilichurl was cut off from another hilichurl

"Beru nye!" The other hilichurl yelled in a aggressive tone

The former hilichurl went silent, which the others snickered at

They were having a good time until one of them spots a moving silhouette, it got up and signaled its friends as its leaving

The hilichurl went up to the silhouette it saw and…


The sound of its head hitting the floor was heard by its comrades, which they could see it was a human, with a excited expression on his face

"IKA!" One of them yelled out, signaling their attacker

Ryuma didn't give them a chance as the archer hilichurl who was reloading his crossbow a chance to even shoot its cross bow as he quickly ran up to the archer ignoring the other hilichurls that were on his tail, and brought out his dual swords then slicing the archer hilichurls chest, ripping it apart as blood filled the ground quickly

"These types were always the one who disturb my skills and damage me the most. With your archer gone, i can say that you guys are dead meat!" He declared, not caring if the hilichurls understood him or not, speaking of which he then began running to the nearest one, he grabbed one of the dual sword's handles, Then with the other one being chained, he began swinging it like a mace until he got close enough, which he then swung it on the hilichurl's head which cut it into two pieces, spilling blood all over him and the ground

Not leaving him time to take a breath, 2 of the hilichurls came running at him swinging their clubs trying to hit him, but he merely jumped back from the attack meant for his death, and grabbed both of his sword handles and sprinted towards the attackers with murderous intent, one of the unfortunate hilichurls didn't get the time to dodge as he plunged an attack to its stomach, then flipping them horizontally and taking out his blades, causing 2 holes on the hilichurl which led it into falling to die from blood loss eventually

After that, ryuma began looking for the last one as it seemingly disappeared from his sights, until he heard rapid footsteps getting louder each second, behind him was the last hilichurl trying to do a surprise attack on him, keyword is "trying"

"Yo ya!" It cried out running behind ryuma seeking revenge for its comrades, but sadly it went to waste as when it got close enough to smack him with its club, Ryuma quickly turned around and stabbed its heart, killing it instantly with it realizing

After the slaughter was done, ryuma felt nauseous and went to a nearby bush and then…

"BLUUUAAAAAAARGH" he puked out, although it wasn't his first time killing a living creature, it was indeed the first time for him to kill a hilichurl in first-hand experience, it was like killing an actual human as it looked very similar, unlike in the game where it was just annoying cannon fodder that just disappears after its death


After 20 minutes of puking…


'Holy shit… its not easy as it looks, its WAY more gruesome then I thought it would be… how does every person here kill them like its taking out the trash!?… forget it, its still the first, so maybe ill get used to it.' He thought out, from now on he'll avoid killing hilichurls unless he has to, he still remembers that they were actual people from kheanri'ah that were cursed to take this body, but he'll take out the second one just because he needs to finish this quest for the rewards

Just as he was about to leave, he saw the dead bodies of the hilichurls disappearing into dust, he presumed its the default mechanic like in the game so he neglected it



An angry mitachurl roared at a human

Ten minutes ago, it was just with its brethren eating boars they caught, then a random human came in and slaughtered them, leaving blood all over the place

With anger in its eyes, the mitachurl grasped its axe tightly, and begun spinning towards the human who was urging to kill it, and which the latter began running in the opposite direction the former was spinning towards

"shit, I always hated these types of attacks on mitachurls! Get the hell away from me!" Ryuma ran away from the pissed off mitachurl, when he finished his first hilichurl camp wipe-out, he began traveling towards the second, and when he finally arrived, it was a lot harder then the first one, it had a hydro samachurl, two pyro hilichurl archers and a cryo one, pyro clubber hilichurl and a normal one, and based off of current events, a mitachurl. Lets just say it was one big pain in the ass to deal with as the hydro samachurl was healing its allies constantly AND he kept getting melted, how does it happen? He doesn't know how but he guesses it follows the same mechanics and normal genshin impact does

He managed to take out the samachurl first as it couldn't heal itself as it was constantly getting hit, and it went downhill for the hilichurl camp as they began getting slaughtered one by one

After he took out almost all of them, he saved the mitachurl for the last as it was the most tanky, which was probably a mistake as it has a skill that it pulled out of nowhere, it was called 'rage' as his system liked to call it, a skill that in-game mitachurls dont have. If you dont take out the mitachurl first and kill its comrades first, it buffs its stats by 25% much to the displeasure of ryuma, as he could barely outrun the charged attack that can end his trial of living

After some time of running for ryuma and the spinning attack for the mitachurl, it ran out of stamina to continue which led it to stop to take a breath

Unfortunately, that was a huge mistake on the mitachurl's part. its attacker saw the opportunity to finish it off with its comrades

Ryuma grabbed his duo chained swords, and started it to flail them to ready them up for the final attack, before the mitachurl even noticed, he threw them at its head aiming to take it fown one and for all. And he succeeded as:

"GurrrRRAAHH!" The mitachurl yelled out as both of the blades entered its head unannounced, it could feel its life fading away, which then the mitachurl accepted its fate and fell to the ground dead

"Holy crap… *pant* its finally finished.. i can take a rest now" said ryuma with a small small smile on his face, he can get the rewards he desired! But when he noticed that he was about to barf. He readied himself until something unexpected happened

[ NEW SKILL EARNED: warriors goal ]

[ INFO: a warrior has seen many things during his countless battles. blood, War and unexplainable things, hence why the warrior pushed onwards despite the things happening around him, aiming towards his only goal ]

[ ATTRIBUTES: 40% mentality, 10% STR, 30% luck ]

The nausea ryuma felt was suddenly gone, as it never happened in the first place, and his eyes stopped screaming at seeing the corpses and blood that filled out the ground, as if it was natural to him

"Damn.. this is really nice to have from now on…" He said happily, he was lately getting awesome skills to help him out by the very awesome system, which he is already asking himself what would he do without it now? But he discarded these thoughts as he opened up his system and chose the rewards option

[ POP-UP QUESTS: defeat 2 hilichurl camps: ( COMPLETED ) ]

( REWARDS: 10 rolls, 10k chef points, 100k mora, system xp )


He obviously claimed the rewards, and after he did that, his system offered:

[ would host like to teleport home? ( YES/NO ) ]

[ cost: 300 chef points ]

"…this is outright spoiling, and not that much chef points too, hell yeah i would!" He accepted the deal, its better to accept things while they are still cheap

[ teleporting host now… ]

As he stood still, a body of light began enveloping around him, he felt st pure bliss while he was covered in light, then as quickly as he felt it, he lost it, he looked around and found out that he is in his cave once more

'that felt pretty darn good, would do it again 100%' he thought, it felt like he was being born again… wait, how does he know? He doesn't.

"Well, as i finished everything i need to do, ill just cook a meal… wait a minute, i forgot about the gacha!" He suddenly remembered, he wanted to use his rolls yesterday as he had a lot to spare, he he quickly opened his system menu and selected gacha

( Rolls: 41 )

[ character roll ]

[ weapon roll ]

[ ability/powers roll ]

[ clothes and accessories ]

After giving some thought, he decided to use 20 rolls one the ability gacha

[ Rolling 20… ]

[ bow mastery •rare ] x9

[ catalyst mastery •rare ] x9

[ venom application •epic ]

[ Drilling throw •epic ]

"Are you taunting me!? what the hell would i use bows and catalysts for! Forget it… i got those two and they better make it up" said a pissed ryuma, he could have atleast gotten a sword mastery skill, its not like he woulds use those other weapons, right?

He opened the venom application ability, expecting very good news

[ VENOM APPLICATION ( lvl: 1/10 ) ]

( LORE: an ability a snake master used to adore, beating its folks with a inescapable wrath of the snake, it was greatly feared all around the world, many called him the snake emperor, superior to them in everything)

( ATTRIBUTES: apply venom to its users weapon. when a enemy is struck with the venom applied weapon, venom courses through its body, killing it in 2 minutes, it can be curable if the enemy has a medicine for it )

( NOTE: it has a cooldown of 10 minutes, the more you level the ability, the less time it take to kill and decreases the cooldown needed to use )

"Snake master? I dont care, this is huge win! Now i dont have to worry about attacking tanky monsters all the time and making every hit count, 1 stab is all it takes!" He said excitedly, if he had this skill for the mitachurl, he wouldn't have had to run a marathon again to avoid its attack

"Now thats overpowered, now lets check the drilling throw… doesn't sound great in my opinion" he said worriedly, although the venom application sounds great and is indeed great, the name of this doesn't sound very threatening


( LORE: ever thought about throwing rocks? And if you did throw rocks, they just bounce off! That was the case for the rock master, he had no earthbending like his brothers and sisters, and for that he was very overlooked by his clan, so he made a dedication to make rocks dangerous, he began throwing rocks and shaping them in the best way possible, after some time, his rocks were finally able to penetrate wood, and it began growing stronger from there, walls, rocks, hills, mountains, his rock penetrated all of them, and the legend of the stone thrower began )

( ATTRIBUTES: when throwing a weapon, not only is it able to penetrate almost unbreakable parts of the body, it bounces and penetrates from behind as well )

( NOTE: this can be used constantly, the higher the level, the more bounces. )

"I didn't know you had good humor system… and making the ability powerful as well!" He said with a smirk, he definitely got a good system as of right now

[ i thank you for the appreciation host, but its nearing your dinner time, the following recipes you listed are in the 'saved recipes' menu ]

"Ah right! Thank you for reminding me" he spoke, then going ahead to prepare for the recipe he saved for later




