
[ Black Rose ] Demo

Power that rules over the poor even in modern day. With power, authority and money, there are a few people who treats themselves like their king and queens. Doing anything that they like, if it means doing illegal stuff. With power and money, it corrupted today's world by bribing government workers, polices and so on without getting the punishment that they deserve. So a illegal organization decided to take matters into their own hands, saving every victims and children from them.

snownotez_ · Urban
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3 Chs

[ Hexon Group's 100th Anniversary ]

 Various murmurs raised as high profiles and executives laughs over glasses of champagne. "To all ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hexon 100th Anniversary Dinner Event! Please help yourself with the dinner buffet on the right side. The welcome speech in 15 minutes!"

 The double doors at the entrance of the conference hall and everyone turned to look. The two figures walk through the blinding lights, giving everyone clear views of who they were. Wearing red high heels, she walked with confidence and Jaesung next to her. She wore a white tube dress with some red and gold details with her hair up in an elegant low ponytail while Jaesung wore a simple black and white suit.

 They sat down at the VIP table at the front of the conference hall right in front of the stage. Everyone around them were whispering.

 "Are those the famous twins?"

 "Omo…Jaesung look so cute…"

 "Wah, Kim Nabi looks so pretty…."

 Eun Seo looked over from the table next to them as she picked up her champagne glass. The emcee of the event returned to the podium and tapped the microphone. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Hexon Groups 100th anniversary! To kick off the ceremony, I shall invite the Chairman of Hexon Group onto the stage for the opening speech!" Everyone clapped as Chairman Oh walked onto the stage.

 The emcee then took a few steps back as he clapped and Chairman Oh stepped up towards the podium. "When I was very young, I remember my father once said. Hexon group's aim is to be with everyone's step towards the future. Every good and every bad. Which is why we manage hospitals, clinics and schools. To nurture our every newer generations for a better future. Which is why I stand here before all of you, promising all of you, the same promise which my father made all those years ago, to carry on our legacy into the future!" Everyone clapped to his speech.

 "In celebration of our 100th Anniversary, we have collaborated with the fast rising hope of the future, Minim Group! For this Saturday charity event, Minim Group and Hexon Group will exchange 1000 items each to be wrapped as hampers to be given!" Chairman Oh gestured towards Nabi and Jaesung as the camera pointed in their direction, their faces were shown on the display screen. Nabi just smiled waved while Jaesung just remained stoic.

 Chairman Oh then continued to finish off his speech following by the dinner service actually serving. Laughter filled up the table as Nabi and Jaesung joined Chairman Oh and his daughter's table. "It's really an honour to meet you Mr Kim. Seo Jun oppa really wanted to come. After all, Hexon Group and Minim Group has come from way back." Nabi said.

 "Hahaha…I can tell Old Kim brought you guys up. I always heard praises from people around me that the legendary twins are talented. From news, rumors and praises from other people, to my daughter's crush." Chairman Oh smugly spoke out. Eun Seo immediately slapped Chairman Oh's shoulder as a reaction. "Appa!" She exclaimed as she blushed, not wanting to look at a certain young male's direction. Jaesung just gave a mild embarrassment as he wasn't used to this kind of situation

 "Jokes aside, looks like everything is in order for this Saturday's charity event from our side." Chairman Oh said as Nabi nodded her head. "Our side too. Once we recieve the goods our factory side will start with the packing." She stated. "My entertainment label will also be in charge of the promotion." Eun Seo also shared. Chairman Oh then picked up his champagne glass and held it up high. "Here, to a successful event!" Nabi, Jaesung and Eun Seo follow suit and held their champagne glasses up high, clicking all of them together.



 Two rows of trucks each turned the curb as they were headed out of their respective factories and heading towards their collaboration company's factories. Hexon Group trucks backed into the loading docks of Minim Factories as the employees hurried over to unload them. Meanwhile, at Hexon Factories, they were doing the same thing. Employees unpacking the goods from each companies and counting them, making sure that they are the exact amount before the packing day tomorrow.



 "Yes, thank you." He then turned to the lady signing some documents. "Director, The goods from Hexon Group have arrived. The factory will start the packing tomorrow." Jaesung stated. "Ah ok." She said blatanly. Signing the last document, she cheekily slammed them shut. "Oppa we're alone right now, why don't you call me by the usual nickname?" Nabi whined.

 "We're at the company, it's better to be professional. You be more professional at work." Jaesung blatantly said as he stood by the side of her office table.

 Nabi sighed.

 'Why is he always like this…'


 Time flew by so fast at Hexon Factories after the workers have wrap up their day after counting the goods and organizing for tomorrow's hamper packing. "Great work for today!" Eun Seo thanked the workers as she chatted with the video production who were there to be in charge of filming the behind the scenes of the charity event. Different dialogues scattered among the workers as they all prepared to clock out of work.

 "Do you guys want happy hour later?"

 "Hello? Yes, Appa will be home soon."

 Eun Seo also entered her car and drove off. Time passes by even more and every worker has already left the factory, except the night security guard. He is to make rounds in Warehouses 12 to 15. Looking around Warehouse 15 where the 1000 goods were stored, he find nothing unusual. After a while, he headed back to his post to have another cup of coffee to stay awake. After reaching his post, he sat in his chair turned on the TV.

 After a while, he decided to have cup noodles while watching his favourite show. Soon, the kettle was done boiling, and he finished making his noodles. Laughing at the show while he slurped on the noodles. His laughter filled his post office, the only lights on aside from the street lamps in the carpark near Warehouse 12.

 Without any warning, a bright light flick1ered at Warehouse 15 and a huge explosion was heard, throwing the security guard in a fright, spilling his cup noodles on the ground. In a panic, he grabbed the walkie talkie on his desk. "CONTACT HQ AND 112!! AN EXPLOSION HAPPEN AT WAREHOUSE 15!"


 Sirens rang loudly down streets while fire blazes from the warehouse as it engulfs every inch. Firefighters hurried to the scene as they tried to hose down the raging fire. Police were also at the scene, sealing the active crime scene.

 "This news just came in about 5 minutes ago at around 8:45pm at the famous Hexon Group's Warehouse no.15 where an unknown explosion happened. According to witness and workings of Hexon Factories, it is said that Warehouse 15 is where the 1000 of the goods sponsored from Minim Group is stored. A few days ago, it was announced by both Hexon and Minim group that they will be doing a charity event this coming Saturday." The news announcer reported as she watches.

 "It is currently unknown about the condition about the goods, according to reports, it is said that the 1000 goods sponsored by Minim group has a value up to 2 million won worth of products." The news announcer continued. She swirls the glass of red wine in her right hand as she is in a good mood. "We just receive word from a news reporter on scene! Let's hear from Reporter Baek." The news announcer transferred as the TV transit to a male figure standing in front of the blazing chaos in the background while holding the mic.

 "This is Reporter Baek reporting live from Hexon Factories, Warehouse 15. According to the firefighters, there were no casualties found at the moment as all workers has already gone home for the day. However, everything has been burned to ashes, including the 1000 products that Minim Group has sponsored for this coming charity event on Saturday. Of course the situation is still ongoing and I'll keep you updated once the fire has been extinguished." Reporter Baek stated.

 In a good mood, she hummed as she took another sip of red wine. With the view from the top penthouse view, she lifted the wine glass and cheers to the new TV. "With this, our grand plan has begun. How will you recover yourself from this situation, huh?" She asked as she lowered the glass.

 Nabi smirked as she continued swirling her wine glass.

 Splashing and groans were the only sounds being heard in the dimly lit corner of Warehouse 15. Nabi stepped towards one of the nearby shelves as she browse around. Jaesung splashed liquid from a container all around the whole warehouse, especially near the electrical parts of the warehouse, enough to make explosions all around.

 "Please…. Let me go…"

 The pained voice reached Nabi ears as she turned to the corner, revealing the tied middle age figure. "I have family to feed please…" He begged. Despite being kept underground for days, he still have the energy and will to struggle.

 "Family…." Nabi trailed off.

 Sensing hope, the figure begun to beg even more. "If you let me go, I-I promise not to tell anyone! Please….. I have 2 daughters at home!" Nabi didn't react as she crouched down to his eye level. "Kim Min Gyu-ssi.." She called out making his eyes widened in fear.

 Who is she and how did she know his name?

 "Give up, there is no more hope for you left." She smiled and stood up. The figure stared at her, having a pit feeling in his gut. "Kim Min Gyu, Assistant Manager of Hexon Factories. Father of 2 daughters with a loving wife. Such a happy family." She turned and stepped slowly away from the tied figure. "Behind the wife's back, you slept with quite several prostitutes huh, also actively engage in helping one of Hexon Group's Secret Board Member, Lim In Sang, CEO of Hexon Trading in his dirty work. From embezzlement to forging bank statement. Do you want me to continue?" She stopped and asked.

 The tied up Min Gyu started struggling against his restraints to the huge shelves. "Who are you? HOW DO YOU KNOW SO MUCH??" He started to hyperventilate as Jaesung came back from the van. "DO YOU THINK BY KILLING ME, YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS TOO?!" He shouted. Jaesung passed her a lighter, and she turned around to face the tied up figure.

 "I mourn for you, I am here to lay vengeance against you, to cleanse this world from evil." Every word she said, there wasn't any emotion. Every step she took, he was begging. Once she was in front of him, she took out a single black rose and kissed it before lighting it on fire.

 "With this, your punishment is set."


 She dropped the black rose.