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FYI - Hella slow kingdom building story so stick with it for the long haul and you will see some crazy things!! 19/08/2022: I'm revising and editing the story so new chapters are on hold. Faced with the end of his world and the one person that made him smile as bright as the sun, he sat silently as he watched society collapse, hoping in the back of his mind for another chance with her. After Drifting in the Abyss for eons, a Goddess tried to awakened his hollow soul to instil a 'system' that would 'guide' him on his journey in another world. What the Goddess didn't know was that soul was special, so special it would be her doom and salvation. This is the story of a Prince abandoned by his family for the sake of what was socially correct, to be reborn in a world of Kingdom and Empires, Swords and Magic, the Prince awakens to a system. Many may find a system a blessing in another world, but this system becomes a never ending nightmare for the prince as he desperately awaits to grow up to understand his true purpose. To create a Modern Empire with legendary and Mythological beings by his side. I am putting this novel and everything else on hold while I go through and edit everything. https://discord.gg/mXA8rghNuR Come and have a chat or ask any questions.

PhantomMedjay · Fantasy
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243 Chs

Training (1)

They arrived outside before the training ground to find not a person waiting but several people.

Alfred and Kage watched them arrive at the grounds ready to begin the day with solid training.

The original schedule Alfred planned for Billy and Tia consisted of teaching them the basic of the Kros Battle Style as well as improving their help and fitness.

Alfred wanted to focus on their foundation since neither had a background in swordsmanship, also the lack of training and guidance from their own fathers meant they lack quite behind compared to other children around their ages.

Many parents and families would teach their children the absolute minimum to survive if they were ever in a situation without their support.

Worst case scenario would be the children learning during conflicts and battles, however the chances they would survive from those encounters was shockingly low.