
[(Error Unknown) System]

FYI - Hella slow kingdom building story so stick with it for the long haul and you will see some crazy things!! 19/08/2022: I'm revising and editing the story so new chapters are on hold. Faced with the end of his world and the one person that made him smile as bright as the sun, he sat silently as he watched society collapse, hoping in the back of his mind for another chance with her. After Drifting in the Abyss for eons, a Goddess tried to awakened his hollow soul to instil a 'system' that would 'guide' him on his journey in another world. What the Goddess didn't know was that soul was special, so special it would be her doom and salvation. This is the story of a Prince abandoned by his family for the sake of what was socially correct, to be reborn in a world of Kingdom and Empires, Swords and Magic, the Prince awakens to a system. Many may find a system a blessing in another world, but this system becomes a never ending nightmare for the prince as he desperately awaits to grow up to understand his true purpose. To create a Modern Empire with legendary and Mythological beings by his side. I am putting this novel and everything else on hold while I go through and edit everything. https://discord.gg/mXA8rghNuR Come and have a chat or ask any questions.

PhantomMedjay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
243 Chs

Khadraazil (Edited)

The loud shriek and cries echoing from the carriage got the attention of Alfred and the Adventurers, drawing them all over at alarming pace.

The Adventurers believed earlier that the carriage contained some sort of noble from the Capital, since the cost to employ a young Imperial Royal Butler was immense.

Even when they noticed the simple design of the carriage with its basic amenities and custom features, but the cries they heard came from a child, which were far from sounding normal too.

Somehow, it brought along the quaking of the ground while the cries of the child increase in volume, as if frightening the very earth of its awakening.

A couple of the Adventurers felt something menacing and ominous was born from those torturous cries, originating from the carriage.

But before they could ask Alfred about the situation, they noticed his expression was far from their tension filled faces that were sweating all over as they struggled to keep up right on their own two feet with the cries of the child bleeding their ears dry.

None of the Adventurers couldn't comprehend why Alfred smiled like a loving parent beaming affectionately at their child.

His smile was radiating happiness and relief, like a heavy burden he'd carried for a long time had finally lifted off his strained soul.

"He's finally awake… "

Alfred spoke aloud, before bolting for the carriage with the Adventurers following close behind him, each wondering who had awoken.

Without waiting for word from those inside, Alfred opened the door of the carriage and saw one of the maid servants holding the Prince in her arms while gently soothing him, in a motherly manner.

It was the first time Alfred saw anyone else other than himself hold the Prince in any manner.

Alfred was quite surprised by the sight, but he was rather glad to see someone else holding the Prince in a caring fashion for once.

Since the rumours became prevalent throughout the imperial palace about the Prince being a demon spawn, no matter who was hired for the Prince's wellbeing, they would avoid him at all costs and wouldn't dare pick him up in case they would be affected by his 'curse'.

Rather the duty was always left for Alfred, as he never considered the Prince as a cursed child.

To him the Prince's fate was a misfortunate encounter with destiny, who decided to take away the only thing that matter in such times, love and affection from his parents.

Unfortunately, the Empress and Emperor were unable to provide such emotions when they were physically drawn away from the child, leaving the responsibility to Alfred.

All that the Imperial Royal Butler could offer was to be by the side of the Prince through his cruel fate.


Alfred surmised the other servant must have escaped during the battle, along with everyone else, yet it didn't matter anymore.

He remembered the names of everyone that had come along with the caravan convoy of His Highness, so Alfred knew they would be readily punished once his father became aware of their traitorous actions.

He wasn't surprised by the traitor's choice to leave, just the opposite in fact.

What he did not expect was these two sisters to remain and the youngest of the two was standing guard, which was a pleasant surprise when Alfred opened the carriage door to a wild fist aimed in his face.

Luckily, Alfred's quick reflexes helped him dodge the strike effortlessly.

His body moved instinctively, pushing aside the strike as if it were a pesky fly.

The eldest, who held the Prince within her arms, was humming a similar lullaby to the one his own mother sung for him when he was a child.

That very tune was renowned throughout the Empire, since mothers would sing it to their ailing children, especially during winter to help them pass through the harsh and painful nights.

Since commoners would die in great numbers due to lack of food and shelter, it was a widespread tradition and unspoken rule to help soothe their children to bed so, they didn't have to suffer the pain of hunger and the lack of warmth from the harsh weather.

It wasn't uncommon for nobles to sing the same lullabies to their children, since many commoners would be employed to caretake for their children.

So as the ages passed over time, it became a song all mothers would sing to their children at some point in their lives and it would be passed to the next generation and so on.


Liz was mercifully humming the lullaby without a care of her surroundings, all that mattered to her was this child before her.

His hearty cries...

His rosy cheeks full of life…

This mighty child without a soul to call a 'loved' one…

As she continued to watch him, she felt more warmth and love for him, than she ever had expected.

Whose cries made the earth tremble and quake was down sending a shockwave through their mind, body and soul, as love and compassion filled her for the child in her arms.

Liz's gaze was glued to the child's multi-coloured eyes, which sparkled alive like the embers of a dying flame bringing with new life.

The child's left eye had a crimson red iris, whose aura felt freeing but gave off a devilish charm, though of liberation.

While the right eye radiated a holy golden aura that felt oppressive, and empowering, while bound to its will.

Together both eyes looked like they could lead you to the ends of the earth as long as you bathed in their light and influence.

To Liz, those very eyes were so beautiful and innocent though.

She just wanted to hold this child close and call him as her own.

This child would be amazing, no… her son would be amazing.

She just knew it.

All she had to do was be by his side and protect this child.

He mustn't know the pain and grief to be alone.

He must be loved…

This son of hers…


Alfred just watched Liz, her smile, her eyes, her entire being was focused on His Highness.

A mother's love for her child was on display, and it was evident to all who saw the babe and youthful woman.

The way she cuddled and held him close, even Liz's expression alone was enough evidence.

She behaved as if the Prince were her own child.

Alfred did not know how to feel at first, but the more he watched the two, the more his smile widened.

He had his own expectations when he chose Liz to accompany him in the caravan convoy but never imagined that this would be the outcome.

Alfred planned for Liz to fill the void of a motherly figure within the Prince's life, regardless of him remaining in the comatose state or not at a later date.

However, Liz had far exceeded his expectations already.

Rather he was worried that he would not be a suitable father figure for the little Prince and would in turn cause greater problems if he tried to behave as such.

He didn't want to negatively affect the Prince's growth and development, especially after the last nine months of a comatose state.

Alfred felt lacking in his own abilities up until he saw Liz with the Prince in her arms, helping alleviate some of the tension and strain on the young Imperial Royal Butler.

He could sense the pure love and care she emanated for the Prince through her eyes alone.

Alfred hoped one day he could show his emotions similarly to the Prince, but he felt actions was necessary over emotions, through his own rough childhood experience.

Looking on at the Prince, Alfred's realised what he needed to do, as per his education and current belief's, just as Zio moved to interfere and question who the woman was and why was the kid screaming so unusually.

The Imperial Royal Butler moved to kneel, shocking the Adventurers, who saw a man eminate the same passion and grace one would radiate in front of a King or Emperor within their throne room.


"For he, that was born as the true successor of the Kros Empire, abandoned by the world to a forgotten land…

Today you are reborn, from now on you will be the one that will rule the Plano Ranges, the future King that will shake the world as the day of your rebirth…

I, Alfred of the Imperial Elder House Aleister, shall serve and protect His MAJESTY BENEDICT TEUKROS WITH ALL MY MIGHT AND SOUL!


The more Alfred spoke, the more his face leaned closer to the ground until he was kowtowing, screaming from the top of his lungs, drawing the ire of the Adventurers, and the young Agatha.

They were concerned about the health of the Prince, a malnourished infant child, whereas Alfred envision a throne room full of lavish decorations, gold, armour, and knights in his service.

Before Alfred could continue his monologue of oath to the Prince, Roth, the Adventurer, slapped the back of Alfred's head, who turned to face the party of adventurers with a scornful ire.

His deadly stare was about to destroy the 'brash idiots' for stopping his praise and rebirth of the great lord who'd come to oversee the Plano Ranges.

However, Alfred paused once he noticed the Adventurer kneeling beside him, though not as fervently as himself.

Before he could question what was happening, "I don't want to stop your over-the-top praise of His Highness, but why you shouting so loud?

You wanna make him deaf?" Roth stated simply, but it was obvious to all that he masked part of his anger with sarcasm.

He expected more from a member of the Imperial Royal Butlers, who should be focused on the health of the child that appeared to be Lord of the man.

For Alfred though, His Highness had just been through nine months of hell as he fought the trial of life and death.

His praising would do no harm to his Highness who had traversed the narrow ledge between perishing into the oblivion and fighting for his existence.

Before Alfred could rebuttal the adventurers for stopping him over a stupid issue, Zio nonchalantly spoke "Hey Alfred, why did you name him Teukros?

You know, typically that last name is reserved for banished Royals of the Kros Empire, right?

Are you telling me, this babe is being given a name that will leave an open target on his back in society, wherever he may go across Ullan…"

Immediately, Alfred simmered down, his eyes lost its earlier deathly gaze that now vanished after Roth and Zio disciplined his rash behaviour.

Embarrassed, Alfred tried to think of another name for His Highness but truthfully, he had tried earlier without any luck on a strong last name.

This led to 'Teukros' being chosen, however sadly it brought about scorn from those around him, which Alfred agreed with but couldn't voice because of his own mistake.

'What the hell, why are they so picky all of a sudden?

How the hell was I supposed to give him a better name. 

This name is based on the empire's laws and traditions that go back for thousands of years!'

Alfred was about to suggest his own last name, but Zio beat him to it and announced his own rendition of his name, Zion.

Everyone immediately disagreed, voicing their own names instead and swearing their allegiance to His Highness.

Even if they had just met the travelling caravan, witnessing Alfred's ability alone and the fact one does not impersonate nobles, that is unless they want their entire family, friends, and their families to be burned at the stake, so they knew it was the real deal.

They had also heard the news of the Prince being sent to the Plano Ranges to recuperate from a sickness, however they had also heard the rumours that sparked his departure from the Capital.

Adventurers also knew the importance of working for a noble, which at times could wield them great fortune and prosperity.

Alfred assumed the Adventurers thought their futures would be granted now that they'd tagged their lives with His Highness, yet they were in for a rude awakening in the near future.


֍ In the Capital of the Kros Empire ֍ 


The Emperor had announced the region called 'Plano Ranges' would be receded from the Kros Empire and gifted to the ill young Prince.

In the Capital, the people assumed once the young Prince arrived in the city Alynthn, or predominantly known as the 'Haven of Adventurers', the infant Prince would remain in a small villa until passing away from illness, as the people came to know.

Society didn't really care that much about the announcement within the Capital, rather it affected the plans of dozens of ambitious nobles.

The announcement of the Emperor gifting the region to the Prince ruined many plans of certain nobles and their alliances, who were eyeing the land and the city, hoping to extort the Adventurers in Alynthn for their own gains, as well as the rich natural resources.

However, they also knew that the strong group backing of the Adventurers would exterminate them in retaliation without a second thought if they had continued with their ambitious plans.

In Part, the Emperor had a role in stopping the plans of the nobles from the moment he even thought of gifting the Plano Ranges to his child.

All he could do now was wait and see how the nobles reacted, though he was aware some trouble might befall his dear child during the journey to the Plano Ranges.


֍ The Young Princes travelling caravan ֍


While the Withering Rose members and Alfred fought over the name, they were silently happy they were not chased off by Alfred anymore and even the little maid, Agatha, was suggesting her own creative and imaginative names for the Prince.

Even saying things like Shield, Sword, Spear and the combination of a few words together were suggested by members among the group which sparked another round of heated debate over more and more audacious words that could be used over Teukros.

At one point, Lue, one of the younger members of the Withering Rose party, suggested the name Withering, which led to Alfred saying it was depressing again, causing everyone to laugh aloud.

Suddenly, he was opposed by the entire group saying the name Teukros was depressing, leaving Alfred pouting, and complaining to Liz that he was being treated harshly as everyone laughed aloud without a care of the corpses still littered not far from them.

Even the lone burly Bandit Knight remained, still crying over his dominate hand that was sliced off cleanly.

The man's whining and grunts, including the stench coming from the corpses couldn't stop the beautiful moment they were having with the Prince's sudden awakening.

Only the restrained bandit couldn't find peace with everything happening before his eyes, groaning in misery with a gag in his mouth after the youngest Adventurer was asked by Agatha to shut up the indecent man bothering her dear brother's awakening.

Being handled like trash wasn't how the burly Bandit Knight believed his life would end, especially at the hands of an Imperial Royal Butler.

A monster in sheep's clothing, thought the bandit while awaiting his torturous end which wouldn't end without the butler interrogating him.


"Young Miss, if you don't mind me saying, but personally do not believe you are worthy of being a motherly figure for His Highness.

I can sense you intention to behave as his mother rather than as a Maidservant of His Highness, which goes far against the capabilities of someone from your station in Kros Society and Order.

I do not oppose a motherly figure for His Highness, but I am swearing my loyalty and service to him, with therefore includes safeguarding the interests of High Highness to be best of my abilities, and not the whims of your office, if you take on the title of Lady.

I hope you will not abuse the authority that will be rewarded to you according to the new station in society, since power is known to spurn greed in the hearts of the fickle."

Allat, a member of the Withering Roses, stepped forward to meet and gaze into Liz eyes, hoping to figure out her true nature so he could safely guard the young Princes future.

But all he could feel from the depth of her eyes was the mature and motherly glow of her soul, which radiated unequivocal love and passion for His Highness.

Allat still felt there was something wry about Liz, but it wasn't the usual actions of a woman her station, trying to move up in noble society.

Instead, Liz behaved and acted far too different to someone who could be considered a commoner, only recently brought into the broad world of nobility.

Therefore, Allat decided no matter what, he would stick by Liz's side and the moment she slipped he would bring her crimes to the Prince and the others in the hopes to remove her from the Prince's side.

While Allat was thinking about a way of protecting the Prince, the others were close to beating him senseless.

They all believed Liz would dismiss them for being by the Prince's side since they hadn't noticed her true status as a maid, instead their minds led them to think she was a noble women.

Only for a moment though, since Liz clarified everything, including addressing some of the points Allat brought up.


"Sir Allat, as you have vowed to serve and protect His Highness, I also wish to do the same, though I don't believe I'll do so well with a sword in my hand," Laughed Liz only for Allat to remark back, "I think you could surprise us, Miss."

Allat truly sensed Liz had some sort of fighting prowess or ability that she hid really well, otherwise he wouldn't feel so uncomfortable in her presence.

Regardless, Liz only gaze at him momentarily, giving him a cute smile, before continuing, "Well even if I could wield something, Sir Allat, I can at least use my knowledge, education, and abilities thought through the Imperial educators to aid His Highness.

I know I am not his mother… and I understand clearly that there will be a day His Highness learns of his family and the truth around his circumstances, but till then, I want to fill that small void in his young heart that wouldn't come to know the true passion his own mother's love.

If you feel I ever abuse any power I am given according to my new station, based on the demands of the role, please do step forward and protect His Highness from myself and my ambitions, whatever they may be."

Liz gently spoke as she poked the cheeks of the Prince who was staring back at her, finally calming down quietly while swaying side to side in her arms.

"I hope that you can end this dispute then… My Lady, of the possible last name for His Highness." Lue spoke out, frustrated with his string of name options being constantly criticized.

More than anyone, he wanted a damn solution to the matter, as it wasn't healthy for names such as 'Bonespear' being offered up by Agatha, who believed the name would leave their enemies trembles in the future.

Lue started to worry if Agatha was alright, since she appeared to crave battle and destruction.

A chaotic child, who'd taken the responsibility to become the elder sister of His Highness, leaving Lue to wonder how their Prince would be affecting.

But it wasn't of much concern right now, with the name being the most important topic that needed to be resolved.

No, he was demanding it at this point.

While Liz thought about various names silently, the others sharpened their eyes on the adoptive mother of His Highness, hoping their suggested name would be chosen or an amalgamation of certain choices they approved.

Liz looked deeply at the Prince and thought about the events so far that shaped the life of the little Prince since his birth.

It was filled with joy, until despair, pain, and suffering was inflicted upon all those who truly held the child near and dear.

Suddenly a name came to her, with a bright smile and tender motherly kiss, she spoke his name…

That very name that would bring fear to his enemies… and strike straight into their hearts and minds, leaving behind a scar never able to fully heal.

They would hope to the Gods and Goddesses that they never come face to face against him once more while others would praise the name that would change the world and bring a new era of prosperity across the lands and seas.


"His name, His Imperial Royal Highness, Benedict Khadraazil, the one that has faced death and been reborn, only for his arrival to shake the very foundation of the earth..."

Stunned by the choice of name, they all digested what was said by Liz, feeling the name respected their little Prince's journey so far.

Only one of the party members of the Withering Rose, Drav, was shocked to the core of his soul when he heard the Lady pronounce the revised last name of the Prince.

Drav stood frozen to the core, his mind in shambles as the thoughts and memories of his past came soaring to the forefront of his mind, such as the last words of his grandfather, the last remaining member of his family that he knew of growing up.

'Our family once roamed the lands and held up their heads as high as the clouds for serving with honour to protect the innocents, and those who'd never experienced justice for their suffering.

With time, our lineage fell apart due to our enemies and their greed to gain what was once ours…

My child… my blood, promise me… there will be a day when we are called once more to serve with honour… 

When the lost and accursed is reborn… his voice will echo through the very fabric of the earth… 

In that moment, our lord shall rise and once more strength the name lost to history… Khadraazil.

Serve them will all your heart and soul, for we serve the…'

Unable to complete what he wanted to tell his grandson, the old man passed away before Drav could hear the truth of his lineage, leaving him unaware of a great deal, yet he kept the words deep within his heart, ready to honour his grandfather's will.

Drav always kept an ear out for someone with the special kind of name, which he hasn't found anything significant on during his own journey until now.

But even so, Drav looked out for those related to 'Khadraazil', only for the Lady to present the name to Prince Benedict, leaving Drav to wonder if his grandfather's words included the young child.

While Drav tried to puzzle together all the mayhem going through his mind, one of the party brothers, Lue, began to snack through his rations, having taken them out of his bag during the naming commotion for Benedict.


The erratic discussion around the Prince's name was finally dying down and they began to discuss about their next plans of travel to Alynthn.

The young Prince's mind, however, was going through a mental breakdown from the endless notifications appearing across his vision, as it felt like his brain was being stabbed by an endless stream of needles, burying themselves into his skin and bones.

While struggling to deal with the agony of his mind being ripped apart and understanding the wealth of information, Benedict tried to make sense of the chaos at the very least to save himself from the constant agony.

To his surprise, some of the notifications could be understood quite easily, whereas others made no logical sense, leaving Benedict to wonder what the weird notifications would mean exactly.

The latest notification sent a powerful stream of energy through Benedict's mind, body, and soul, affecting the System as well greatly.

You would think Benedict would be happy, but no…


֍ Benedicts POV ֍




Everyone else looking at baby Benedict POV





As they tried to calm down the Prince, with some arguing the name was a terrible suggestion and it made the child cry, which nearly led to Drav beating his brothers to death for belittling the sacred name.

In the end they thought the Prince was just hungry as he hadn't received a proper meal since he was born, so they continued onto the nearest town for rest and some food that the Prince could eat before the final push towards Alynthn.

While everyone merrily enjoyed each other's company and tales of their previous travels, Benedict was still trying to digest all that occurred.

Especially the endless list of notifications that was ever present in his vision.

He was trying to grasp anything, believing everything happening around him was fake, that was until he thoroughly began to understand the System.

Certain things began to unravel in his mind leading to another massive headache and more screaming and foul language.

Revised Final Edit 2/08/2022

Final Edit 22/01/2022

PhantomMedjaycreators' thoughts