
[(Error Unknown) System]

FYI - Hella slow kingdom building story so stick with it for the long haul and you will see some crazy things!! 19/08/2022: I'm revising and editing the story so new chapters are on hold. Faced with the end of his world and the one person that made him smile as bright as the sun, he sat silently as he watched society collapse, hoping in the back of his mind for another chance with her. After Drifting in the Abyss for eons, a Goddess tried to awakened his hollow soul to instil a 'system' that would 'guide' him on his journey in another world. What the Goddess didn't know was that soul was special, so special it would be her doom and salvation. This is the story of a Prince abandoned by his family for the sake of what was socially correct, to be reborn in a world of Kingdom and Empires, Swords and Magic, the Prince awakens to a system. Many may find a system a blessing in another world, but this system becomes a never ending nightmare for the prince as he desperately awaits to grow up to understand his true purpose. To create a Modern Empire with legendary and Mythological beings by his side. I am putting this novel and everything else on hold while I go through and edit everything. https://discord.gg/mXA8rghNuR Come and have a chat or ask any questions.

PhantomMedjay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
243 Chs


While laying in his bed, trying to deal with the flying bug before him and the slight throbbing headache that would come and go, Ben tried to figure out who and what the bug was because there was not anything simple about her.

"… Who are you?"


"Don't 'Mhm' me… there is something weird about you."

'There is something weird about you too!

Hey why don't you go and have your mind nearly break down without any control over your body for who knows how long and then tell me how you feel!'

"… There is a lot of anger in you, isn't there?"

'… How dare you…'

"For such a small size you erupt like a-"

'Who the hell do you think you are puppet!

I will end you!

Do you think you are anything?

You are just the shit behind my feet mortal…'

"So, so much anger in such a little bug like you"

'Die mortal die!'

Ben teased her endlessly as her outburst made him laugh and tension free from everything he had been dealing with previously.