
"You can’t blame gravity for falling in love"

Falling in love is the best feeling in this world. I know many of you think that love hurts a lot, partners are not trustworthy, they don't understand your feelings or only you love them they don't. If you feel all these negative things then please read this each and every word of it, with a practical approach. I am sure, it will help you a lot to enjoy your love rather than regretting it. This is one of the worse things that can happen to anyone, falling in love with someone you can't have.

The most challenging phase of love is when you fall in love with someone, whom you can't get or not even think of getting him/her in your life. It hurts sometimes, and you even feel very painful when you miss that person. Loving someone is not in your control, it's just a feeling and tough to get over it.

Now, it's up to you that how you take this love in your life, with a positive approach or negative approach? Having a negative approach has kept on crying for that person, who don't take you more than a friend and not even notice your tears. Another approach is to take the feeling positively and enjoy the moment to the fullest.

How to be in love when another person when another person don't love you back:

Think in a positive way:

If you think that providing tips is very easy and applying them is very difficult than just for five days try to apply these tips with a positive approach. No tips can make your life better unless you want it to be better. If you will keep sympathy with yourself and expecting same with others, you won't able to enjoy the feeling of true love.


True Love is always unconditional, then why you start expecting that the person should love you back?

you back?

If you are expecting to return the love back as much as you love him/her then it's not true love. Why can't you just love that person? Love is neither a business nor a give and takes relationship. How you can think of love when you have so many expectations. Even if he/she doesn't reply to your text messages, emails or phone calls, why you get hurt? You want to convey your feelings, and you did that. Don't ever expect that the person will respond it back otherwise it will hurt you for sure.

Don't force them to love you:

The main reason for not getting the person you love is that they don't love you or might be committed to someone else. Think once from his/her point of view, you might not be the one he/she is looking for. Everyone has their choice, and they have all rights to choose the one they find interesting and loving to them. You can never force anyone to fall in love with you.

The day you will stop crying for your love, you will start enjoying it. If you find it tough to get over the person you love then truely are being in love.

But yes, the best advice would move on. Life is short, and there is no point in waiting and falling in love with someone you can't have. Instead, find someone special, who completes you.

I wish I could really express the happiness I have found in spending time with you over the last few weeks. Getting to know you has brought a dimension to my life that it just never had before. Every time we are together, the world looks a little better and the sun shines a little brighter.

Before I met you, I had never taken much notice of flowers or dew or grass or birds. But this morning I walked outside, breathed in the crisp, spring air, sat quietly on the porch, and watched life happen. Then, when time forced me back into the real world, I arrived at work and tried to concentrate, but couldn't. When I looked at my computer screen, I saw your beautiful face and when I jotted notes, I found myself printing your name. Even when I broke for lunch, I remembered our date, the smell of your sweat hands, your perfume, your playful laugh. Everywhere I looked, I remembered you!

Since I met you, my world is coming alive. The more I get to know you the more I feel something warm and beautiful stirring within me. Is this feeling what poets have struggled to describe as love? All I know is that I feel happy and complete when I am with you. When we are apart, I am lethargic and unfocused. I find myself watching the clock as it ticks off the moments until we can be together again.

I learn something new with every conversation. I am impressed that you can easily converse about Bach one moment and French cuisine in another. I was so pleased to learn that we share a common interest in educating children. I have often wondered if I was alone in my thinking, but you confirmed that these ideas might have real merit. That's just the point: you're full of surprises--I never know what new and wonderful thing I will learn when I'm with you.

Please pardon my awkward attempt at saying how much I treasure our growing relationship. I hope you feel the same way.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that you're the kindest, most animated, and most amazing person I have ever met. The more I learn about you, the more I want to know. You're incredible! You have, in a way, changed the way I see the world. I am a better person, and I want to be an even better person, just because I have known you. I'm so glad that your love for humanity matches my own. I was serious about joining the Peace Corps, if you really want to go!

It's not just our desire to serve others, though. I love that you enjoy playing sports and spending time in the great outdoors as much as I do. I can't wait to do some hiking and backpacking together this summer. When are we going to take that trip down the Colorado that you talked about? I still can't believe you've already gone down it ten times, and yet you say that it's a new adventure each time. Well, that's how I feel every time that we go out together. Every day that I'm with you is full of bright hope and offers a new adventure.

I can't wait to see you again. I hope you know how much you're starting to mean to me. You're quickly becoming the only one for me. I hope that I will soon be the only one for you.