
"What The Hell!? I Can Extract Anything and Grow Stronger Endlessly!"

Two centuries ago, mysterious 'Monsters' emerged globally, pushing humanity to the edge of extinction. These creatures are linked to the 'Abyssal Watchtower,' a colossal 100-floor structure ruled by enigmatic Gods and Demons. A tempting message spread, urging people to "CLIMB THE TOWER" for their desires. Governments failed to stop challengers, leading to punishment by the tower's powers. People rushed into the tower seeking refuge from a collapsing world, only to discover a vast new interior. Races from different realms converged to ascend the tower at age 18, facing survival challenges and self-discovery. Two centuries later, in 2236, on the Abyssal Watchtower's Ground Floor, a female instructor guides a group of people through a portal to the tutorial floor. Among them is Ren, who reflects on his troubled past and enters the tutorial floor with excitement. Inside, he discovers his unique ability: "ENDLESS EXTRACTION & FUSION," which lets him extract anything from a target to gain abilities and combine them for greater strength. With this badass ability, Ren stands at a crossroads. How far will he rise? Will he become the hope of others and save those around him? Or will he succumb to the darkness of pleasure and transform into a monster? Join Ren in his struggling journey, where he encounters many women who captivate his heart. As he forges connections and seeks love amidst the challenges, he faces the uphill battle of realizing his dream of achieving godhood and reaching the top of the tower. Though far behind in his pursuit, Ren’s potential to reach godhood in the near future lends an air of ambition and anticipation to his story. ******************************************** Note: The main character (MC) is not a reincarnated being, and he isn't an overly malicious villain who takes pleasure in mindless killing. Therefore, his actions won't be excessively cruel. While he will have a harem, his behavior won't involve lecherous pursuits of every woman he encounters. The number of women in his harem will also be limited, with a maximum of seven, the numbers may increase if the situation demands, but still don't expect it to be too big. If you're not a fan of this type of MC and story, it might not be the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is a work of pure fantasy, so our usual common sense might not apply to this novel.

Stellar_NYX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs



"Let's get inside! I'm here for some new gear, and hey, you can select something cool too; I will pay for it, so don't worry," Ren said with an easygoing grin.

"Awesome! Thanks, Master," Luna exclaimed, her face lighting up as they entered the weapon store together.

As they entered, a pleasant sound greeted them, catching the receptionist's attention. With a friendly smile, she approached. "Welcome, dear customer! Is there something specific you're looking for?"

Ren looked around the well-lit store and responded casually, "Yes, actually. We're interested in buying a few weapons that match our preferences. Can you guide us through the selection?"

The receptionist's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as she noticed the duo's elegant attire. On the first floor, where budget constraints often ruled, it was rare for customers to opt for multiple top-tier weapons. Still, she maintained her professionalism, refraining from making any assumptions about their status.

"Absolutely! Delighted to assist. Our shop has a versatile collection of weaponry. Allow me to show you around."

With graceful gestures, she led them through various sections, providing insight into each weapon category. "Over here are the swords, ranging from swift rapiers to mighty broadswords. Swords strike a perfect balance between offense and defense, a great choice for newcomers with melee skills. They're incredibly popular these days!"

Ren hoisted a longsword, testing its weight. "Say, does a sword's balance influence how it performs? Does it impact the way you wield it?" His curiosity was evident, as he wanted to comprehend every facet of these weapons since he likes to learn them all.

The receptionist nodded, her smile warm. "Absolutely. Balance is crucial. It affects your control and maneuverability. A well-balanced sword means swifter strikes and smoother recovery."

Meanwhile, Luna explored the spears, her interest piqued. "And what about these beauties? How do they hold up in a brawl?"

With a nod towards Luna, the receptionist chimed in, "Ah, the spears! They are perfect for range and precision. They offer versatility, allowing for long-range pokes as well as strong thrusts up close."

As their exploration continued, Ren shifted his attention to the bows, pondering aloud, "Bows, huh? These seem like the go-to for keeping foes at bay, right?"

"Absolutely right!" The receptionist nodded, and with a practiced motion, she picked up a bow and effortlessly loosed an arrow onto a testing range, hitting the target dead center.

"Whoa, are you an archery master or something?" Ren quizzed, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. A simple nod was her modest response.

Pressing on, the receptionist introduced them to the world of axes. "Next up, we've got axes. They pack a punch, though they might be a tad slower than swords. Axes excel at slicing through armor and delivering heavy blows; those with high stats in strength like to use these weapons."

Luna, captivated by a pair of dual daggers, interjected, "What about these, are they all about sneaky tactics, considering their length and width?"

The receptionist's agreement was swift. "Exactly! These are daggers, perfect for quick, close combat. They're beloved by those who rely on speed and precision to swiftly overpower foes. Plus, they're compact and easy to wield."

"Though most people avoid using them, as they demand getting up close and personal, which can be tough for newcomers. But those with assassin-like skills adore these for their stealthy assaults. Daggers are their weapon of choice."

Finally, the trio reached a display case showcasing the cream of the crop. The receptionist gestured toward them. "Now, this is our premium selection. On this floor, we carry weapons up to the E+ rank, which is the highest available. However, this floor limits anyone from using any item or weapon higher than D(+) rank. But since their prices are very high, no shops sell them on this floor, including us."

Ren's curiosity was piqued by the hierarchy. "Care to explain these ranks and the (+) or (-) markings?"

A genial smile accompanied the receptionist's explanation. "Certainly! Weapons are ranked from G to SSS, divided into low(-), mid(), and high(+) tiers. Higher-ranked weapons outperform their counterparts, reflecting superior craftsmanship. They can even confer stat boosts and unique skills, enhancing the wielder's strength."

"One more thing," she continued. "Anything below S rank usually lacks auto-repair features, unless they're luxury items resembling attire, oddly enough. Even in the S rank, those features are quite rare." Satisfied with the insight, both of them nodded in understanding like attentive students.

While admiring the weapons displayed behind glass, Luna's gaze fixed on a set of E(+) rank gauntlets. She picked them up, gauging their weight and design. "I've got my eyes on these gauntlets. They look cool, right, Master? I will take them."

"Hmm, alright, you can have them if you like." Ren agreed and then asked the receptionist. "I want to learn different weapons. So can you help me choose one of each type? They don't need to be ranked, just regular ones." The receptionist smiled and assisted him in selecting a variety of weapons from the store.

"Wow, all of these weapons look really good, even if they're not ranked. Now, can you please give me a hundred G rank daggers?" Ren's request raised eyebrows; never before had someone on the first floor purchased such an arsenal in one go.

A note of concern tinged the receptionist's voice. "Um, are you sure about this? I mean, you probably can afford it, but wouldn't it be a waste of money?"

With a chuckle, Ren assured her. "No worries, I'm not planning to launch a weapon store with these. Just trust me on this. Oh, and do you have a space ring?" A tinge of seriousness underscored his query, given the necessity of a handy storage solution for the impending haul.

"Well, we do have one—a D(+) rank space ring. Normally, you'd find those on the 7th floor, and we lucked out with this one. Though, I should mention, it's very pricey as its rank is high," the receptionist explained with a hint of nervousness.

"Don't sweat the cost. Money's not the issue. My guild's got me covered," Ren lied confidently. Although he didn't belong to any guild, saying so would make him seem like one of the wealthy players from a big guild.

At the mention of "guild," the receptionist nodded knowingly, collecting all the requested items. Internally, she mused, "They're likely from a major guild. But hey, who am I to judge their buying spree? My role is selling, and that's that. Job's rules prevent me from prying into personal matters anyway."

**********(TO BE CONTINUED)**********